How common are "Martial Arts Supply" stores like these?


Crazy like a...
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If anyone that packs knows anything about Massachusetts, you know that we have some of the most restrictive laws in the country regarding weapons.

A few months back I got a job in New Hampshire...a state with much less restrictive weapons laws.

I was driving to work and had crossed in to New Hampshire when I saw what looked to be a police detour. I didn't want to find out, so I turned to take an alternate route. It took me down a road I don't usually go down. I passed a strip mall...Dunkin Donuts, Greek Restaurant, Cigar Shop, a few other stores.

I stopped for coffee. Something caught my eye - a sign that said "Tony's Martial Arts Supply" It made sense to me. MA is popular up here. On the road with the detour I think there are about 10 or so different schools. I approached Tony's shop and saw a sign in the window that said "New Katanas"

Dang, I'm not in Massachusetts anymore!

I went in wondering if they had sparring gear.

I walked through the door and was instantly disappointed. The cigar shop and the "martial arts" supply were one. It was a store that was laid out more like a head shop than anything else. 5 gazillion types of incense. Rows and rows of knives, none of them costing more than $10. Shuriken. Throwing kives, with a trifold pamphelt on how to throw them. $7.99. The new katanas? 12.99 - 19.99. Stun guns, pepper spray and rolling papers behind the counter. Many different types of cigars of varying prices. I'm guessing that if I asked, I could have been shown an assortment pipes. :eek:

I bought a box of incense, and left. I didn't bother to ask if they had sparring gear. :D

So, given that I appear to lead a bit of a sheltered life here in Massachusetts....riddle me this. Are these sorts of "Martial Arts Supply" shops commonplace? Or, not so common?

I'm just curious :D :D
I used to spend my summers is Florida and would come across these types of stores. They dabble in all th weapons, but usually cheap import crap.
There used to be a store in Meriden that dabbled in the things that you've mentioned. I believe it has since closed. Similar in nature to what you've both already mentioned...nothing in there that really made you go WOW, poor selection, etc.

If there was something that I needed in a hurry and didn't want to take the time to go through a dealer like Century, Asian World, etc., many MA schools have some things in stock at the school.

MJS said:
There used to be a store in Meriden that dabbled in the things that you've mentioned. I believe it has since closed. Similar in nature to what you've both already mentioned...nothing in there that really made you go WOW, poor selection, etc.

If there was something that I needed in a hurry and didn't want to take the time to go through a dealer like Century, Asian World, etc., many MA schools have some things in stock at the school.


Mike I know which store you are referencing by the railroad tracks in Meriden. I believe he has closed down as a few years ago I went by and it was no longer there. When I went to boot camp some years ago there was a martial arts store in Springfield Mass across from the building where you signed up. It was small and had an o.k. selection. Nothing like going to Shureido in Okinawa however.

In the spirit of Bushido!

chinto01 said:
Mike I know which store you are referencing by the railroad tracks in Meriden.

Yes, thats the one! Wasn't in the greatest section of town, but I figured I'd check it out. I had went in to see if he had any Arnis sticks. Small selection of stuff.

We even have a few shops like that here in rural Indiana. Back when I was in my early teens, there was actually a real MA supply store, but it only lasted for about a year and a half.


Martial arts supply stores are rare to begin with, but if you're away from the restrictive areas, then what you saw isn't unusual at all. Even in Chicago, which has some pretty restrictive laws of its own, there are several stores, such as East-West Trade Markets, that offer quite a few goodies.

Sometimes, when I go to the gun and knife shows, there are some martial arts equipment vendors available (although the rules in my town state that 50% of your merchandise must be firearms-related, or bladed weapons). Plenty of pointy objects, as well as hand-held tasers, blow guns (you can hit 280 MPH easily with a wire dart and a 60" barrel), shuriken, collapsible batons, etc.

Just be careful about the cheap swords. Swordlady has posted a number of excellent resources in the Sword Arts forum, and I wouldn't even swing around those cheap sword-like objects!
Brian R. VanCise said:
These small shops used to be more common in Michigan about twenty years ago or so. Now they seem to be almost nowhere to be found except maybe down in Metro Detroit!

Brian R. VanCise

Is it making a comeback in Michigan?. I recently stopped at a mini mart/gas station on the West Coast (of Michigan) that kind of fit Carol's description. The sign out front says simply says Ray's Mini Mart, but I think I will call it "Ray's Gas, Katanas, and 40s"
I generally get weapons in Chinatown in NYC or Flushing, Most recently in Beijing (still waiting for them to be shipped) but back when I use to live in Mass it seemed like there were a lot of stores like the one you found in New England.

However Boston Chinatown has some good stores (no katanas however) if you know where to look, know how to speak Mandarin or Cantonese and/or are with a Chinese person. Not to many requirements there are there.
I haven't seen any such thing though I have no doubt they exist. There are only two major players in the NY area, and they don't take competition lightly. There are smaller ones, such as I go to in the Bronx and yes, some in other boro's including NYC, but they barely make a dent in the big guys. But none that I've visited were anything like what you described.
MJS said:
Yes, thats the one! Wasn't in the greatest section of town, but I figured I'd check it out. I had went in to see if he had any Arnis sticks. Small selection of stuff.


Yes forgot about that place...It was an Army/Navy surplus store..
Unfortunately if you rememebr there was the 'Silver City Boxing' gym right next door..I believe they are gone as well. I think they moved though.

If you ever get a chance and are in the philly area, AWMA has a retail store..kid in candy shop there.
I have seen them. There was one here in Leesburg, Florida (where I work) a few blocks away on main street. It was a martial arts supply and leather shop. Lots of biker stuff there, cheap katanas (daisho, stands, etc), novelty swords, cheap knives, *NINJA* weapons, some gi, shinai, and pads (focus pads, and such). Mostly it was a biker leather shop. I bought a few things from there like belts and shinai. It has since gone out of business.

That seems to be a trend with those sorts of places, they tend to be fly-by-night businesses.

I normally buy my martial arts supplies from the MT advertiser(s), plus I can shop from the comfort of my office chair and have it delivered to my office chair :p
Come here to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and you will see about 25 of them on a five mile strip near the bach (I am not kidding).

I have been in this kind of store before but never heard of it coming under the martial arts banner. Kind of insulting really!


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