Why I hate Hollywood

Actors themselves are a few things:

1. Pupils and mimes of the human condition. If you don't like what you see them portraying ... maybe it's time to stop and take stock.

2. Hugely overpaid so they may be what we expect them to be and more. If you're buying tickets to see movies or renting them or whatever, quit bitching about actors - this is their job. If that's not the entertainment you need, go see a pro sports game ... where druggies and rapists put a uniform on and get played to play ball. No corruption there, nu-uh.

3. Slave to the directorial process and script. Well-paid actors take direction well, so they may act a scene out of sync with what they believe or even act a scene they don't believe in because it's their job. Ya know that whole "hate the war, love the soldier" thing? Applies here too.

4. Not responsible for the direction of the country. Brangelina is not the president, didn't write policy, didn't veto that bill, didn't appoint that crappy justice, didn't successfully hide his own affair while impeaching a president for one.

Ya know ... perhaps you need to hear the news as it goes to Australia ... I hear it's quite different than what Dan Rather used to report.

The ugly truth is this - right now, your government is doing things you think only other countries do.
I know a United States Marine. We were talking once and the subject came up about people vocalizing dissent for this war effort. He told me that he did not agree with what they are saying. He said that they were crybabies, and he laughed. Then, he told me that he as a Marine was ready to shoot and to kill to preserve that right that they enjoyed.

This man counts, because he is a Marine. You see, its no joke to him. He is very serious. He was not doing this for just a job. No. He is not joking.

So, you see, I agree that to be able to dissent against the government is very important. It is very important to be able to talk very badly about elected officials and the decisions that they make.

This man who is a Marine impressed me with this idea. The USA way of life is no joke. And the bottom line of that is freedom. I have heard if from someone who was shot at to keep it that way!

If thats an example of what they did RIGHT... god help us all.



That movie had Hee Il Cho in it! I love that movie!

Tonight, I laid my money down and I rented the Movie called "Black Belt Jones 2: The Tattoo Connection". It is starring Jim Kelly. Jim Kelly is a real Shotokan Man. He is no joke!

Because of Hollywood I get to see these fight sequences and get good enjoyment! The cinema is a good thing!
3. Slave to the directorial process and script. Well-paid actors take direction well, so they may act a scene out of sync with what they believe or even act a scene they don't believe in because it's their job. Ya know that whole "hate the war, love the soldier" thing? Applies here too.

This is the only point in what you wrote I disagree with. Because if they are, say... anti gun, they don't need to audtion for, or star in, "Bob Joins the NRA" or "Shooty Shooty Bang Bang"... that can make "Herbie Eats Banannas" or some such. They have choices too.

The ugly truth is this - right now, your government is doing things you think only other countries do.

And just as a comment on this... this isn't a "right now" issue. It's been occuring. Its easy to blame the current administration and say its just them, but the truth is that they are either too stupid or too arrogant to try and hide it as well as those that set the example...
Maybe, but at least your spelling and grammar are correct...
Ok We got off on the wrong foot. Sorry I affended you. I'm a little sinsitive about spell because i am dyslexic. I have overcome it mostly threw drills, consentration and memorization of words. The problem is when you grow up that way, in pre school and the words look backward or inside out, you never really learn to spell well. I also try to spell phonetically. Most the time I just copy and past everything threw Word. It has spell check.
On the forums I just am to lazy. I apoligize.
Ok We got off on the wrong foot. Sorry I affended you. I'm a little sinsitive about spell because i am dyslexic. I have overcome it mostly threw drills, consentration and memorization of words. The problem is when you grow up that way, in pre school and the words look backward or inside out, you never really learn to spell well. I also try to spell phonetically. Most the time I just copy and past everything threw Word. It has spell check.
On the forums I just am to lazy. I apoligize.

I'm not concerned or critical of your spelling and grammar. But I am concerned about your ignorance regarding the Motion Picture industry. Not everyone in this business falls into the catagory you outlined in your OP.

