Whom on MT have you met?

Touch'O'Death said:
Jeez, I feel left out. Don't you think sitting in the back of a car, listening to you recite an entire Gallager routine in 1987, counts as having met you? :-popcorn: :vu:
Opsss, sorry! I knew I'd leave someone out... you are probably not the only one.

Tonight the Mountaineer Martial Arts group had the opportunity to welcome Mr. Lamont Glass aka Blindside. It was wonderful to meet Lamont and have the opportunity to let him jump in with my group. On Tuesday nights, after our college class is dismissed, we stay and train in the gym. When Lamont walked in, I didn't assosciate him with Martial Talk at first, and as I was already annoyed, gave him a polite brush off. Tess asked me who he was and I told her, Lamar somebody or something (Seig's hearing is not that great). She then said, "Are you sure it wasn't Lamont? Blindside's name is Lamont and he is here this week." I went over and asked him if he was Lamont aka Blindside, and when he answered in the affirmative, he was given a warm welcome and invited to join us. Lamont, unbeknownst to me at the time, walked five miles to get there. Needless to say, we arrnaged transportation for him. That was a good thing, because thirty minutes after class, it started to rain and just now lightened up. Lamont will be joining us again on Saturday. It was a real pleasure to meet him and have him join us.
Seig said:
Tonight the Mountaineer Martial Arts group had the opportunity to welcome Mr. Lamont Glass aka Blindside. It was wonderful to meet Lamont and have the opportunity to let him jump in with my group. On Tuesday nights, after our college class is dismissed, we stay and train in the gym. When Lamont walked in, I didn't assosciate him with Martial Talk at first, and as I was already annoyed, gave him a polite brush off. Tess asked me who he was and I told her, Lamar somebody or something (Seig's hearing is not that great). She then said, "Are you sure it wasn't Lamont? Blindside's name is Lamont and he is here this week." I went over and asked him if he was Lamont aka Blindside, and when he answered in the affirmative, he was given a warm welcome and invited to join us. Lamont, unbeknownst to me at the time, walked five miles to get there. Needless to say, we arrnaged transportation for him. That was a good thing, because thirty minutes after class, it started to rain and just now lightened up. Lamont will be joining us again on Saturday. It was a real pleasure to meet him and have him join us.

After this week I will be on your list of people you wish you had not met ;).

I sent you a PM on the tenative ETA.

I hope to meet and work out and play with everyone who is there for the Seminar on Saturday.

Me Too!!! Me Too!!! You think they're ready for us Rich??? :lol:


Rich Parsons said:
After this week I will be on your list of people you wish you had not met ;).

I sent you a PM on the tenative ETA.

I hope to meet and work out and play with everyone who is there for the Seminar on Saturday.

Seig said:
Tonight the Mountaineer Martial Arts group had the opportunity to welcome Mr. Lamont Glass aka Blindside. It was wonderful to meet Lamont and have the opportunity to let him jump in with my group. On Tuesday nights, after our college class is dismissed, we stay and train in the gym. When Lamont walked in, I didn't assosciate him with Martial Talk at first, and as I was already annoyed, gave him a polite brush off. Tess asked me who he was and I told her, Lamar somebody or something (Seig's hearing is not that great). She then said, "Are you sure it wasn't Lamont? Blindside's name is Lamont and he is here this week." I went over and asked him if he was Lamont aka Blindside, and when he answered in the affirmative, he was given a warm welcome and invited to join us. Lamont, unbeknownst to me at the time, walked five miles to get there. Needless to say, we arrnaged transportation for him. That was a good thing, because thirty minutes after class, it started to rain and just now lightened up. Lamont will be joining us again on Saturday. It was a real pleasure to meet him and have him join us.
Yes it was very nice to meet Lamont...working technique lines and all and getting my foot pulverized and then his fist and my mouth was a great thing....actually it was really fun to have him join our class. thanks for participating with us it was a lot of fun having you.
FUZZYJ692000 said:
Yes it was very nice to meet Lamont...working technique lines and all and getting my foot pulverized and then his fist and my mouth was a great thing....actually it was really fun to have him join our class. thanks for participating with us it was a lot of fun having you.
She's still upset he called her short. :roflmao:
She's still upset he called her short.

I think its ok, you know it is a whole empowerment thing. Short people are allowed to call other short people "short." It wasn't like I said "midget" or anything. :) If it makes her feel any better, I think she is still taller than my mom.

I'll see you tomorrow morning.

Blindside said:
I think its ok, you know it is a whole empowerment thing. Short people are allowed to call other short people "short." It wasn't like I said "midget" or anything. :) If it makes her feel any better, I think she is still taller than my mom.

I'll see you tomorrow morning.


I'm not short i'm horizontally challenged or as a friend of mine says an extremely tall midget...however i do believe anyone under 5 ft. is considered to be one of the little people, yea i miss that by an inch. :uhyeah:
FUZZYJ692000 said:
I'm not short i'm horizontally challenged or as a friend of mine says an extremely tall midget...however i do believe anyone under 5 ft. is considered to be one of the little people, yea i miss that by an inch. :uhyeah:
No, no, no, you are not vertically challenged, you are under-tall.
I'm not short i'm horizontally challenged or as a friend of mine says an extremely tall midget...however i do believe anyone under 5 ft. is considered to be one of the little people, yea i miss that by an inch.

Hmm, I revise my previous statement, you aren't taller than my mom. I am sorry about your lip, you'll get the chance to repay me tomorrow.


PS: Your class was fun, and I certainly didn't escape unscathed either. :)


I feel I'm probably forgetting someone.
I just met Blindside, Rich, and Dot...too bad I wasn't around for more fun, and the latter two saw me when I was tired after a long trip, but it was really fun! Always a pleasure to meet new folks!
TheRustyOne said:
I just met Blindside, Rich, and Dot...too bad I wasn't around for more fun, and the latter two saw me when I was tired after a long trip, but it was really fun! A pleasure, as always!


I enjoyed watching you being quized by DC and meeting you.

It is nice to put a name and a face together.

I'm sorry I wasn't looking my best. Hopefully you'll be able to come by for another event or something..maybe...possibly...*looks hopeful*
tell me why i put horizontally challenged instead of vertically challenged...now i'm just mentally challenged :idunno: ...oh boy, it took kathie to point that one out to me
TheRustyOne said:

I'm sorry I wasn't looking my best. Hopefully you'll be able to come by for another event or something..maybe...possibly...*looks hopeful*


I am saying this from someone who has trained for 18+ years in a martial art.

You were tired and after a very long weekend, and you staid and worked out and was quized when you could have just as easily walked away and gone to bed. You also showed good technique while being watched by your instructor(s) and their instructor and guests. You did just fine.

I probably will be back down there sometime in the near future.


Thanks for compliments...

I think me being so tired is the secret of me not getting stage fright! That's it...test me for my belts after a test in school or a trip w/ my professor (I'm gonna have plenty..I'm taking all the geology courses I can! Even if there's no geology minor, I'm gonna feel like I have one!) and I'll do fine...

Seig pointed out that night was the best he's seen me move...I think that's the performance-side coming out. I do it in band all the time. Slack but absorb during practice, and strut my stuff during the show :D Horrible, I know, but it surprises people. I guess I should keep that band, tho..

Ick, I am so rambling! Sorry!


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