It's a tough subject to talk about because it is deeply emotional for many.
It shows a basic dichotomy in some forms of belief. For example, the basic belief in the rights of women, versus the basic belief in leaving other cultures which practice the subjugation of women, alone. I'm not picking on the Left here, but this is low-hanging fruit. I'm sure the Right has theirs as well. The Left tends to think we should stay out of the Middle East; but many cultures in the Middle East do unpleasant things to women, rape is an accepted practice, some practice female genital mutilation (it's a culture thing, not an Islamic thing, for my hair-trigger GOP friends), and so on. It often leaves people in a very uncomfortable position where they have to support one belief and pretend the other doesn't exist.
In the case of abortion, those who support a woman's right to choose regardless of reason or circumstances must also accept that this may mean some choose not to give birth to (less-valued depending on culture) females. It's hard to support the right to choose AND be against intentional selection against females.
Every choice has consequences. Some of them are less than desirable for all concerned. Leave the Middle East to their own devices? Sure. And accept that the rape of girls and women is acceptable there. Support on-demand free abortions? Sure, and accept that some families will choose to abort a fetus that does not meet their desired criteria, such as being healthy, or male, or smart, or athletic, or etc, etc.
Every rose has it's thorns, to quote (yuck) Axl Rose.