Flying Crane said:
No Phil, you are missing the point. being misguided and mistaken is not evil. It is being misguided and mistaken, plain and simple.
A pacifist movement would hope that ALL would disarm and stop killing each other, not just one to be left defenseless. Realistic? Probably not. A nice idea? Sure. Evil? Nope.
So....then their just stupid?
See, I don't buy it. Sure, there may be individual people who are misguided and who belong to the group, but I don't think that fits the group as a whole, and I especially don't think that fits it's group leaders and writers. I think they have well thought philosophies that I simply don't agree with.
I used the example of the KKK to prove a point that I don't think your seeing. That is that if a group is morally or ethically wrong and intends to lobby our government and society to make their ideas more of the "norm," then speaking up against their ideas and policies is THE RIGHT THING TO DO. So, I don't understand why it wouldn't be O.K. to speak up against the group if one believes them to be morally wrong, by your (and others) standards, with the exception that this is a happy hippy "buddhist" group promoting "peace."
And as to this notion...
Yes, how dare they want everyone to stop killing each other, those evil little buggers.
That is the problem. Because the group supposedly is promoting "peace" then they must be a good group that we shouldn't worry about. However, if this is the same type of group that would lobby for someone to go to jail for the rest of their life because they shot someone in self-defense, for example, then we absolutely should "worry" about them.
Just because they claim to promote "peace" that doesn't mean speaking out against them means that you don't promote peace. I am an advocate for peace myself, and I think most rational people are. I just don't think giving up our civil liberties or that ignoring the realities of self-defense is going to get us there.
Careful, Andrew...there was this one guy, went around telling everyone how great it would be if we all just stopped fighting and started being nice to each other, how much greater the world would be. Got nailed to a tree for His troubles.
Dude, you can't be serious!?
Well, as far as religion goes, I don't recall most sects of Buddhism that I have studied or Christianity for that matter advocating government forced pilfering of our civil liberties for the sake of a "common good." I do recall both Buddhism and Christianity philosophically supporting individualism and personal choice, issues that this particular groups seems to have overlooked. You remember, "personal relationship with Christ" and "The way to enlightenment is solitude," and all that jazz? Guess I could be wrong...
"If you meet the Buddha on the road, Kill him." - Zen Koan