White Supremicts Really Hate Bush And Republicans


Black Belt
Jun 19, 2004
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In particular the Aryan Nations (http://www.aryan-nations.org/) group really hate Bush as much as Al Queda. I have been reading around their forums,


So many articles, including on the main page really show how much disgust they have for Bush and the Republican party in general, calling them white lackeys, Zionist pigs, Jewish sympathizers, and the ring leader of what they call the NWO (New World Order). They seem as disgusted at Bush and Republicans for forcing democracies in the middle east and support for Israel. They also call him "helper of the mudd" because of Bush does nothing about the borders or something like that. Hmmm, sounds a lot like Al Queda. Sometimes I wonder whether they keep in contact regularly.

Anyways, this is quite surprising considering white supremacist have always been classified as radical conservatives, but Bush and Republicans are conservative. Guess conservative of a different kind (neo-conservatives) are too different for them. So what do White Supremacist vote for at election time? A liberal or democrat? I doubt that, most likely only the American Nazi Party but I am sure they know they would always loose, so it would seem more fitting for their goals to vote for a independent radical conservative party, since they hate Bush and Republicans so much.
That's kind of funny because Bush and his Administration as also likened to Nazi's by a lot of Liberals, while the sole "Nazi" group in the U.S. totally hates them.

The whole Nazi term was also used against our troops by a Democrat Senator just last week. They guys whose boots are on the ground over their gettin shot at and these idiot Democrats are over here shooting their mouths off with labels that don't even make sense.

If it weren't so unAmerican, it'd almost be laughable.
MisterMike said:
That's kind of funny because Bush and his Administration as also likened to Nazi's by a lot of Liberals, while the sole "Nazi" group in the U.S. totally hates them.

The whole Nazi term was also used against our troops by a Democrat Senator just last week. They guys whose boots are on the ground over their gettin shot at and these idiot Democrats are over here shooting their mouths off with labels that don't even make sense.

If it weren't so unAmerican, it'd almost be laughable.
Yea I was also very angered when they compared our troops to nazis as well. Clearly Congressman Durbin doesn't know what he is talking about.

Actually if you think about liberal democrats are a bit more nazi than neo-conservatives, considering there are many more liberals who are anti-zionist (not all liberals, but there are more antizionist libs than neocons). Since neoconservatives like Bush and other republicans seem to be the only people in favor for Israel the most (many liberals are too, but too a much less extent).

What is even more funny is one time while watching ABC News, before the election they said that Binladden might do harm for Kerry because the terrorists want Bush in power:lol::rolleyes:. Even though terrorists and radical muslims hate Bush more than anyone else in the world. ABC News has so much bias. It is so hilariously obvious.
Kane said:
What is even more funny is one time while watching ABC News, before the election they said that Binladden might do harm for Kerry because the terrorists want Bush in power:lol::rolleyes:. Even though terrorists and radical muslims hate Bush more than anyone else in the world. ABC News has so much bias. It is so hilariously obvious.

I can't even see the logic behind that one.

Most of the "unbiased" press cannot even call him President Bush, they use "Mr."

Oh - and online news stories are the worst. They list a headline, enter a paragraph that kinda sorta relates to it, and then cut and paste the same anti-war tripe they've been repeating for the same 15 previous articles. I almost cannot place a coherent line of thought through the article. Maybe if we want to know what it's like to have ADD or something, try getting into the mind of one of these reporters as they write these unbiased articles.

It's like:

Bush seeks more money

Bush will ask congress for $80 Billion today for the war on terror, which as of late has cost $blah blah blah dollars and X lives and Y countries now dislike us more....blah blah blah.

Oil has risen to $75 a barrel and blah blah blah..

Z Veterans have come home and have no health care.

Why don't they just snip it up into the 25 rants against their President and save me the time of having to read it over and over and over...

But nah, there's no agenda there...just a sloppy article :rolleyes:
Kane said:
In particular the Aryan Nations (http://www.aryan-nations.org/) group really hate Bush as much as Al Queda. I have been reading around their forums,


So many articles, including on the main page really show how much disgust they have for Bush and the Republican party in general, calling them white lackeys, Zionist pigs, Jewish sympathizers, and the ring leader of what they call the NWO (New World Order). They seem as disgusted at Bush and Republicans for forcing democracies in the middle east and support for Israel. They also call him "helper of the mudd" because of Bush does nothing about the borders or something like that. Hmmm, sounds a lot like Al Queda. Sometimes I wonder whether they keep in contact regularly.

Oddly enough, they said similar things about Clinton, who was a moderate.

So what do White Supremacist vote for at election time? A liberal or democrat?

