This group boasted the presence of Cindy Sheehan at one of its rallies (at which Sheehan and members of the group were arrested). Cindy Sheehan is someone whose name is a household word. The group puts out a regular publication that I found in a small bookstore in Upstate New York, about as far removed from Berkeley, California, as you're going to get in the United States. The group even has a chapter in the city where I work. I'd call that representative of a fair amount of political influence compared to other organizations.
This kind of essay really does give the impression that Phil just has a tremendous amount of hatred and fear for anyone who is ideologically different from him.
No, it really doesn't. This kind of essay
should give the impression that I despise pacifism because I believe it to be self-destructive and therefore harmful to humanity. This "hatred" and "fear" business is you projecting your own suppositions onto me. I would appreciate it if you'd stop doing that because it's really very annoying.
One of the greatest lessons he might have to learn one day is that most of the world does not run the way he would like it to,
No, the world isn't rational, the world isn't reasonable, and the society in which I live places increasing emphasis on victims over victors, equating self-defense with immorality and marginalizing those who understand its place in a dynamic, assertive, and
full life. This is a lesson I learned a long time ago when I first starting having arguments like this. It comes as no surprise to me.
and that isn't going to change.
It probably won't; those with your attitude outnumber those with mine. I believe, however, that some battles are worth fighting, even if they cannot be won -- because at the end of the day I have to live with myself and I can't do that if I haven't exerted the fullest effort possible to do what is
He pushes his views as thoughts on "self defense" and "National Defense",
I don't "push" my views on anyone. I don't see anyone with a gun to your head demanding, "Read Phil Elmore's opinions! Read! Read now or else!" You are free to dismiss anything I write; you are free never to open a single thread I start; you are free never to post in response. In a medium that is entirely text-based, it is impossible for me to "push" anything on anyone.
I have chosen to write in the field of self-defense because it is important to me. There are many reasons this is so, first and foremost because I believe strongly in the sanctity and the sovereignty of the individual and in individual rights. Quite honestly, however, I also really
enjoy the martial arts. I enjoy training. I enjoy learning new things. I enjoy increasing my skill base, becoming more prepared, becoming more broadly competent. I also enjoy sharing what I know and what I've learned and I am blessed with skill where writing is concerned. I do this for my own enjoyment, when you come right down to it. It wouldn't be worth it if it wasn't, ultimately, gratifying in many ways.
but perhaps he is the dangerous wolf in sheep's clothing.
I am dangerous to no one. Wait, no, that's not true -- I'm dangerous to people who aren't secure or confident in what they believe. I threaten them, as do my opinions. I'm dangerous to the watering down of "martial" arts in favor of commercial or ideological concerns. I'm dangerous to popular cultural trends that support this. So, yes, in that sense alone, I am dangerous. This is fair and understandable.
I am no danger to anyone physically. It is extremely insulting for you to claim this. Unfortunately, those right of center must often contend with this claim from those left of center.
He preaches hatred, fear and paranoia,
I preach rationality, awareness, and preparation. There's a difference.
and I think it is just really misplaced and inappropriate, and even dangerous.
You are wrong -- and you are projecting your
feelings onto me.