Who likes coffee???


They moved into a city near me and killed my favorite coffee shop, ever since I have held a grudge. That and they look really out of place at the great wall of China... and yes there is one there too. Went to one in Beijing hoping it might be better than the ones in the US...it wasn't.

But I do on occasion walk to one near my office and get a Latte or a soy latte, but that is all I get from Starbucks
At work I drink 5 to 8 extra large coffees a day from Dunkin donut or royal farms. I'm pretty sure that's way too much during an 8 hour day. At home on my days off I never drink it at all.

When I use to work 3rd shift hospital security I think I drank about 12 cups a night. I was not drinking them to stay awake, heck I could go to sleep as soon as I got home after having another cup with breakfast. I was drinking them because every single nurse's station I went to they gave me a cup of coffee. However those 12 cups did eventually get to me in the form of heart palpitations.... so I cut back to 3. And now I amazed if I have 3 cups a month.


I visited some friends in Hawaii in March. Despite the wettest winter in forty years, it was a pretty good time. I stayed with my buddy, Joey. He's a landscaper. Twenty five years ago he planted some coffee trees on a property he takes care of. He lives on that propety now. Here's the coffee trees. And the dryingthingamajingy.

My buddy would pick the beans, dry them, then roast them in his oven for twenty minutes while we sat around and smoked cigars and boiled water. Then we'd grind them and pour boiling water through them.The coffee was great. But no greater than any other really, really good coffee. But the smell - the actual aroma, oh lord. Like nothing I've ever smelled. Killer. One of the most enjoyable cups of Joe I"ve ever had. I nearly passed out. Thank the good lord I was still hungover. :) (hey, I was on vacation!)
I love coffee, great way to kick off the day. A few years back I dropped the cream and sugar and went organic.
The best cup of coffee I've ever had was in houduras. We were in the Pacific side up in the mountain the coffee was so good
You can actually make a damn fine cup of coffee in a percolator. Just takes a while. :)

Yeah. Don't about about the machines that you have, but when when I walk past a Starbucks, Costa or Cafe Nero over here, I just have to have a shot of expresso as it is just cats pee otherwise.
Yes! Yet to be as.... talented, of a coffee drinker as many of you here. ;) Like Dancingalone, easy to please. :) I typically drink really average stuff. Maxwell House and Master Chef usually.They kind of suck. :P I use to drink Folgers, but the Maxwell House is less expensive and I need that lately. Cream and 2 1/2 tea spoons of sugar for the first cup. Then just cream. Every day begins with coffee and anything that dips. Cookies, dougnuts, poptarts, graham crackers, etc. Really, it's the only reason to get up in the morning. :D
I've been drinking a lot of hot chocolate capuccinos from gas stations lately. Those make the day too.

I think my pot is like the 5th Mr.Coffee I've had. This particular version is the most nonsensically designed out of any of them. A lot of wasted energy in emptying the grounds and putting more in. It feels like...doing dishes. You know how you have really control your force but still get a good clean but try not splash the water too much? It's like that. Very fine and micro, but it requires quick and tiny application of force, but there's no leverage to push or pull with. Consigned to the hell of a slightly irritating coffee maker I am.
Yes! Yet to be as.... talented, of a coffee drinker as many of you here. ;) Like Dancingalone, easy to please. :) I typically drink really average stuff. Maxwell House and Master Chef usually.They kind of suck. :p I use to drink Folgers, but the Maxwell House is less expensive and I need that lately. Cream and 2 1/2 tea spoons of sugar for the first cup. Then just cream. Every day begins with coffee and anything that dips. Cookies, dougnuts, poptarts, graham crackers, etc. Really, it's the only reason to get up in the morning. :D
I've been drinking a lot of hot chocolate capuccinos from gas stations lately. Those make the day too.

I think my pot is like the 5th Mr.Coffee I've had. This particular version is the most nonsensically designed out of any of them. A lot of wasted energy in emptying the grounds and putting more in. It feels like...doing dishes. You know how you have really control your force but still get a good clean but try not splash the water too much? It's like that. Very fine and micro, but it requires quick and tiny application of force, but there's no leverage to push or pull with. Consigned to the hell of a slightly irritating coffee maker I am.

You want something to wake you up, try Rocket Fuel nice and black. Works a treat. Not sure what it does for caffeine addicts though :D

Rocket Fuel Energy Instant Coffee 100g Pack of 6 Amazon.co.uk Grocery
You want something to wake you up, try Rocket Fuel nice and black. Works a treat. Not sure what it does for caffeine addicts though :D

Rocket Fuel Energy Instant Coffee 100g Pack of 6 Amazon.co.uk Grocery

Outside of the morning and sometimes late college nights, I don't drink it for the caffeine. Mostly, I like the flavor and texture and warmth and how it goes down and all that. If I could find decaf that didn't suck, I would drink it. xD
I don't...think am addicted to caffeine? Probably not? I drink like 3 or 4 cups a day on average. Apparently it's incredibly easy to become addicted to though. And not like other substances, your body doesn't know what the problem is if your going through withdrawal, so you don't get cravings. You just get symptoms.
Outside of the morning and sometimes late college nights, I don't drink it for the caffeine. Mostly, I like the flavor and texture and warmth and how it goes down and all that. If I could find decaf that didn't suck, I would drink it. xD
I don't...think am addicted to caffeine? Probably not? I drink like 3 or 4 cups a day on average. Apparently it's incredibly easy to become addicted to though. And not like other substances, your body doesn't know what the problem is if your going through withdrawal, so you don't get cravings. You just get symptoms.

I drink way too much myself. Probably anywhere between 12 - 16 mugs a day. If there was a intrevenus kit avaliable, I'd probably have one :D
I have a photo somewhere of me after a loooonggggg shift in the ER. There's a Mt Dew bottle hanging from the pole, with the IV tubing going to my arm...

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