Who is the most Impressive martial artis that you have personaly seen


Blue Belt
Jun 3, 2003
Reaction score
Atlanta GA
I recently asked the question "Of All the 1st generation students out there who moves the most similar to Mr Parker?"

An even better question is. Who is the most impressive martial artist that you have ever seen.

For those of you out there who have meet Al McLuckie in my opinion he is the most amazing martial artist that I habe personaly see.

By the way; It does not have to be a Kenpoist.
My opion of that person has just recently changed it used to be someone that was extreemly flashy. However my new person is by far Mr. Pick He has very compact moves with a massive amount of power. He basically redefines the term ecomomy of motion.


I have limited exposure to martial artists outside my school but I have seen some VERY impressive Kung Fu demonstrations by Masters and Grand Masters where you KNOW these people are the real deal.

I would have to say GM Richard Lee, who happens to be the founder of our system and Master John Buckley, his #1 disciple and heir apparent. Stunningly fast with minimal effort and maximum power and living the true MA ethic.
The best TKD'er would have been Jimmy Kim out in California, Best MA'er probaly Roy Kurban back in the seventies he had some outstanding matches over that time period.
Overall Bruce Lee
I'd have to say that my teacher is the most impressive martial artist I've seen with my own eyes. He has a broad technique base and because of his line of work, he knows how to apply them. I know that my teacher can make this stuff work for real and I've been on the receiving end enough to actually gauge his skill. The bottom line is that he can do things that I cannot and I work extremely hard to make what I do work.
I'm just including instructors who I've met in person, I don't count video as really seeing someone.

Tuhon Leo Gaje followed by Morio Higoanna Sensei.
Atlanta-Kenpo said:
I recently asked the question "Of All the 1st generation students out there who moves the most similar to Mr Parker?"

An even better question is. Who is the most impressive martial artist that you have ever seen.

For those of you out there who have meet Al McLuckie in my opinion he is the most amazing martial artist that I habe personaly see.

By the way; It does not have to be a Kenpoist.

For martial arts in general: the late Mr. Tri of Sacramento, CA. For Kenpo, it would easily be Mr. Bob Liles of Sacramento, as well, who I saw only briefly through a window but the power and economy of motion were quite impressive and far superior to the unaffilliated Kenpo that I was familiar with.
My answer will be Kenpo vs non Kenpo/ Canada vs US, In Canada for Kenpo is Jamie Seabrook non Kenpo Mike Bernardo. States side Kenpo, Larry Tatum non Kenpo, Prof Wally Jay.
Who is the most Impressive martial artis that you have personaly seen Could that be who I have seen in person, maybe?

Hmm!! Lets see now, I believe that all of the martial artists I have seen were seen personally by me. In fact I am certain of it. Have you seen impressive martial artists otherwise?

Most impressive I seen, been quite a few who are impressive in their own way. Guro Dan Inosanto, tremendous martial arts historian. Martial ability aside his knowledge of martial art and so many different training systems is impressive. Sifu Francis Fong's speed and agility is impressive also and at his age. Grand Tuhon Leo Gaje's smoothness and manipulation of timing also is very impressive. Tuhon Bill McGrath what power and smoothness. Herman Suwanda could manipulate his toes almost as well as I can my fingers. Saw him walk across the floor by the mainipulation of his toes, that was impressive. There are many others as well not certain I could name a most impressive for everyone is impressive in their own right. One think I do know most assuredly is I saw each with my own eyes. Is that personally enough?

To answer the question: Who is the most impressive martial artist I have ever seen? Let me tell you a little story.

One day I was at Mr. Parkers house for a lesson and he pulls a wickedly beautiful fighting knife out of its sheath, holds it up around eye level, and rotating blade slightly, he says we’re going to work on knife techniques today. Don’t mind saying that scared the crap out of me!

Then he set the knife down, picked up a piece of blue chalk, and proceeded to coat the edges of the sheath with chalk. He then put down the chalk, hands me the sheath and tells me to attack him with it. Relaxing considerably, I figured “Sure I’ll play your little game, but don’t come complaining when I actually stab you with this thing.” (Those of you who have ever worked out with Mr. Parker know that when he tells you to attack him, he means ATTACK.)

So, I launch in with some semi-fancy, totally dumb, knife attack as Mr. Parker whips the knife away and turns the tables. I dodge, duck and maneuver to the best of my ability until Mr. Parker stops attacking me. Then he says, “How do you think you did?” Not feeling anyplace where he stabbed me, or pealed any skin off, I said I thought I did pretty good.

He smiled, then told me to go look in the mirror. To my shock, and amazement I see two blue streaks – one each slicing across both sides of my neck. Then Mr. Parker says to look under my arms and between my legs – where I find four more streaks of blue chalk – one each on the fleshy soft undersides of my upper arms and two more on the inner sides of my upper thighs.

The most impressive martial artist I have ever seen – and felt - would have to be Ed Parker.
My answere:

Mr. Parker
Danile K Pai
Kali Griffin
George Chartier
Ron Van Cliff (sp)
Nick Cerio
and a few others
I haven't had the opportunity to meet a lot of people but of the few I have met it would be Roy Goldberg (Aiki-jujitsu), hands down.

Others worth mentioning:

Gokor Chivichyan (Judo)
Jean Jacques Machado (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu)
Dan Gable (Wrestling)

Guru Dan Inosanto
Hanshi Bruce Juchnik
Tuhon Tom Kier
Tuhon Roberto Torres
Uncle Bill DeThuars

And Many others
Throughout my short journey so far, 5 stick out: Rorion Gracie, Hee Il Cho, Tak Kubota, Larry Tatum and Huk Planas.