If Kyan never trained with Itosu, why do forms of Shorin ryu,Shorinji ryu teach Pinan kata? Since Itosu is credited with creating the Pinan kata?
I can only answer for certainty in regards Seibukan. They were added later by Zenpo Shimabukuro, who learned them from Nakaima Chozo
Did Kyan teach the Pinan kata?
He did not. Kyan taught Seisan, Ananku, Wansu, Passai, Gojushiho, Kusanku and Tokumine no kun. Zenryo Shimabukuro added to his curriculum Wanchin, his own creation. Zenpo Shimabukuro added, in addition to Pinan 1-5, also Naifanchi 1-3, Jion and Passai Gwa. He learned all these from Nakaima Chozo, who, if I remember correctly, was a Chibana's student
Again the reason I ask is that in Matsubayashi Shorin ryu, when they list Kyan Chotoku's teachers they also list Itosu.
Yes, I know, but Nagamine was the only student of Kyan to make that connection.
Eventhough, since Kyan trained with Matsumura Sokon directly, why would he train with Itosu, wouldn't Kyan have been Itosu's senior in Matsumura lineage?
When Kyan was studying with Matsumura, Matsumura was already an old man, so it is likely that the actual teachings would have been conducted by Azato. When Kyan went with his father to mainland Japan, Matsumura died before he had the opportunity to come back
. Also, Itosu was older that Kyan, so I think Itosu would have been Kyan's senior.
Perhaps they trained together no so much as student and teacher, but peers exchanging ideas. What do you think?
That is certainly possible and it is almost certain that Kyan was familiar with Itosu and what he taught. After all, Itosu was a nobleman also as was Kyan's father.
Which one's put their own spin on the story of embellish it?
That is the truth, it is often really hard to know for certainty. You have to cross-reference a lot of material, look at the physical evidence (kata) and even then it may come down to whose version of events you choose to believe. In this particular case, i.e. was Itosu Kyan's teacher we can look at the evidence:
- Nagamine is the only Kyan's student to make the connection
- Chibana, who we know to have been a long time student of Itosu, said Kyan did not learn from his teacher
If we discount these statements, there's still the kata: where in Kyan's karate is Itosu's "hand-print" visible? Nowhere. Itosu's kata look quite different from Kyan's kata. Itosu has the Dai and Sho versions of many kata, whereas Kyan has only one version of each. Also it is known where Kyan learned which kata