With the end comment about April Fools Day, I'm not sure how entirely serious you are with this thread. But I'll treat it as serious, and answer accordingly, as that is how it appears to be written.
That is, who should The State allow to be taught martial arts instruction? And if anybody should be allowed to be taught such instruction, which types should the State allow certain individuals to be taught? Certainly there is a precedent for not allowing certain types of martial arts instruction. It is unlawful to teach most martial arts to prisoners in our penal institutions except for Aikido, a primarily defensive form in Washington State prisons as well as many other states, and the lack of violence found in such state run institutions gives evidence of the success of such prohibitions.
Perhaps combative martial arts that intentionally teach techniques that kill or maim should be relegated to our armed forces. Police should be taught enough hand to hand combat to effect a legal arrest against a criminal, and certain security personnel should be allowed enough knowledge to restrain a suspect in certain circumstances. All else should not be allowed martial arts instruction of any kind, as why would a peaceful, law abiding individual want to possess such knowledge in the first place? This could nip in the bud certain anti social actions by limiting knowledge to those who really need it.
Happy April Fools!
The big question is going to be how do you plan for any government, Local, State, or Federal, to regulate it? Controlling what is offered at a government facitlity (such as a prison) is simple enough for the beaurocricy to control, but outside of that it is rather difficult. It also then raises many questions as to what exactly is a martial art, how do you define one, how do you define which are genuine (as opposed to a bogus system), and so on.
Put simply, there is no way to realistically control such things. It is simply an example of free-market having it's way. Yes, that means some people less than qualified will be teaching, and some people who shouldn't be learning will train, bogus schools, doing little more than perpertrating a fraud, will continue as long as people want the fantasy they offer. The only thing that will determine who can teach will be the public. If people stopped going to Ashida Kim, buying his books, watching him on YouTube, and so on, he would disappear (just an example, not fraudbusting here....). Unfortunately, due mainly to a lack of education in the public consciousness, that will probably not happen at any time soon. It could be argued that the emergence of MMA and BJJ will help weed out the weaker systems and teachers, but there will always be someone who wants the make-believe fantasy stuff. And there will always be someone to sell that to them.
As well as that, there raises the question just who decides what is right for someone else to learn? Without there being a prior reason there is no way to determine who can learn what. Now, individual instructors can decide to teach or not teach someone themselves, but that's about as far as it will go. Does the State know why the person is training? What they intend to do with their education? Martial arts can be for far more than just knowing how to injure someone, and training potentially lethal techniques (typically reserved for more senior, and mature members of the system) is a way to come to an understanding of your own mortality, ideally being a humbling experience which allows you to have even more respect for the frailty of life, yours and those around you. So training in lethal or damaging techniques can be beneficial for some people, and ideally those who are just after such methods will not last long enough in a serious system to get them.
So, in short, the government, at any level, is in no position to decide such things for anything other than it's own facilities, they are in no position to decide who can or can't learn certain things, who can or can't teach those same skills, and have no way to monitor, control, or enforce such things the way they would need to be. Realistically, the burden of who gets to teach, and who gets taught, relies squarely on the shoulders of the group and instructors themselves.