Senior Master
That’s my biggest reason for competing. The last tournament was point fighting. I trained like it was a Kyokushin/knockdown tournament rather than a point fighting tourney. Sure I could’ve trained to the rules of the competition, but that’s not really what I’m after. Had I trained to the point fighting rules, I’d have done better in the tournament; but I’d rather have far more realistic skills developed than the flick of the wrist backfist and reverse punch that doesn’t quite land.
Training for my last tournament consisted of a ton of bag work. I was doing 15 rounds - 3 minutes on, 1 minute rest, 3-4 times a week. Opposite days I was doing a lot of footwork and combination stuff on the bag. Everything increased - power, speed, sharper combos, better flow, etc. Add to that a ton of sparring in the dojo. And very, very little of it was start-stop sparring.
Without having a competition hanging over my head, there’s no sense of urgency. Without that urgency, things get put off. Laziness has been creeping in again, so I plan on competing at our organization’s annual tournament in OctoberI’ll do what I did last time. Preparing for the tournament is really where it’s at.
Wowza, that's a crazy amount of bagwork! Awesome..
Yeah I've got my tourney in about 4 and a half weeks and haven't really done much prep at all! Was gonna take a more relaxed approach and not go nuts anyway, but best be starting somethin' at least XD. But needing to be extra cautious at the moment with health-related stuff as it's been pretty bad, so might just have a dedicated day of tournament prep (as I've still been doing my style-trialling period, like a wandering vagrant, so I consider that part of my extra training [emoji14] )
Keen to hear how yours goes in October

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