who began with the embroided black belts?


Senior Master
I can remeber when I was a kid that the black belts have not any single letter or word, they were just plain black belts. nothing fancy, even the dans were absent (no strips or another mark).

Do you know when and who began the trend about embroid the black belts? I can asume it was the koreans but I don't know for sure.

I always had a plain BB and we used tape for the stripes but all that has chonged over the years.
I doubt that anyone can definitively say where embroidering belts came about. All we can do is guess.
Not to say he had anything to do with it, but in the ITF patter books by GM Jhoon Rhee in the early 70's he had his name in script on his belt. So, it goes back at least to '71
someone figured out they could charge more for one so they did it! and it looked cool. especially in another language
Judging by the simple way I've seen Koreans, Japanese & Okinawan folks embroider there's. It was, most like just a way to tell one's belt from someone else's belt. To simply put one's name on a belt. That's my guess. But, it's just a guess.
Judging by the simple way I've seen Koreans, Japanese & Okinawan folks embroider there's. It was, most like just a way to tell one's belt from someone else's belt. To simply put one's name on a belt. That's my guess. But, it's just a guess.

Agreed, In the Army we put are name on all of our personal equip to keep it seperate.

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