I've worked with two of the people you mentioned and consider them my friends. And frankly, I get more political garbage thrown at me from the guy that changes the oil in my car. Maybe you can single out Auto Mechanics in your next rant about political BS?
I've worked with two of the people you mentioned and consider them my friends. And frankly, I get more political garbage thrown at me from the guy that changes the oil in my car. Maybe you can single out Auto Mechanics in your next rant about political BS?

Quigon, I don't mean to sound like Im defending the OP, but just because they are friends of yours or work in the same industry doesnt stop some of these people from using their money and influence* to try and tell us what/how to think politically.

As an example A couple weeks ago, I saw Janine Garafalo (and you will excuse me if I spelled her name wrong) on TV saying that people having hobbies and interests is wrong, they should only be concerned with the state of the government and not being ignorant. When My auto mechanic shows up on TV saying "Give up everything you love to do and spend your days 24/7 in deep pursuit of nothing but understanding how the government works" I'll be sure and #1 rant about it, and #2 switch mechanics because hes a nutjob.

*Before some of you try and tell us Hollywood and the Media have no influence on americans... you really need to stop and take a look at this country. There are enough sheep that if Paris Hilton said "Oh my gawd, like, vote for, like, President Bush again!" people WOULD. The fact that we are more concerned with what happened to Britney Spears, Oj Simpson, or Owen Wilson than we are about whats happening in Iraq, or even in our own backyards is evidence enough of that.
When My auto mechanic shows up on TV saying "Give up everything you love to do and spend your days 24/7 in deep pursuit of nothing but understanding how the government works" I'll be sure and #1 rant about it, and #2 switch mechanics because hes a nutjob.

I'm Bob of Crazy Bob's Performance Auto & Transmission, and I approve this message.
Quigon, I don't mean to sound like Im defending the OP, but just because they are friends of yours or work in the same industry doesnt stop some of these people from using their money and influence* to try and tell us what/how to think politically.

As an example A couple weeks ago, I saw Janine Garafalo (and you will excuse me if I spelled her name wrong) on TV saying that people having hobbies and interests is wrong, they should only be concerned with the state of the government and not being ignorant. When My auto mechanic shows up on TV saying "Give up everything you love to do and spend your days 24/7 in deep pursuit of nothing but understanding how the government works" I'll be sure and #1 rant about it, and #2 switch mechanics because hes a nutjob.

*Before some of you try and tell us Hollywood and the Media have no influence on americans... you really need to stop and take a look at this country. There are enough sheep that if Paris Hilton said "Oh my gawd, like, vote for, like, President Bush again!" people WOULD. The fact that we are more concerned with what happened to Britney Spears, Oj Simpson, or Owen Wilson than we are about whats happening in Iraq, or even in our own backyards is evidence enough of that.
Maybe we should be more WORRIED about the people that are influenced by Paris Hilton than Paris Hilton using her influence.

I'm not concerned or critical of your spelling and grammar. But I am concerned about your ignorance regarding the Motion Picture industry. Not everyone in this business falls into the catagory you outlined in your OP.

I've worked with two of the people you mentioned and consider them my friends. And frankly, I get more political garbage thrown at me from the guy that changes the oil in my car. Maybe you can single out Auto Mechanics in your next rant about political BS?
Ignorance is such a strong word, I am not ignorant of Hollywood at all, I was and exstra in Jerry Maguire, it was filmed here is Phoenix. I worked with Tom Cruiz and several other people you would recognise. What they act like in the media and behind the cameras is torally different, they certainly believe they are people of privilige. Most people would be put off by there stars god complexes.
You know why the whole world hates America
Every A list actor has gone over seas in europe and asia, trashing the country that has made them rich and famous. For the last seven years.
People like Tom Cruiz, who said while speaking to a group in Toronto, "I felt safer just crossing the American Canadian border. I fear raising my Children in America".
Then they come back apologise, say they were miss understood.
People like George Cloonie, Sean Penn make antimilitary anti america movies.
If you do the research very few of the A list actors have much education. Tom Cruiz, Sean Penn, Marlon Brando, George Harrison and scores of other actors are high school drop outs. This came to light when democrats started calling Goerge Bush stupid (certainly can't tell by his speaking) When actually he had a higher GPA at Yale than Al Gore and John Kerry.
Any way most the A list actors do not have college degrees.
They are simple people of priveledge persuing and agenda.
Maybe ignorance is a strong word. And maybe not. But your statement above in red highlight is why I have an issue. I may be wrong but I really don't think EVERY 'A list' actor has done this.
This is the only point in what you wrote I disagree with. Because if they are, say... anti gun, they don't need to audtion for, or star in, "Bob Joins the NRA" or "Shooty Shooty Bang Bang"... that can make "Herbie Eats Banannas" or some such. They have choices too.
Well, leave it to me to forget about all the actors who turn down script after script because they cannot morally agree with the subject matter. For the most part they would be called "unknowns."

