Master Black Belt
I was 36yrs old, my son was 8 and wanted to get into karate. I sat around the dojo watching him and they offered me some free classes. One thing led to another and
I was signing a contract. That was in 1987.
What has it done for me? I am a much nicer *%%&^* person and have a deep $$^%^%^&$ respect for other #&*^% people (JK)
Awesome stuff! :lol: I took my kids to TKD last September because I wanted them to study Martial Arts. I had wanted to study all my life (I'm 45 now) but never had classes that started when I was off from work or out of school or something. I had taken about 6 months of Kung Fu from Alan Lee's school in Manhattan in '80, but that was it. After watching my daughters for two weeks, I asked if they had classes for adult beginners, and I started the following Friday. So that's it; I'm going until I die now, it's a dream come true for me to be finally in a position to be studying Martial Arts. Come September the whole family (6 of us) will be going.
And it was David Carradine and Kwai Chang Cane that got me interested in the Martial Arts initially. Master Po and the grasshopper