They always have David Duke, Trent Lott etc.
Kane said:
Actually if you think about liberal democrats are a bit more nazi than neo-conservatives, considering there are many more liberals who are anti-zionist.
1. Source?
2. Anti-Zionist is not the same as anti-semitic. Comparing Liberal Democrats to Nazis is inappropriate and inaccurate, Kane.
Flatlander said:
1. Source?
2. Anti-Zionist is not the same as anti-semitic. Comparing Liberal Democrats to Nazis is inappropriate and inaccurate, Kane.
lol, where did you get the idea I am comparing liberal democrats to nazis? You can be anti-zionist or anti-semetic and still not be a nazi.

What I mean is that it seems more that neo-conservatives seem to be the only ones passionate about helping Jews and Israel (whether it be religion or not). It is much to a less extent in more liberal people and democrat, but that does not mean there are none who are for Israel or Jews in that sense. It is like saying a neo-conservative is more religious than a liberal, but it doesn't mean all liberals are less religious than neo-conservatives. It is a known fact neo-conservatives tend to be more passionate and helping jews and Israel than liberals, and that there are more anti-zionist in liberals than neo-conservatives. I don't need to post a sourse for that;), that is like posting proof to prove that neo-cons tend to be more religious the neo-cons.

Marginal said:
They always have David Duke
Yea forgot about him. He especially hates neocons and their war for Israel in Iraq, lol. Sometimes I wonder, is that the reason why we went to war? Guess there can be many causes.
Kane said:
In particular the Aryan Nations (http://www.aryan-nations.org/) group really hate Bush as much as Al Queda. I have been reading around their forums,


Anyways, this is quite surprising considering white supremacist have always been classified as radical conservatives, but Bush and Republicans are conservative. Guess conservative of a different kind (neo-conservatives) are too different for them. So what do White Supremacist vote for at election time? A liberal or democrat? I doubt that, most likely only the American Nazi Party but I am sure they know they would always loose, so it would seem more fitting for their goals to vote for a independent radical conservative party, since they hate Bush and Republicans so much.
My, what a group of mal-contents. You just can't make a facist group happy can you?
As I mentioned in another forum, anti-semetists of all stripes have a long history of collusion with Nazis. During WWII, anti-semetic muslim groups aided the Nazis and even formed Nazi SS Divisions in Yugoslavia. The Grand Mufti of Palestine Haj Muhammed Amin al-Husseini actually contacted Hitler on a number of occassions, upset that Hitler was allowing jews to leave Europe. He demanded that Hitler come up with a "final solution" to the "Jewish Problem" so as to prevent further jewish immigration in to the middle east.

Several clear sources exist showing this well documented historical connection.

In 1940, al-Husseini requested the Axis powers to acknowledge the Arab right:
  • "... to settle the question of Jewish elements in Palestine and other Arab countries in accordance with the national and racial interests of the Arabs and along the lines similar to those used to solve the Jewish question in Germany and Italy."
While in Baghdad, Syria al-Husseini aided the pro-Nazi revolt of 1941. He then spent the rest of the war as Hitler's special guest in Berlin, advocating the extermination of Jews in radio broadcasts back to the Middle East and recruiting Balkan Muslims for infamous SS "mountain divisions" that tried to wipe out Jewish communities throughout the region.

At the Nuremberg Trials, Eichmann's deputy Dieter Wisliceny (subsequently executed as a war criminal) testified:

"The Mufti was one of the initiators of the systematic
extermination of European Jewry and had been a collaborator and
adviser of Eichmann and Himmler in the execution of this plan...
He was one of Eichmann's best friends and had constantly incited him
to accelerate the extermination measures. I heard him say,
accompanied by Eichmann, he had visited incognito the gas chamber of

With the collapse of Nazi Germany in 1945, the Mufti moved to Egypt where he was received as a national hero. After the war al-Husseini was indicted by Yugoslavia for war crimes, but escaped prosecution. The Mufti was never tried because the Allies were afraid of the storm in the Arab world if the hero of Arab nationalism was treated as a war criminal.
From Egypt al-Husseini was among the sponsors of the 1948 war against the new state of Israel. Spurned by the Jordanian monarch, who gave the position of Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to someone else, Haj Amin al-Husseini arranged King Abdullah's assassination in 1951, while still living in exile in Egypt. King Tallal followed Abdullah as king of Jordan, and he refused to give permission to Amin al-Husseini to come into Jordanian Jerusalem. After one year, King Tallal was declared incompetent; the new King Hussein also refused to give al-Husseini permission to enter Jerusalem. King Hussein recognized that the former Grand Mufti would only stir up trouble and was a danger to peace in the region.

Haj Amin al-Husseini eventually died in exile in 1974. He never returned to Jerusalem after his 1937 departure. His place as leader of the radical, nationalist Palestinian Arabs was taken by his nephew Mohammed Abdel-Raouf Arafat As Qudwa al-Hussaeini, better known as Yasser Arafat. In August 2002, Arafat gave an interview in which he referred to "our hero al-Husseini" as a symbol of Palestinian Arab resistance.


