just asking


Senior Master
Well I am about to order my eosin panther black belt, something I deserve for long time, I am in a crossroad, don't know yet if I will order a fully embroided black belt (korean) with my name in one side and in the other side tae kwon do and the name of my organization (dojang) or just order a plain black belt without any lettering. The embroided belt will cost me around U$130.00+shipping and the plain one will cost me around U$D50.00+shipping.

I already have two embroided black belts so that's why I asking myself why another one. The eosin panther seems to me a wonderfull belt.

Well I am about to order my eosin panther black belt, something I deserve for long time, I am in a crossroad, don't know yet if I will order a fully embroided black belt (korean) with my name in one side and in the other side tae kwon do and the name of my organization (dojang) or just order a plain black belt without any lettering. The embroided belt will cost me around U$130.00+shipping and the plain one will cost me around U$D50.00+shipping.

I already have two embroided black belts so that's why I asking myself why another one. The eosin panther seems to me a wonderfull belt.


If you don't have financial issues and spending the $ to purchase the belt you like is not a problem. The why deprive yourself!!! If spending $130 on a BB is a responsible purchase for you then by all means have fun!!! You only live once!!!
If you don't have financial issues and spending the $ to purchase the belt you like is not a problem. The why deprive yourself!!! If spending $130 on a BB is a responsible purchase for you then by all means have fun!!! You only live once!!!
I agree. Why have two when you can have three? lol
I've never seen one of their belts be THAT much. Unless there is a big shipping charge to Mexico.

It's a belt that will wear for years. You want it to look nice & be comfortable. I'd say that since you will wear it for a long time, it is worth getting what you want. Get the embroidered belt. You will like it better.
it seems for 10 dollars more I can get the belt in satin, but never had one wich is better coton or satin? I know satin has to be more elegant but can withstand hard work?

it seems for 10 dollars more I can get the belt in satin, but never had one wich is better coton or satin? I know satin has to be more elegant but can withstand hard work?


Satin belts tend to break down quicker & not last as long as cotton. But, satin has a certain look that makes it stand out. You asked "which is better?" that's up to you. Cotton will last longer.
I am such a retro guy, for me nothing beats a well ironed pristine white gi with a nice plain black belt (like in the old days), for that matters I went to a taylor and order him a white gi (open top) and that's why I asked you about a plain bb or an embroided one. I have alrady two cotton black belts, one of them my first one and this belt has wistanding honest work with just the korean lettering fading out but the belt stills in pretty good shape.

I think a satin black belt must be without embroided lettering, for me it's more clasic that way plus the finish of satin will be awesome agiant a white gi.

Perhaps will go for the satin plain black belt.

It's just the outer that changes is it with a satin belt? Is the inside of the belt the same - still hessian/cotton?

I want a new plain belt for training, but I like ones that hang properly and arent too stiff, as I don't go in for having the ends sticking out the side!

Have any of you used Adidas belts, Nike or Mooto single wrap belts? How do these hang?

Manny, have you got your belt now and are you pleased?
It's just the outer that changes is it with a satin belt? Is the inside of the belt the same - still hessian/cotton?

I want a new plain belt for training, but I like ones that hang properly and arent too stiff, as I don't go in for having the ends sticking out the side!

Have any of you used Adidas belts, Nike or Mooto single wrap belts? How do these hang?

Manny, have you got your belt now and are you pleased?

My satin BB was shipped on august 26th I am waiting for ti like boy waiting Santa on Xmas eve.

It's just the outer that changes is it with a satin belt? Is the inside of the belt the same - still hessian/cotton?

I want a new plain belt for training, but I like ones that hang properly and arent too stiff, as I don't go in for having the ends sticking out the side!

Have any of you used Adidas belts, Nike or Mooto single wrap belts? How do these hang?

Manny, have you got your belt now and are you pleased?

If you're looking for a training belt, get one in cotton. It'll last longer. As far as it being too stiff, train in it a lot! It'll stop being stiff after a while.

@ Manny, I hope you love your new belt!

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