Who in your family besides you also study martial arts?

Who in your family besides you also study martial arts?

  • No other family members

  • One or more of my children

  • My parent(s)

  • My spouse

  • My sibling(s) [brother(s) and/or sister(s)]

  • More than one immediate family members [parent(s), spouse, child(ren), and/or sibling(s)]

  • Other relatives [uncle(s), aunt(s), cousin(s) and/or grandparent(s)]

  • Both immediate and extended family members (combination of 6 & 7)

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Currently I'm the only one studying. My oldest brother earned his yellow belt in Kuk Sool Won, but stopped and wants to get back into it. I also had a cousin in some sort of style and they stopped, too. Now, my 2 nieces might be joining me where I study to see if they would like martial arts.
My father-in-law has been studying aikido for almost two years now...used to make fun of me for spending so much time practicing and teaching...now he's hooked!
I bring my family along when I teach. My wife started 12 years ago when I did. We both got our yellow belt together and then she went off to college. I stayed with it. I just convinced her to get back into it a little over a year ago. I've gotten her to purple. I let my children join in the regular classes when they turned 3. My son is now 7 and is a green belt. My daughter is 4 and recently earned her orange. I started them both in their basics when they could walk.
Just me - although I started with my now ex-husband (then boyfriend). As far as I know, he dropped out shortly after the divorce.
My father actually studied TKD for a long time, before coming over to the US.

Father: 2nd dan, Tae Kwon Do
Mother: white belt, Shotokan Karate
Sister: 5th gup (green belt), Tae Kwon Do, white belt Shotokan Karate
Brother: 5th kyu (green belt), Shotokan Karate, and occasional kickboxer
My daughter 20 (brown belt)
My son 14 (brown belt+1 black tip)
My son 11 (green belt+ 2 brown tips)
My nephew practices some kind of shootfighting. His brother tried fencing for a very short while but quit. My niece trained Wado at the same club as me for about a year, but she is moving out of town and probably won`t go on with the art.

My father likes to brag about boxing when he was young.
Besides myself, my wife studies Kumdo and my 3 boys study TKD. My siblings aren't "enlightened" yet. :) Sucks to be them...
My brother is now my instructor. We started together, but I had to drop when my wife and I started our family (somehow food, milk, and baby things were more important places for the funds over training.) he stuck with it and now has his own school. When I moved our family back to this area, we started training again. So: the complete answer is -
My wife,
Nicholas our 8 year old,
and Alex the 6 year old
Plus my 9 year old nephew all train under my brother.

There are 2 more coming up who cannot wait to start also, but they have a couple of years to go for formal training.
I'm the only one in my family who studies. I want to get my wife involved, but I don't think she'd want me as her instructor. I don't think separating home & dojang is a do-able thing for either of us.

I will say that a great deal of the folks I've trained with over the years are like family to me.
My wife, my 6 year old daughter and I.
I am hoping in 2 years when my youngest is 4 that she will try it too!
My youngest brother and I took Tae Kwon Do together for about 2.5 years when we were kids. He quit a few months before I did. My other brother (I'm the oldest) took Shotokan for a couple years while he was in college. I'm currently the only one in my immediate family studying martial arts.
Well just to be far since my whole family does it, we tried to teach the dag but the whole kicking while on two legs did not work. So from there it was the snake turn, turns out no legs or arms, finally we turned to the cat and lord and behold he has become a ninja!
Thank god one of the animals was able to join the rest of the family.
My whole house has been studying Kempo for a little over a year.
Myself- blue belt
My Husband- purple
Son - Purple

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