Whom on MT have you met?

Well I WOULD have been able to meet Mr. Ryer on last friday night. However I didn't have the $$$ to attend the Huk Planas seminar in which he drove to the studio to attend. Last night in class I was told Mr. Ryer was there then I said "rats" would have liked to have met him.
I have known Upnorthkyosa for a long time. 23 years to be exact. (he's my older brother). But I have been living with him for the past 7 to 8 months and have got an all new percpective of him. I moved into his house with his family to shelter myself form old habits and get a grip on who I am and start appling myself to gain the skills needed for a healthy future. I am going to college and doing great I think that I pulled a 3.5 gpa this last semester. With upnorthkyosa's help I have been given a chance to start a new and healthy way of life for myself. There is so much more that has been brought to my attention by him and his wife, that i am so thankful for. They are such wonderful people; I really don't want to move out this summer. I don't know how I could ever repay this act of kindness. They went well out of their way to help my wayward self. I don't even know how to thank them properly. If you meet these guys, congratulations, you'll know what I'm talking about. I just thought I'd tell ya'll.

kid said:
I have known Upnorthkyosa for a long time. 23 years to be exact. (he's my older brother). But I have been living with him for the past 7 to 8 months and have got an all new percpective of him. I moved into his house with his family to shelter myself form old habits and get a grip on who I am and start appling myself to gain the skills needed for a healthy future. I am going to college and doing great I think that I pulled a 3.5 gpa this last semester. With upnorthkyosa's help I have been given a chance to start a new and healthy way of life for myself. There is so much more that has been brought to my attention by him and his wife, that i am so thankful for. They are such wonderful people; I really don't want to move out this summer. I don't know how I could ever repay this act of kindness. They went well out of their way to help my wayward self. I don't even know how to thank them properly. If you meet these guys, congratulations, you'll know what I'm talking about. I just thought I'd tell ya'll.

You're doing great, Kid. Just make sure you follow through this summer. I want to see you back in school in the fall. Have fun at your new job!
KenpoTess said:
Anyone meet anyone from MT since last year?
Hmmm... Datu Puti and arnisador at a seminar.... That's it.

Unless anyone's going to be in Ohio later this month to train with Guru Dan (Inosanto) - I might be there with some other friends from our school.
Feisty Mouse said:
Hmmm... Datu Puti and arnisador at a seminar.... That's it.

Unless anyone's going to be in Ohio later this month to train with Guru Dan (Inosanto) - I might be there with some other friends from our school.

I missed meeting SOMEONE, as they did not come with the rest of their club to an event ;)
I did get to meet grimfang though! Did I meet anyone else from here for the first time and not realize it?
arnisador said:
I did get to meet grimfang though! Did I meet anyone else from here for the first time and not realize it?

I think you meet me also ;)

I meet Grimfang and Eric C - not usre of his Tag here, and some others recently.
Rich Parsons said:
I missed meeting SOMEONE, as they did not come with the rest of their club to an event ;)
LOL - Rich, I got to hear all about your late-night (late-morning???) training sessions at the hotel! Thanks for returning Epa all tired and stringy....grrrrrr!!!! :lol:

Seriously, it sounds like it was a good experience, I would have liked to see the Balintawak some more. I'm a poor substitute as a training partner!

I'd love to show up for the next one, it sounds like it went well. And I missed seeing Julie in action yet again. *forehead slap* d'oh! She rocks.

And I would like to applaud Steve for making the trip in near-sonic time. :D
jfarnsworth said:
Where is that going to be at?
It's going to be in Cinncinnati, I think. I have to check and make sure it's at the place I am thinking of, before I post mis-information.
Feisty Mouse said:
It's going to be in Cinncinnati, I think. I have to check and make sure it's at the place I am thinking of, before I post mis-information.

Well that's cool. I have some mandatory classes on saturday at the moment. It would be fun though I'm sure.
Feisty Mouse said:
LOL - Rich, I got to hear all about your late-night (late-morning???) training sessions at the hotel! Thanks for returning Epa all tired and stringy....grrrrrr!!!! :lol:

I did not mean to wear him out for you. ;)

Feisty Mouse said:
Seriously, it sounds like it was a good experience, I would have liked to see the Balintawak some more. I'm a poor substitute as a training partner!

It is all fun, not just Balintawak. :) I guess I owe you if we ever meet, for the above reason and complaint :( . . . :lol:

Feisty Mouse said:
I'd love to show up for the next one, it sounds like it went well. And I missed seeing Julie in action yet again. *forehead slap* d'oh! She rocks.

I like JulesK aka Julie. Not only do the women have to look out for her in the ring, but the guys do also, or they might have broken hearts. :)

Feisty Mouse said:
And I would like to applaud Steve for making the trip in near-sonic time. :D

I heard he travelled at Warp Speed, and occasionalt would slow down to Sub-light speed ;)
i ahve met avpkenpo...hes my instructor. Just thought that this thread should be seen again. also if anyone is coming down to the springfield, missouri area or going to a tournament here pelase tell me. We could me up. :)
I have met:

Carol Kaur
Bob Hubbard
Tim Hartman
Cebu West
It is just zDom (Scott) and myself representing Moo Sul kwan. I haven't had the privilege of meeting others of you personally. However there are a ton of you guys I would like to train with for a day.
I've met Technopunk.

I want to make it to the next M&G, there are soooo many people here I'd like to meet. (Which means everyone has to attend!) :P

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