Who'd Thunk It??


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Male Hormones May Help Women After Hysterectomy
The main article
And the snippett...
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Women who feel less sexy after a hysterectomy may get a boost from a seemingly unlikely source -- testosterone, new research reports.
U.S. investigators found that women who reported a loss of their libido after surgeons removed their uterus and ovaries tended to show improvements after using a testosterone patch for 24 weeks. For instance, half of 266 patch users said they had one extra satisfying sexual encounter every 2.5 weeks.

In contrast, 266 women who received a placebo, or inactive, patch, had only one extra satisfying encounter every 5.5 weeks.

Patch users also reported less personal distress, the authors note in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Women who tried the testosterone patch were equally likely to report side effects as women who used a placebo patch. However, testosterone-takers reported more side effects related to male hormones, such as acne and voice deepening.

The study was funded by Proctor & Gamble Pharmaceuticals, which is developing a female testosterone patch called Intrinsa, designed to spark women's sexual appetite.

Previous research has shown that women's sexual health is influenced by testosterone, and a loss of testosterone increases the risk of a loss of libido.

The ovaries produce a significant amount of testosterone, lead author Dr. John E. Buster of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, and his colleagues note. Consequently, studies show that after women's ovaries are removed, up to 50 percent report a decrease in libido.
A decrease!?? Oh we can't let THAT happen now can we?? :D
Interestingly enough that the MALE testosterone spurs the FEMALE sex-drive. Hmmm, who'd thunk it?