Who we are fighting alongside in Libya...


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This article addresses one of the rebel leaders in Libya. Apparently, he fought, and probably killed americans, in afghanistan, and recruited libyans to kill americans in libya...


from the article:

In his more recent remarks to Il Sole 24 Ore, al-Hasadi admits not only to fighting against U.S. troops in Afghanistan, but also to recruiting Libyans to fight against American forces in Iraq. As noted in my earlier PJM report here, captured al-Qaeda personnel records show that al-Hasadi’s hometown of Darnah sent more foreign fighters to fight with al-Qaeda in Iraq than any other foreign city or town and “far and away the largest per capita number of fighters.” Al-Hasadi told Il Sole 24 Ore that he personally recruited “around 25” Libyans to fight in Iraq. “Some have come back and today are on the front at Ajdabiya,” al-Hasadi explained, “They are patriots and good Muslims, not terrorists.” “The members of al-Qaeda are also good Muslims and are fighting against the invader,” al-Hasadi added.
So for a change they reverse the gig: Instead of training future enemies they get to appreciate their skill from the reverse angle...

big whoop, happens all the time in life.
(that's why you have to be careful on who's toes you step on. they might be connected to the butt you gotta kiss one day)
I wonder how many of the Taliban in Afghanistan received US aid a few years back when the Russians were fighting there. Times change, politics change and bedfellows change. :asian:
I wonder how many of the Taliban in Afghanistan received US aid a few years back when the Russians were fighting there. Times change, politics change and bedfellows change. :asian:

Osama bin Laden himself, for one..