Uh...you folks DO know that this is explicitly a liberal Christian website? That it attacks a lot of the conservative/right-wing fantasies, and explicitly says that a lot of this stuff comes out of an, "ideology of anxiety," which is kinda my point?
However, it simply repeats pretty much the same old same old stuff about libs and lefties we've all heard a thousand times.
To take one example:the article cited explicitly claims that libs/leftists are, "fundamentalists," who, "hate themselves," and that there is, "a sinister aspect," to their view of the world. To prove this, they mention a couple of conversations in Berkeley. Nowhere are any of the thousands of books, articles, discussions, etc., that libs and lefties write. Same old same old: I don't really want to know what I'm talking about, I'm not gonna find out, I just want to repeat the same stuff back...
Why the endless caricatures?
And as for the, "moral relativism," bit, what would be more morally relativistic than a President who spent most of his early life screwing around, then became a born-again? who claims Christian values, but who lied to get us into a war we apparently didn't need to be in? who didn't serve, but who had the barefaced gall to build his campaign around attacking his opponent for his service? Or--what's more morally relativistic--the argument that morality is built up by human beings as a social contract (which is kinda what our laws say anyway), or Henry Kissinger's Realpolitik?
And what are folks so WORRIED about, that they have to accuse everybody who doesn't agree with them of being immoral, of being traitorous, of being unrealistic?
I liked the Blind Chihuahua. The attempt at trashing everybody was nice to see. It's hard to argue that the indictment of the silly way leftists sometimes talk and behave is wrong--because it's not. But it's just a gussied-up version of the Same Old Stuff.
Oh yes. Michael, in answer to your question, when I turn on the radio and TV and hear people--daily--screaming that anybody who believes anything like what I believe is a traitor, or screaming that people like me (you know...teachers) are the root of all evil in American society, or screaming that we oughta just wipe out everybody who disagrees with them, or screaming that teaching evolution is the Devil's work, yes, I get a little bothered. And when I see the same from the libs and lefties--screaming that YOU'RE a traitor, screaming that YOU oughta be fired, screaming that YOU are the whole prob with the country, screaming that YOU are morally corrupt, why then, you too will have some solid ground for worrying.
But basically I worry about bills more.
However, it simply repeats pretty much the same old same old stuff about libs and lefties we've all heard a thousand times.
To take one example:the article cited explicitly claims that libs/leftists are, "fundamentalists," who, "hate themselves," and that there is, "a sinister aspect," to their view of the world. To prove this, they mention a couple of conversations in Berkeley. Nowhere are any of the thousands of books, articles, discussions, etc., that libs and lefties write. Same old same old: I don't really want to know what I'm talking about, I'm not gonna find out, I just want to repeat the same stuff back...
Why the endless caricatures?
And as for the, "moral relativism," bit, what would be more morally relativistic than a President who spent most of his early life screwing around, then became a born-again? who claims Christian values, but who lied to get us into a war we apparently didn't need to be in? who didn't serve, but who had the barefaced gall to build his campaign around attacking his opponent for his service? Or--what's more morally relativistic--the argument that morality is built up by human beings as a social contract (which is kinda what our laws say anyway), or Henry Kissinger's Realpolitik?
And what are folks so WORRIED about, that they have to accuse everybody who doesn't agree with them of being immoral, of being traitorous, of being unrealistic?
I liked the Blind Chihuahua. The attempt at trashing everybody was nice to see. It's hard to argue that the indictment of the silly way leftists sometimes talk and behave is wrong--because it's not. But it's just a gussied-up version of the Same Old Stuff.
Oh yes. Michael, in answer to your question, when I turn on the radio and TV and hear people--daily--screaming that anybody who believes anything like what I believe is a traitor, or screaming that people like me (you know...teachers) are the root of all evil in American society, or screaming that we oughta just wipe out everybody who disagrees with them, or screaming that teaching evolution is the Devil's work, yes, I get a little bothered. And when I see the same from the libs and lefties--screaming that YOU'RE a traitor, screaming that YOU oughta be fired, screaming that YOU are the whole prob with the country, screaming that YOU are morally corrupt, why then, you too will have some solid ground for worrying.
But basically I worry about bills more.