why was this person banned?

Sad that such extremism can't be controlled from within to allow others a respectful leeway to their beliefs while clinging to their own.
I've known hard-core hard-line "born-again" christians like him and there's no flexibility in them at all.
Always hated that narrow "Christ's way (read: MY way) or Hell's way" attitude.
Wish him well. In his journey.
the ol Jesus talk got ya'll upset? I know ya'll have rules, but i just wanna ask something real quick, why is it that Christians are so compelled to spread the Gospel, but no other "religion" has this motivation? STILL, the Bible explains that Jesus is UNSEEN.
Josh said:
the ol Jesus talk got ya'll upset? I know ya'll have rules, but i just wanna ask something real quick, why is it that Christians are so compelled to spread the Gospel, but no other "religion" has this motivation? STILL, the Bible explains that Jesus is UNSEEN.
It isn't just Christians that could be inflexible. There are others that can be just as dogmatic about what they believe. If tolerance and a willingness to listen to others views is absent, then it can be a problem.

- Ceicei
Josh said:
the ol Jesus talk got ya'll upset? I know ya'll have rules, but i just wanna ask something real quick, why is it that Christians are so compelled to spread the Gospel, but no other "religion" has this motivation? STILL, the Bible explains that Jesus is UNSEEN.
What, to you, constitutes what you call "ol Jesus talk"?

Why do you think other religions do not spread their own Gospels?

And I have no idea what you were trying to say with your last statement, but OK.
Josh, it wasn't the "ol Jesus" talk as you put it.

It was continued disrespect for members of this board that didn't agree with his narrow world view.
It was violation of our hate-speech guidelines.
It was flagrent disrespect for our moderation staff.

Our rules clearly state "A member who is rude, excessively negative, or disruptive may receive a warning or may be suspended or banned immediately."
- He was all 3, constantly.

"Any abuse directed at our all-volunteer moderation/administration team, including defying the moderators/administrators to suspend or ban a member, may result in an immediate suspension or ban."
- This was done, repeatedly.

"Hate speech is not allowed. Posts that contain material that is racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted, or otherwise offensive, are not allowed."
- This was violated, repeatedly as well.

I have a number of Christian friends, 1 of whom is a minister. I showed several of them those postings. They were quite offended by the amount of bigotry and venom contained within them.

MartialTalk is for many types of discussion. Our primary focus is on the Martial.
It is not a vehicle for missionary work.

A discussion of the need of various religions to "spread the word" or otherwise seek new converts and the methods used is best discussed within the Study.
Kaith Rustaz said:
Our rules clearly state "A member who is rude, excessively negative, or disruptive may receive a warning or may be suspended or banned immediately."
- He was all 3, constantly.

"Hate speech is not allowed. Posts that contain material that is racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted, or otherwise offensive, are not allowed."

Sorry to hijack this thread, Bob, but how does this "hate language" clause relate to the excessive politcal riggamorole in the Study?

It all depends on the wording. There have probably been a number of posts that walked the fine line, if not crossed it, but they weren't reported or seen as such.
Kaith Rustaz said:
I have a number of Christian friends, 1 of whom is a minister. I showed several of them those postings. They were quite offended by the amount of bigotry and venom contained within them.

I have a number of Christian Friends as well. Some of them on this board. :) They also found this and other posts objecionable and hate filled and full of bigotry. My minister friend(s) have also seen some of these comments and shake their heads, and wonder who people can get so far down a line of thought to not see, and find them upsetting as well. And those friends of mine are from multiple denominations.

As to the politcal, there were some things let slide as people did not complain, There were some things that were removed, and others that were complained about and then removed.

Hello, It is nice to have a site that treats everyone equal. It is also nice not to have wrong,negative,words here. Controls are needed. Please keep up the good work. I am also a recreation shoreline fisherman, the "Ulua" site is terrible sometimes ,with the terrible language used. NO Controls on this site. Lets stay positive.....? Aloha
Not that I want to go digging up ancient history around here, but since someone else already started this thread, I too now just have to ask about someone. What did Kodanjaclay do to get himself banned?

(If for any reason you feel this shouldn't be brought up publicly just say so, and I'll consider the matter dropped.)
You're trolling again. You have advanced your Fundamentalist Christian agenda many times on many different forums. I think it was quite obvious to everyone, including you, why Parmandjack was banned. You can try all you like to hide behind an "aw shucks" demeanor but, many of us have seen you before and know your game. Cut the crap and stop wasting bandwidth.

Oh yeah, you said in the post that started this thread:

" STILL, the Bible explains that Jesus is UNSEEN."

Try being a little more Christ like.
Zepp said:
Not that I want to go digging up ancient history around here, but since someone else already started this thread, I too now just have to ask about someone. What did Kodanjaclay do to get himself banned?

(If for any reason you feel this shouldn't be brought up publicly just say so, and I'll consider the matter dropped.)
If you really want the answer to that, hit me up offline. I will not post it publicly.
In reading the responses, I obviously have missed out on something that is near and dear to my heart, my Christian faith and those who profess to be Christians and beat up on everyone who does not see it their way.

I am a married Priest and pastor. It is my policy not to be judgmental or hostile to others who do not believe as I do. Tolerance and love without judgment is for me the best way to show who and what I am.

No one faith owns God. Those who think that they have God locked up in their back pocket are in for a rude awakening.

Get along with each other, it makes for less stress and it certainly makes God smile.
when you kick someone off do you send them a pm and tell them why? Just curious. i don't plan on being booted, im curious thats it.
In most cases, an admin will email the person being banned to inform them about it and why. In the case of a suspension, we will usually send a PM outlining why and how long.