But Ive read in certain places that Tai Chi and Qigong and Iron Body training can actually SHORTEN your life rather then extend it. I remember the founder of Kyokushin Mas Oyama dieing very early from lung cancer even though he didnt smoke. I also remember some Kyokushin fighter who was in PRIDE who also is now dead.
If you have a bowel movement it can kill you too.
During defecation, the thoracic
blood pressure rises,
[1] and as a reflex response the amount of blood pumped by the heart decreases. Death has been known to occur in cases where defecation causes the blood pressure to rise enough to cause the rupture of an
aneurysm or to dislodge
blood clots (see
thrombosis). Also, in terminating the Valsalva maneuver, blood pressure falls; this, often coupled with standing up quickly to leave the toilet, results in a common incidence of
Did I scare the Shi* out of you or what hehe.
If you train incorrectly yes you can damage yourself. It's common sense really but you know people don't have that these days.
Lung cancer can come from many different ways so just because you do not smoke does not mean you are *ahem immune to lung cancer.
I was even told by Dr Ming of the YMAA that i should reconsider wanting to train in Iron Shirt or anything like that because it had damaging affects. He said that only some students are handpicked to study iron body with him.
Hehe Dr. Ming. I am unsure how much Dr.Ming hehe or Dr. Jwing Ming Yang studied Iron shirt I know he has written about the subject but writing about it and teaching it well thats two different things. Yes Iron Shirt can have damaging effects common sense really.
Also if you are not very healthy,do not know the theory of what you are doing then yes you should reconsider Iron Shirt.
Just because YOU THINK YOU should does not mean you should. Just because you have a dvd that shows you doesn't mean you should learn that way.
I really think Dr.Jwing Ming Yang thought you were not the correct student at this time to learn this type of training.
I imagine the students he picks are students he feels can understand the training theory and not get hurt.
Someone Also wrote an article on how TaiChi the way you breath if you mess it up can change your body and cause damaging effects.
If you are damaging yourself thru natural breathing it is no longer natural breathing.
I just want some helpful advice on the facts about Internal arts and arts like Iron Body or Hard Body training.
My advice is to find a qualified teacher. Learn theory. But I am unsure if being so determined to learn this is good for you. Not everybody body is fit to
study Iron Shirt. A qualified teacher can determine that. It is possible Dr. Jwing Ming Yang saw something that made him say what he said(I am sure he can determine if a student is ready or not to study this) Think about his words. There may be truth in them.
Perhaps studying a different Qigong style with him that he recommends may be more benefit than studying Iron Body. Maybe studying what he says with him
may build a foundation for your Iron Shirt. But its not up to you its up to the teacher.
I've read that reverse breathing is also harmful if it becomes your normal way of breathing, but it has its uses. (sorry, my books are at home, so I can't attribute the source) Of course, forcing it is always wrong, but I guess that approach appeals to the student who believes that results only come from forceful effort. Too bad.
Reverse breathing brings a stronger pull than normal breathing. When you push an object it is natural to do reverse breathing to give extra power.
When you do Reverse it is easier to direct Qi to the Hui Yin and the Spine completing Small circulation. Looking at reverse breathing how the Inhale "Pull" sucks inwards and the exhale pushes out. In a martial context you can see the power of the Reverse breathing. You do not want this to be your natural way to breathe.
I think it will cause tension in the Middle Jiao because to do reverse breathing you should be very relaxed and in control of the muscles.
If you do Reverse breathing with out sinking and relaxing the Diaphragm you will have tension.
Reverse breathing is artifical and it has its function. Think of it as a bellow generating heat.
By the way in Chapter 14 of the Pao pu tzu where Ko Hung talks about traveling thru the mountains and is talking about the Ling Pao talisman.
The phrases Rin (臨

, Pyō (兵

, Tō (闘

, Sha (者

, Kai (皆

, Jin (陣

, Retsu (列

, Zai (在

, Zen (前

. Is found. There was speculation this orginally came from India
it may have but it is interesting that Ko Hung knew of this in 320 A.D. It is my speculation that 1.The Ling Pao some how got a hold of it some how tracing it back to India. 2. The Ling Pao created it(It shares alot of common traits with other Taoist prayers of the time) 3.Ko Hung created it based on either the Ling Pao or somewhere else.
Anyway that was more for Xue