white dragon
There is indeed a big distinction between competition sparring and self-defence, but then it's just that, competition sparring. I haven't spoken to a WTF club (which is pretty much every university in the UK that teaches WTF) that normally trains in a competition fashion. When sparring we tend to not really have many rules, apart from keep it light, and not going for the eyes. We also tend not to kick below the waist, unless out instructor says to us personally that we can (this doesn't include sweeps) after a couple of people came into the class with no control started smacking people in the balls and actually kicked someones knee cap out. But apart from that, all kicks, punches, holds, throws, sweeps, locks are all allowed as long as you can control them.
Think of say WTF sparring in the sense that you would think of something if you were going to perform it in a competition, such as breaking. You're never going to need to ridge-hand through a load of bricks in the middle of a street fight, sure, but it doesn't mean you won't want to maybe practice before in class... does that make sense?
Think of say WTF sparring in the sense that you would think of something if you were going to perform it in a competition, such as breaking. You're never going to need to ridge-hand through a load of bricks in the middle of a street fight, sure, but it doesn't mean you won't want to maybe practice before in class... does that make sense?