And then there have been actors who engage in a particular role to not only push themselves and the limits of their craft, but to bring about awareness of such people IRL. I can't believe Anthony Hopkins really eats people (though he is emotionally disengaged from his roles purposely), though there have been some to take on weighty roles for the sole purpose of exposing the problem in society. :idunno:
And just as a comment on this... this isn't a "right now" issue. It's been occuring. Its easy to blame the current administration and say its just them, but the truth is that they are either too stupid or too arrogant to try and hide it as well as those that set the example...
The purpose of typing "right now" was more of a knock on the noggin - it was not meant to say that only now and never has been done before. Our government has been doing covert, nasty, oppressive, greedy things for a very long time. Things we think only other countries do for a very long time. I'm not the Luny Lefty who constructs machinations against the right - you know that ... but I recognize I could have been more clear.
Ignorance is such a strong word, I am not ignorant of Hollywood at all, I was and exstra in Jerry Maguire, it was filmed here is Phoenix. I worked with Tom Cruiz and several other people you would recognise. What they act like in the media and behind the cameras is torally different, they certainly believe they are people of privilige. Most people would be put off by there stars god complexes.
I'm familiar with the business and know how they get extras, too.

Some actors are finicky workers and have specific rules when they're on the set for filming. One person I used to be friends with worked as an extra on a set with Demi Moore - who has contract rules that state no one can look at her, no one can talk to her, no one can come near her in any way on the set or sound stage. No one. The director must see her in her trailer or give her direction privately, she will not engage with small talk with anyone on set while they're working a scene. More weird rules that I can't remember are just ... weird. But some of them are to aid them in ensuring they stay in character, shield them from weird extras who may accost them, maintain some kind of personal privacy and space.

I can't imagine that all behavior we see actors exhibit and that which we don't is pristine ... however I also can't imagine than anyone else's is either.
Ignorance is such a strong word, I am not ignorant of Hollywood at all, I was and exstra in Jerry Maguire, it was filmed here is Phoenix. I worked with Tom Cruiz and several other people you would recognise. What they act like in the media and behind the cameras is torally different, they certainly believe they are people of privilige. Most people would be put off by there stars god complexes.

WOW - WOW! - I mean WOW!!!!!!!!!

An Extra.

No way.

And you got to work with them also. Just friggin WOW!

BTW: I have been an extra before. I watched movies made also. While an Extra for OOS that is "Out of Sight" for those not familiar with the Biz. If an extra talked to one of the main stars, that extra was escorted out. If you bothered them or asked for Autographs you were escorted out. This was not the rules of the actors and actresses (* Because I did meet and J-Lo and I did talked to her. Not that she would remember ;) *), but a rule of the director. The actors would talk to you and sign because you were a fan. But there was a job to do and it took up soooo much time to get everyone to get an autograph.

Sorry for the sarcasm, but being an extra in my book does not make one in the know of the business. It does give one a step more of knowledge, but not in the KNOW. Of course that is in my opinion.

