why are people so....Kempo style

Well Said!
I believe that some people just simply are not secure enough in their own endeavors or with their own skill and somehow think that tearing others down makes them appear bigger.
One of the nicest guys at work is into MMA as a fan. Always wants to talk to me anyway. We have a great time.

My experience is that its some kind of mutant strain of trash talk which escaped the ring. Its like they are trying to intimidate you into losing a fight you werent looking for and never intend to have.

If you can get people talking to each other and sharing, learning, it all seems to work out.

The advice I will give you is simple, but powerful.

"Thats really interesting"

Simply say that when someone is going off like Tyson at a news conference on your art. Then get them to speak about what they are interested in, or walk away. Depending on your intestinal fortitude.

Good luck man,

You're always going to run into someone who thinks that what you do or what you're into is stupid, whether that's Kempo, Tae Kwon Do, Football, Star Trek, Pool, Stamp Collecting or whatever.

An idiot with an agenda who feels that THEIR martial art or their hobby is the best thing since sliced bread will be an idiot with an agenda regardless of what you say to them. Show you're the better person and smile politely and walk away.
Boxers and kickboxers have been saying this sort of thing for decades, who cares, we have survived all or our confrontations.
These guys claim that they train to fight using few or no rules, this is true especially when it comes to fighting armed or multi opponents, they have rules against that.
In the street, sooner or later, everything is equalized.

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