I always had a love for all things Japanese and anime related. A friend of mine, the summer before our 10th grade of high school, told me she found someone who taught sword and that I should come to the weekly Saturday morning lessons with her. I was super excited! So we started learning Iaido in a small class of 5 all summer every Saturday morning at 9am (which for a high schooler is pretty early for a weekend wake up, haha, but I did it anyway!)
Fast forward to the end of the summer. We were training at a local karate dojo, and after our class ended, the karate classes for Saturday always started. Well we had some mutual friends in that class, and one of those friends convinced me to stay and try out the karate classes finally right around the time school was starting back up. I tried out a class and was immediately hooked, so I got my parents to sign me up for that as well.
I did Iaido and Karate all through high school, and competed in every tournament I could get my hands on. (tournaments were like a drug, I got such a high out of competing back then!) I got a total of 33 trophies from my high school days

But I haven't competed since then

(we'll get back to this thought later in this monologue...)
I went off to college at the end of 2003 (I grew up on Long Island, went to college off near Chicago in northwest Indiana), but kept up my studies since one of my best friends also was the same rank as me in that style and we went to college away together, so we practiced regularly together so we could continue belting. December of 2004 I got my sho-dan in karate (with my friend).
Contined working hard at college, taught some basics as part of the intramural program to those interested in martial arts at the university. Graduated in 2006 and then stayed in Northwest Indiana after graduating since I got a job out there. In October of 2007 I decided it was time to find a dojo out there, and visited and loved the local Tae Kwon Do school. Enrolled there and by May of 2009 I received my 1st degree black in Tae Kwon Do. Through a partnering school we also taught Small Circle Jujitsu at the same school, so I studied that and got up to purple belt.
In July of 2010 I was relocated for work to California (just south of San Francisco). Took me a little while to get settled in but in January of this year I finally went out and visited a bunch of different schools. The school I fell in love with and joined in February 2011 was a kenpo karate school in South San Francisco. In addition to being fascinated with kenpo when I took one of the free trial classes, I also was really drawn in by the school because I learned the main instructor was also an iaido instructor. So I just knew this was where I was meant to be.
So I started because of my fascination with Japanese culture, but I stayed with it because it was just so intriguing to me and I loved the physical and mental fitness that came with it.
I haven't competed since 2003, so I've never competed as an adult or a black belt, but that's my goal for this year! I'm hoping to compete for the first time in 8 years at a tournament that's coming up in June out here.