Why Wouldn't A Good Athlete Be Good In The Martial Arts

In post #70 I meant to say I was a competitive swimmer for nine years, I did nine years of competitive swimming and three years of equestrian.

From what I remember about equestrian yes you do sense your horse of course, it's all about bonding with the horse. Yes it can be brought over to martial arts practice, particularly for arts such as judo and jiu jitsu.
On swimming , or at least the concept of it, once a well kept secret within chinese internal martial arts, a method only to be passed to inner door disciples
Im not much of a rider, but from my small experience, I don’t see much that would translate into MA. For a serious rider, some athleticism and good inner leg strength (probably helping with wider and lower stances, for instance), as well as some core strength and stability. But the movement and balance seem dramatically different, so I don’t think much would translate there.
Nerve really thought of it in those terms but I have ridden enough to believe the overall body strength and balance usually gained from training would help.
But far and away, being comfortable and relaxed around a horse trumps everything. They can sense fear faster than most animals, and it will really show when tepidly trying to interact with one.
I never was much for riding them, but have been around livestock all my life so I am comfortable around them.
I cant see Dimitri bivol from my location, I don’t even know who he is.
Can you explain shortly what the vid about ?

A few boxers have used underwater training as a supplementary workout, but it’s not a mainstream method. Was curious if you had heard of this.

"The density of water makes any motion you make underwater more challenging since you constantly have to fight against the resistance of the water. For example, it’s impossible to run across the sides of a pool as fast as you would on land when most of your body is underwater. Regardless of how hard you try, your movements will use up more energy while being significantly slower than they would be on land.

This makes underwater training an essential part of training any striking-based martial art. It allows you to practice all of your techniques while dealing with constant resistance. As a result, your muscle endurance, speed, and explosive power increase. "

your thoughts are on it, if you had.
If you felt there might be any correlation to what CMC talked about—practicing Taiji like swimming on land?
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A few boxers have used underwater training as a supplementary workout, but it’s not a mainstream method. Was curious if you had heard of this.

"The density of water makes any motion you make underwater more challenging since you constantly have to fight against the resistance of the water. For example, it’s impossible to run across the sides of a pool as fast as you would on land when most of your body is underwater. Regardless of how hard you try, your movements will use up more energy while being significantly slower than they would be on land.

This makes underwater training an essential part of training any striking-based martial art. It allows you to practice all of your techniques while dealing with constant resistance. As a result, your muscle endurance, speed, and explosive power increase. "

your thoughts are on it, if you had.
If you felt there might be any correlation to what CMC talked about—practicing Taiji like swimming on land?
There's more involved than just added resistance, though. The added bouyancy changes a lot of the biomechanics. You can't anchor the same way standing neck-deep in water that you can when on land. Even waist-deep, part of the challenge of running is that you simply cannot push forward with as much force.
A few boxers have used underwater training as a supplementary workout, but it’s not a mainstream method. Was curious if you had heard of this.

"The density of water makes any motion you make underwater more challenging since you constantly have to fight against the resistance of the water. For example, it’s impossible to run across the sides of a pool as fast as you would on land when most of your body is underwater. Regardless of how hard you try, your movements will use up more energy while being significantly slower than they would be on land.

This makes underwater training an essential part of training any striking-based martial art. It allows you to practice all of your techniques while dealing with constant resistance. As a result, your muscle endurance, speed, and explosive power increase. "

your thoughts are on it, if you had.
If you felt there might be any correlation to what CMC talked about—practicing Taiji like swimming on land?
Yes the constant ”pressure”, would in Taiji practice be thought as omnipresent “pressure”, however in Taiji it’s the visualization of this medium that makes the trick.
But going for a regular swim now and then wouldn’t hurt I’ll guess, actually a colleague of mine studied some ZMQ Taiji in Taiwan and his teacher told him that he supplemented his Taiji with regular swimming
Yes the constant ”pressure”, would in Taiji practice be thought as omnipresent “pressure”, however in Taiji it’s the visualization of this medium that makes the trick.
But going for a regular swim now and then wouldn’t hurt I’ll guess, actually a colleague of mine studied some ZMQ Taiji in Taiwan and his teacher told him that he supplemented his Taiji with regular swimming

Wouldn’t characterize it purely as a visualization—it's more of an embodied feeling experienced during practice.

Robert Chuckrow’s article Why Practice “Swimming on Land”

provides an in-depth explanation of what he believes his teacher, Zheng Manqing (ZMC), was referring to.
However, I feel he may have missed part of the point.

Rather than just a conceptual exercise,
I see it as an expression of ZhĂČngxÄ«n (重濃), or center of gravity, within the practice itself.
So how would hating ball games cause you to excel in the martial arts?
I just found something I do well. I'm sure that that others would do as well if they put the same effort into as I have over the years as a professional. My rugby coach was a bully and seemed to enjoy kicking people in the back what with that and watching balls fly around I just find it boring.
So what would you like to know about swimming? I was a competitive swimmer myself.
Nothing about swimming in particular. Was interested in peoples insights into training in the water, specifically the Taijiquan guys here. We swim everyday for half the year and I train in water during that time. Props on being a competitive swimmer btw.