I'm sure this may seem like something new to a lot of people, but it's really nothing new at all. The common misconception is that Nazis are anti-"anythingnotwhite". The truth is that Nazis have always viewed Muslims as allies against the "Jewish problem", and that hasn't changed. Al Queda and Bin Laden have received a lot of accolades by Nazis and white supremacist groups within the US and Europe.
It is with this knowledge, we find ironic the indictment that those who are dealing with some of the by-products of Nazism in the middle east, are themselves being labelled "Nazis" for doing it. Both the current governments of Syria and the former government of Iraq, both Baathists built on the National Socialist model, are direct copies of the Nazi party. Saddam's government was built on this National Socialist theme, and his entire career was built on the models of his political and personal idols Hitler (who's Mein Kampf Saddam is reported to have read during a jail term similar to the one Hitler was serving when he wrote it) and Stalin (who's ability to maintain power through fear and purging Saddam admired and emulated).

Yet, we're the Nazis for helping to end this decades long continuation of the Nazi tradition? It would be ludicrous and absurdly humorous if it wasn't taken so seriously by so many people who obviously learned the wrong lessons from WWII.
Kane said:
lol, where did you get the idea I am comparing liberal democrats to nazis? You can be anti-zionist or anti-semetic and still not be a nazi.

What I mean is that it seems more that neo-conservatives seem to be the only ones passionate about helping Jews and Israel (whether it be religion or not). It is much to a less extent in more liberal people and democrat, but that does not mean there are none who are for Israel or Jews in that sense. It is like saying a neo-conservative is more religious than a liberal, but it doesn't mean all liberals are less religious than neo-conservatives. It is a known fact neo-conservatives tend to be more passionate and helping jews and Israel than liberals, and that there are more anti-zionist in liberals than neo-conservatives. I don't need to post a sourse for that;), that is like posting proof to prove that neo-cons tend to be more religious the neo-cons.

Yea forgot about him. He especially hates neocons and their war for Israel in Iraq, lol. Sometimes I wonder, is that the reason why we went to war? Guess there can be many causes.
Honestly Kane, I have to inform you that I am unable to make sense of this post. So, forget about it. You have lost me completely.
Lost me too. I thought I was holding the train of thought there until about 2/3 the way through and I just can't find those tracks anymore ...

Kane, could you clarify please?
Kane said:
What I mean is that it seems more that neo-conservatives seem to be the only ones passionate about helping Jews and Israel (whether it be religion or not). It is much to a less extent in more liberal people and democrat, but that does not mean there are none who are for Israel or Jews in that sense. It is like saying a neo-conservative is more religious than a liberal, but it doesn't mean all liberals are less religious than neo-conservatives. It is a known fact neo-conservatives tend to be more passionate and helping jews and Israel than liberals, and that there are more anti-zionist in liberals than neo-conservatives. I don't need to post a sourse for that, that is like posting proof to prove that neo-cons tend to be more religious the neo-cons.

Whenever one claims a 'known fact', it is a safe bet that what is being argued is neither fact, nor commonly known; rather, it is a lazy way of saying 'I believe', and 'those I know believe'.

Of course, since homo sapiens are a small group animal, we tend to socialize with those who share our point of view. The challenge to those claiming 'known facts', is to broaden perspectives, and to provide documentation.
michaeledward said:
Whenever one claims a 'known fact', it is a safe bet that what is being argued is neither fact, nor commonly known; rather, it is a lazy way of saying 'I believe', and 'those I know believe'.

Of course, since homo sapiens are a small group animal, we tend to socialize with those who share our point of view. The challenge to those claiming 'known facts', is to broaden perspectives, and to provide documentation.
Would you say it is a 'known fact' that what is being argued is neither fact, nor commonly known?
Kane said:
. So what do White Supremacist vote for at election time? A liberal or democrat? I doubt that, most likely only the American Nazi Party but I am sure they know they would always loose, so it would seem more fitting for their goals to vote for a independent radical conservative party, since they hate Bush and Republicans so much.
I think it's probably good they are throwing their votes away.
Flatlander said:
Honestly Kane, I have to inform you that I am unable to make sense of this post. So, forget about it. You have lost me completely.
What is so complicated about it?

I will try to explain this better. Different sides of the politcal spectrum are for different things. For example conservatives tend to be more religious than liberals, or liberals are more for free health care than conservatives, ect. Similarly conservatives tend to be more passionate about helping jews than liberals, because they believe it to be their religious duty. I am not saying liberals can't have the same passion, because I am sure there are a lot that do. Just like liberals can be very religious too. But in general, neo-conservatives tend be more jew supporting.
Chobaja said:
I think it's probably good they are throwing their votes away.
Yea, it would be best we do that. It would be beneficial for our security;).