Why is their so much disrespect for Karate? And what can we do to stop it?


White Belt
Feb 16, 2018
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I've been practicing karate for some time now and I was wondering why there's so much disrespect for this martial art. I dont understand that I cant talk about Karate casually without getting that awkward look. I mean people practice wrestling and their practically praised for it. I mean I'll be in a group setting and someone will ask "So play any sports?" I dont wanna say anything because when I do I get that awkward look, but then again I dont wanna lie
What can we do about it? Absoloutely nothing and frankly who cares.

If people have that opinion that's up to them. And you get an awkward look...um okay but really why do you need to talk about it to non martial artists I very rarely mention what I do.

Don't worry about people's opinions they're entitled to their opinion just as you are
The "disrespect" towards Karate stems from two main things.

1) The overall quality of Karate has declined, especially in the US. People with poor skill representing any art makes the art itself look bad. One of the major factors that contributed to the decline was the influx in Karate's popularity.

2) The untrained and even those that train in other arts can be ignorant. They base their opinions on inaccurate information and the biased opinions of others.

I've found myself in situations where my friends(untrained) know I train in martial arts and they give me their opinion on it. I try and clear up any misconceptions that they may have at the same time acknowledging the poor representation. I don't bring it up in conversations, but there are times people find out I train. My advice would be to not be ashamed, don't bring it up but know how to clear up misconceptions. George St Pierre, Lyoto Machida, Chuck Liddell and many other Pro fighters have karate backgrounds and utilize it in their fights.
When someone asked me, "Do you still do that chop chop stuff?" I knew that person has no respect to MA. In other words, that person won't deserve even 1 minute of my time. I still remembered that when my teacher tried to ignore somebody. He just said, "He is not one of us."
why do you need to talk about it to non martial artists I very rarely mention what I do.

Bruises, black eyes and running into training partners in social settings are all scenarios I've encountered that make it impossible to keep it a secret. I've even had friends flat out ask me if I have trained in anything.
Because I mean
Bruises, black eyes and running into training partners in social settings are all scenarios I've encountered that make it impossible to keep it a secret. I've even had friends flat out ask me if I have trained in anything.
How do you explain to these people? I find it difficult to explain sometimes
When someone asked me, "Do you still do that chop chop stuff?" I knew that person has no respect to MA. In other words, that person won't deserve even 1 minute of my time. I still remembered that when my teacher tried to ignore somebody. He just said, "He is not one of us."
Its sad that we live in a world that can openly insult a martial artist like that. Just the whole bs about the crane move and the shouting in stuff when someone has to says they practice MA
Bruises, black eyes and running into training partners in social settings are all scenarios I've encountered that make it impossible to keep it a secret. I've even had friends flat out ask me if I have trained in anything.
Well if they ask sure but that's it....also if you run into training partners you don't need to explain anything....as they already know
Its sad that we live in a world that can openly insult a martial artist like that. Just the whole bs about the crane move and the shouting in stuff when someone has to says they practice MA
As I said before let them who cares the opinion of a few people means nothing to me. I think footballs stupid but that's my opinion everyone's allowed one
Its sad that we live in a world that can openly insult a martial artist like that. Just the whole bs about the crane move and the shouting in stuff when someone has to says they practice MA

If that's all you have to worry about then you live a charmed life. No one has a right to 'respect', it's earnt. With so much going on in the world that we should be sorting out no one cares if someone is making silly comments about martial arts. We aren't 'special' just because we do martial arts.

If martial artists are getting so many black eyes and bruises that people are commenting then perhaps it's time they learnt to spar properly.
What do you mean by disrespect? Can you give an example?
I did notice you profile says your 16 years old. I think that's the problem right there. It's not about you, it's not about karate. It's the fact that your judging the world by a small group of immature boys. This is what teenage guys do they mock and ridicule everything they themselves don't do.
Here is the advise,,,don't talk about karate. It's a no win situation. I know that sucks because your enthusiastic about it but outside the dojo no one will care and no one will understand. That's just the way it is and it's not just karate it's a lot of different hobbies.
I've been practicing karate for some time now and I was wondering why there's so much disrespect for this martial art. I dont understand that I cant talk about Karate casually without getting that awkward look. I mean people practice wrestling and their practically praised for it. I mean I'll be in a group setting and someone will ask "So play any sports?" I dont wanna say anything because when I do I get that awkward look, but then again I dont wanna lie
Welcome to MT!

I haven't read the whole thread yet, but I'm guessing from your OP that you're in high school. At that age (and the ages immediately preceding it) kids tend to make fun of things that are unusual, unless they arbitrarily decide those things are cool. I didn't talk about my MA training except with friends when I was in school for that reason. Adult life (at least, when you're around adults who bother to grow up) is different. I get a lot of respectful and curious questions when folks find out I train MA.
Because I mean

How do you explain to these people? I find it difficult to explain sometimes
I just tell the story of the injury. I go ahead and geek out about the fun of it. People usually either get that, or don't and think it's funny that I think it's fun. I'm good with either reaction.
I've been practicing karate for some time now and I was wondering why there's so much disrespect for this martial art. I dont understand that I cant talk about Karate casually without getting that awkward look. I mean people practice wrestling and their practically praised for it. I mean I'll be in a group setting and someone will ask "So play any sports?" I dont wanna say anything because when I do I get that awkward look, but then again I dont wanna lie

G'day! Yeah what these guys said, people will have judgements, and it's not unique to karate. If you feel awkward about their judgements then part of you believes that a) judgement is real, and b) that you can attacked/hurt (by judgement). So it brings up moreso your feelings about martial arts, and also how you're viewed by others. So good opportunity to let go of what other people think about you :). Only the belief in judgement causes the reaction within you, but its basis isn't upheld on anything true.

I've honestly had mixed reactions if it ever comes up that I do karate. I'll either get the "Hawaaaahhyaaaaa", "What belt are you?", or "Ohh that's sooo cool!"

To try to change other people's opinions is pointless, and not worth the energy. You can express yourself without fear of judgement, but generally I don't bring it up unless asked, and even then I just explain what it's about if they're interested. No need to lie, and the courage to simply speak about what you do may take time, but it's about a confidence in what you do and letting go of any guilt or doubt about yourself, and honestly not caring about the fleeting 3 and a half second judgements and opinions around.
i should add if your looking for people to talk to about karate.....well here we are:)
I've been practicing karate for some time now and I was wondering why there's so much disrespect for this martial art. I dont understand that I cant talk about Karate casually without getting that awkward look. I mean people practice wrestling and their practically praised for it. I mean I'll be in a group setting and someone will ask "So play any sports?" I dont wanna say anything because when I do I get that awkward look, but then again I dont wanna lie

Be proud of your training, no reason to hide what you work hard at.

When people purposely disrespect it...treat their comments as what they are....dumb and moronic
Never let the opinion of dumbasses affect you.
Why're they dumb? Because they don't like karate....that's not dumb that's just opinion. I don't like football doesn't make me dumb its just opinions. Everyone's allowed one
Do you disrespect those who do and make assumptions on them based on ignorance of them and the sport?

I don't like Ice Hockey but I would be a dumbass for disrespecting a Hockey player's ability to play it.
What disrespect the op has stated literally nothing disrespectful happening to him. He said they gave him "an awkward look" whatever that is and not disrespectful at all.