Whoopi Goldberg's Comments

Actually Robert, I do feel better. That response is a very succinct statement about the 'Culture War' (as described by B. O'Reilly);

"Capitalism Erodes Social Values"

Four very axiomatic words. Powerful, powerful. Thank you.

It's that "fly over country" math again, dag nabbit! Actually, I made the reference off the top of my head. Shoulda looked it up first, but it was late & I was getting sloppy (gratuitious reference to the Sandy Berger fiasco). This was the stat I almost recalled accurately: 89% of Washington reporters voted for Bill Clinton in 1992.. My sincere apologies.

I would agree with Robert's post about the relative slant of the news organizations. Most are slightly off center one way or the other.

But here's a question I'd like an answer to: Why does Fox News get the Left's dander up so? Conservatives may whine about CNN (Clinton News Network), but I've never seen an effort like the one aimed at Fox. I'm not being facetious, I'd really like to know.

OK ... here is just something I am going to throw out for consideration.

It is generally believed that 'The Media' is more liberal than the rest of America, and there are some statistics that show this to be true, on a reporter, by reporter basis. When we think about what it is that a reporter or journalist does every day for work, it paints an interesting picture. These media people actually have to research and study the issues on which they are reporting. So, generally, they are pretty well informed on the issue.

How does that 'well informed' characteristic required by their occupation intersect with their 'more liberal' stance on the issues of the day.

I am positing for this discussion, that when actually reporting on an issue, the reporter / journalists personal beliefs are not supposed to be displayed for public consumption (Who knew Cronkite's politics back in the 70's?).

Interesting question. I think that some differentiation needs to be made between the actual field reporters and the editors, staff, & "talking heads" that deliver much of the news. Journalistic ethics would dictate that every issue be researched thoroughly & that personal opinion be kept out of it. Assume that is being done in good faith by most reporters. The story then must go through the editorial staff, which may or may not have any knowledge of the topic at hand, but their input can alter the story. Distill the TV news further to the teleprompter, where the anchor is reading an abbreviated version of the facts and often adds his/her own commentary through intonation, expression, etc. I think it is very difficult to argue that the news aired/printed is the result of clean, unvarnished research and analysis, or that the whole story is being reported.

Wasn't Walter Conkite once referred to as "the most trusted man in America" ?
Uni-Lever's response to an email in support of Ms. Goldbergs right to satirize the president's name.

Thank you for contacting us to share your comments about our relationship with Ms. Goldberg. We do read all e-mails and take them seriously. We also appreciate the opportunity to clarify our position.

Ms. Goldberg's remarks created a great deal of negative media and consumer attention and this affected Ms. Goldberg's ability to positively communicate our message of weight loss. Because of this, we decided to conclude the current advertising campaign. Slim*Fast believes its decision in no way impacts Ms. Goldberg's freedom of speech, now or in the future.

Thank you for taking the time to voice your concerns.

Kind Regards

Jean James
Unilever.com Advisor
I have found what is described as a transcript of Ms. Goldberg's comments from that John Kerry Fundraiser. If this is accurate, makes me wonder who is zoomin' whom?

Here is what was said
Given the attention I've gotten from the press, SlimFast, the Republican Committee and the DNC and what's happened this week to people like Linda Ronstadt and Margaret Cho, I'm releasing my remarks from the Radio City Music Hall event, rather than have people continue to respond to someone else's interpretation of what they think I said. I challenge the Democrats and the Republicans or anyone else to prove that I said anything different from this. They have made a mountain out of an ant's behind.'

"I know you see that I've got a bottle of wine in my hand. I'll explain about it later.

"The concert organizers had asked to see my material beforehand, but I Xeroxed my behind and I folded it up in an envelope and I sent it back with a big kiss mark. Because we're Democrats. We don't do that. We're not afraid to laugh. That's the other people.

"It's terrible to be President. Just look at their clothes. When was the last time you saw a President in Armani? Nancy Reagan was the last White House occupant that really looked good. The whole hair situation. Being President is like being in a horror movie, the hair turns white overnight.

"You have to meet the King and Queen of Kupeepee and you know you're going to look dumb if you don't know where Kupeepee is because everybody else pretends they know where it is. And when you get the menu for the State Dinner, you know that you have bears balls and frog lips as a delicacy and you cannot say, "Hell No!"

"Originally, I thought it was Dick Gephardt, because I read the paper (I won't name the paper) and it turns out - no Dick. Then I find out it's John Edwards. I think this is smart, because not only can he talk to the dead, he has TVQ. Then I found out it's not him, it's the other John Edwards. John Edwards looks like a kid.

"What would impress me is to see John Kerry jump double-dutch — I think many people would find that innovative.

"I know I told you I'd get to this. (Reading from label on wine bottle) `When Bush comes to shove, don't whine. Vote Kerry.'

"And that's why I'm here tonight. Because I love bush. But someone's giving bush a bad name. Someone has tarnished name of `bush.' Someone has waged war, someone has deliberately misled the country, someone has attempted to amend the constitution, all in the name of bush. The bush I know and cherish would never do such things. My bush is smarter than that. And if my bush is smarter than that, you can understand just how dumb I think that other bush is. And anyone who would wave to Stevie Wonder is not fully there. I will do whatever it takes to restore bush to its rightful place and that ain't in the White House. Vote your heart and mind and keep bush where it belongs."
Wow. Really tame compared to what Whoopi is capable of. Hard to imagine that so many would cry so hard over what I read as pretty soft comical jabbing. How thin skinned and protectionist of them. I'm particularly surprised at Uni-Lever. Who did they think they had endorsing their product - Betty White? It's Whoopi Goldberg for crying out loud. And she was pulling punches!
I think the reason that this got so far out of proportion is because the right wing spin machine had a pretty good idea that the statements were never going to be made public. Bill O'Reilly hammered on this for a couple of weeks.

Because it was a private party, any recordings were not going to be released. In a one-sided argument, the silent party always loses (see Swift Boat Veterans for Truth).

Two things ...
1) I am surprised to find a transcript.
2) I am not certain that I am 100% confident that this is a complete transcript.

Either way ... The right wing echo chamber earned is paycheck that week.


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