Did you get paid in scale? Did you have a talking roll? (* I did, I was yelling as part of the fight crowd ;) *) Were you bumped off of the set because of some beautiful blonde in a red dress showing up for day two and taking your spot at a table for background shots? NICE! Yep that happened to me. You see she was in the know becuase her talent agent got her dinner with one of the assistants who got her a night cap with the director.

Me, I just talked to J-Lo on the way back from the bathroom because some guy was macking on her hard, and her handler was off running an errand. She talked to me actually, and had tried to get me to stay and talk on my way down to the restroom. But Ihad been waiting for so long that I really had to go, so I smiled told her I would be back. She smiled and said good. The talk was nothing about the weather and what I thought of the shoot and the scene so far. Also she was trying to give the guy a cold shoulder while sitting on a table swinging her legs. She looked to me to be a young woman I have seen lots of in Bars looking to the big guy or bouncer for help to get the guy off her that will just not take no for an answer. So I helped. her handler and security showed up, and were going to escort us both out. But, J-Lo Or Jennifer Lopez if one prefers, put her hand on my arm and said he is ok, I stopped him to talk to him. I have no idea who this guy is. So, they dragged him out while he was screaming.

I was let back in on the first day after being banished, by the director to the upper reaches, as my hwir cut was too close to George's. Some assistant brought me back in which is why I was able to be part of walkers int he back and then on day two to be sat. (* see above on how that worked out *). The point here is that there were a bunch of people who made the first day's takes, but they were busy getting signatures from George so they were escorted out. The scene had to be re-shot. NICE!

So while your experience may have been different. I would hate to say you are in the KNOW. I would say I am ignorant, as I have only scene a couple of films here in Detroit made, and been in one. Ignorance is not bad. It means you do not know, which is ok. Now if someone had said stupid, then I would be with you on being upset and your point.

Hey Rich, was the movie you worked on the classic Gigli? LOL. I shouldn't laugh, we made that one.
The purpose of typing "right now" was more of a knock on the noggin - it was not meant to say that only now and never has been done before.

Well, I know you well enough to know what you meant by that, but I also know there are people here who beilieve otherwise... I was just feeding off your comment for their behalf...

As far as the other thing goes, I'm not saying you HAVE to do/agree with/be into something to portray a role about it. I would assume that Anthony Hopkins isn't a cannibal. But if a Card Carrying Peta Member who had been known to throw red paint on people wearing fur made a movie that glorified the Fur Trapping industry... to make a couple bucks and get their name known? Um... yeah. It would be like me making a movie whos sole purpose was to glorify the 2 party system. Aint gonna happen.
BTW: I have been an extra before. I watched movies made also. While an Extra for OOS that is "Out of Sight" for those not familiar with the Biz. If an extra talked to one of the main stars, that extra was escorted out. If you bothered them or asked for Autographs you were escorted out. This was not the rules of the actors and actresses (* Because I did meet and J-Lo and I did talked to her. Not that she would remember ;) *), but a rule of the director. The actors would talk to you and sign because you were a fan. But there was a job to do and it took up soooo much time to get everyone to get an autograph.
That's true also - the actors aren't always the one (in fact are rarely the one) to rule the set. Directors, set managers, grip crew, producers ... there's a lot more ego to a closed set than can come from the biggest name.

We also have to remember a couple more things - actors are people with all their flaws and attributes. Some are all right, some are really not ... most are just trying to make a living. When I've been around anyone of celebrity I always try to treat them with respect but as normal people and I don't try to take advantage of the moment to tell him/her how huge a fan I am or how much I I wish I could get an autograph or whatever. They're people trying to live life with everyone staring at them, spying on them, gossiping about them, manipulating them, selling them, buying them ... you name it.

I'd rather someone use their celebrity to speak out in a manner for which they feel responsible to do so (politics, social awareness) than to just flash their booties for ratings and money, barter their children for the next hit and inspire girls to be tramps, tramps, tramps. Last I checked, Whoopi Goldberg, Tom Cruise, hell even Tom Selleck are all American citizens and they have just as much right to speak about what they think is right and wrong with this country as anyone else.