Who is the Founder of TKD...Debate!


Thanks for posting the video. In the future, please start a separate thread for an off-topic post or find an appropriate thread that may already exist.

Thank you
Sorry. I thought that the photo was relevant to the discussion of Taekwondo development in Korea.

R. McLain
I pulled it up, and you're right. My bad - sorry.
terryl965 said:
Well kicking for christ is one of the biggest MA organization in the united states, and if I not mistaken they believe in GOD. Most Monks believe in Budda and that would be almost the same. If I'm not mis taken alot of different styles believe in some sort of higher spirtit, that would be there GOD kinda. Now your comment I have meet devil worshipers that believe MA is unholy what is your point.
See without God we would not be here you know the heavens and the earth. So in my opion without GOD no MA.
I do see what some of you are getting you stated TKD plain and simple the founding father OH yea that would be GOD! No matter how you put it if you go back far enough it leads back to GOD. To let you know it was from Okinawa that TKD mostly came from a little batch of land, which had a karate base from japan as we all know which karate came from the kung fu base which came from some other place which came from someother place so see TKD is just one person justification of a elder Art that he learned from somebody else. In my opion it is pointless to argue over who started the Art every person that is from a different organization has there way of th starting pont of TKD. Most would say Choi others say no who are you going to believe, I was not there at that time and most liking non of us was, only the one's that was there know for sure.
Most Buddhist monks to not beleive in Buddha as a God.

Are we discussing the foundation and other contributions for the art?
Or the person whom "coined" the art's name/term?
Or the person that promoted it?
First off I said almost, second I'm just trying to make a point that anybody and everybody has there way of thinking. All I know is I can say something to you, you can repeat it to somebody else and so on and so on and by the time it gets back to me it was change just enough to alter the origial statement. So if any of you was there first hand then I'll believe in they way I was tought and you will be probaly believe what you was told by your Master. Thay is the point I'm trying to make.

While I don't have a problem with the idea that perhaps God gave us the ability to practice martial arts and understand them, martial arts systems themselves are, by definition, artificial. Someone created the specific styles we practice. So while God perhaps gave us the ability to practice Tae Kwon Do, an individual or individuals created Tae Kwon Do as we know it.
I'll even buy that perhaps God inspired some of the contributors of the art. But it remains that human beings created it. Who is a matter of debate

Incidentally, some forms of Buddhism look at Buddha as a God. Others simply see him as the Enlightened One.

Thank you for the information give me a time to look it over and I will respond in full!

I will comment on my Fathers certification through the Chung Do Kwan. He was certified through the CDK (which was practicing the Chang Hon Hyungs of General Choi). Prior to accepting the Chang Hon Hyungs, the CDK was practicing Karate (Heian Katas) and was a self stated TSD gym!

Regarding my Father, he held rank through the Oh Do Kwan, Chung Do Kwan, and Moo Duk Kwan. Later, he held rank issued by the ITF, the Vietnamese TKD Federation, the Kukkiwon, and was present at the creation of the USTF!

We love TKD (just as you stated)!


Can you provide me with any bibliography related to the book in reference. Also, could you provide me with the Korean title of the Book!

Truly would be a find!

MichiganTKD said:

While I don't have a problem with the idea that perhaps God gave us the ability to practice martial arts and understand them, martial arts systems themselves are, by definition, artificial. Someone created the specific styles we practice. So while God perhaps gave us the ability to practice Tae Kwon Do, an individual or individuals created Tae Kwon Do as we know it.
I'll even buy that perhaps God inspired some of the contributors of the art. But it remains that human beings created it. Who is a matter of debate

Incidentally, some forms of Buddhism look at Buddha as a God. Others simply see him as the Enlightened One.
Michagan I was just making a point, you see there sre so many calms about TKD and who did what, that only the one's that was there would know for sure also the member that was there could interpet things in there own way. As far as the way Ma started there is a book that was written by a gentleman that said MA was brought down from the sky's in a shinning light, his interpitation was they come from people from outer space. I don't have the book in the house but this weekend I'll look it up it's in the garage. A bit weard for me but that is his thought about the way MA was started. For every claim there's a counter claim. I hope you can see everyone's dilima. Every person needs to be right and every organization has there way of thinking.
Spookey said:
Can you provide me with any bibliography related to the book in reference. Also, could you provide me with the Korean title of the Book!
I don't have that particular book by GM LEE (i.e. 1965 book). The book I have by him listed the referenced book in its bibliography (along with several others he has written). Sorry, I don't have the Korean name of the book-only it's English translation.

BTW and somewhat off-topic (sorry Shesulsa!)-your father must be a fascinating source of information!

Take Care,

Greetings all,

I think, from the plethora of responses, there is no 'one' founder as others have suggested, but more of a community evolution. I also think it would be interesting to see what 'Korean" techniques survived from before the Japanese occupation, if any.
MichiganTKD said:

While I don't have a problem with the idea that perhaps God gave us the ability to practice martial arts and understand them, martial arts systems themselves are, by definition, artificial. Someone created the specific styles we practice. So while God perhaps gave us the ability to practice Tae Kwon Do, an individual or individuals created Tae Kwon Do as we know it.
I'll even buy that perhaps God inspired some of the contributors of the art. But it remains that human beings created it. Who is a matter of debate

Incidentally, some forms of Buddhism look at Buddha as a God. Others simply see him as the Enlightened One.
But what if one disbeleives that God, of any from, had nothing to do with it? What about individuals who do not beleive in God, or the Bible as "by God". Shouldn't these people have free will and are alllowed to get disguted when they see something like this posted?
47MartialMan said:
But what if one disbeleives that God, of any from, had nothing to do with it? What about individuals who do not beleive in God, or the Bible as "by God". Shouldn't these people have free will and are alllowed to get disguted when they see something like this posted?

This is off topic, please make a new thread for this question. BTW, "disbelieves" and "had nothing" is a double negative which says, believes that God has something to do with it, so I would restate that in your new thread. This would probably would be best in the Study anyway. Thanks! TW
TigerWoman said:
This is off topic, please make a new thread for this question. BTW, "disbelieves" and "had nothing" is a double negative which says, believes that God has something to do with it, so I would restate that in your new thread. This would probably would be best in the Study anyway. Thanks! TW
Sorry, I am trying.....I have such a strange writing/posting style.
TW sorry about bringing up God in this thread was'nt trying to start a holy war just trying to make a point that no-one is willing to understand. My humble apologies.

Terry Lee Stoker
Terry, I understand your point, no worries. But for those who want to discuss the humans involved in the origination of TKD, its hard to stay on track when other questions are introduced. Hence my suggestion. TW
TigerWoman, I think MartialMan brought up God in reference to the discussion that arose from terryl965's post that God created TKD. Not necessarily off-topic, but ... well, not exactly contributive either.

47MartialMan, be sure your posts are pertinent to the conversation and, if you think it might not be exactly pertinent, then quote someone so you can have a reference for your point.
But how did theology come into it? The subject is of TKD creation, not mankind. But whoa, then we are into the evolution realm.

Back to the real topic and a question-

Do most TKD practioners realize and/or acredit anyone in particular?
47 Martialman Probaly for the most part General Choi is the founding father, well atleast in my realm of thinking.
Thank you Shesula and TW, I will try to stay on topic

I have visited the Kuk Mu Do (Han Mu Do) official webite. I too saw the reference to the book. My next questions/comments are as follows:

1. What patterns did the Han Mu Kwan practice prior to the Pal-Gwe and Tae Geuks?

2. The "Modern History of Taekwon-Do" (which was often quoted in the early portion of this thread), states the Han Mu Kwan to be a TSD gym...just wondering when this changed?


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