Which martial arts should I take up?

50 a month isnt at all bad for cross fit, its commonly 3 or 4 times that,

it is however still a lot of money for what you get, whovj can be easily replicated at home for an out lay of a few dollars

gyms arnt general crowded, except for january, well not for box j7mping and doing pull ups anyway, the
It kinda depends on the country I think. For Greece, I think it's not cheap at all. You can find an annual gym subscription for 80 euros.

Mostly I would be interesting to know what boxing traininng involves. I kinda feel it's only jumping ropes and punches. I'd need push ups, pull ups, burpees, some kettlebell exercises..

Oh and a stupid thing to mention.. I really admire my crossfit trainer (Actually it's called functional training but It's very very similar to crossfit). He taught me how to perform all these exercises in the correct way. I'd feel like I kinda betray him if I left his class.
It kinda depends on the country I think. For Greece, I think it's not cheap at all. You can find an annual gym subscription for 80 euros.

Mostly I would be interesting to know what boxing traininng involves. I kinda feel it's only jumping ropes and punches. I'd need push ups, pull ups, burpees, some kettlebell exercises..

Oh and a stupid thing to mention.. I really admire my crossfit trainer (Actually it's called functional training but It's very very similar to crossfit). He taught me how to perform all these exercises in the correct way. I'd feel like I kinda betray him if I left his class.

A lot of boxing gyms do functional fitness classes.
It kinda depends on the country I think. For Greece, I think it's not cheap at all. You can find an annual gym subscription for 80 euros.

Mostly I would be interesting to know what boxing traininng involves. I kinda feel it's only jumping ropes and punches. I'd need push ups, pull ups, burpees, some kettlebell exercises..

Oh and a stupid thing to mention.. I really admire my crossfit trainer (Actually it's called functional training but It's very very similar to crossfit). He taught me how to perform all these exercises in the correct way. I'd feel like I kinda betray him if I left his class.
thats why its not so expensive, the cross fit branding puts a 100 on it.

go and see what the boxing gives you, but you can fo burpees and push up anywhere
thats why its not so expensive, the cross fit branding puts a 100 on it.

go and see what the boxing gives you, but you can fo burpees and push up anywhere
Ι know but it's actually crosstraining.. it's just that the word crossfit is mostly used in greece but they mean crosstraininng.
About the burpees and push ups yeah you are right. It's just that /i want to attend let's say boxing classes and that would be all. Not having to do complementary stuff after that.
Ι know but it's actually crosstraining.. it's just that the word crossfit is mostly used in greece but they mean crosstraininng.
About the burpees and push ups yeah you are right. It's just that /i want to attend let's say boxing classes and that would be all. Not having to do complementary stuff after that.

So, you say.... Not having to do complementary stuff after that. By "stuff" you mean exercises?

But the first words you wrote on your very first post - "Last year I decided to get serious with my physique. It was a mix of me wanting to be better at university, wanting to be the better version of me."

So, you're not serious any more? Going to half *** it in boxing, too? Better be careful.
Ι know but it's actually crosstraining.. it's just that the word crossfit is mostly used in greece but they mean crosstraininng.
About the burpees and push ups yeah you are right. It's just that /i want to attend let's say boxing classes and that would be all. Not having to do complementary stuff after that.
A boxing gyms main focus is to teach you boxing. Yes you’ll do some push ups and some running and some skipping and whatever but it’ll be more work on footwork, hand speed, punching mechanics, defence work etc. Also yes you CAN just go to class and do your stuff there but it’s the same as anything you put in extra work outside the gym you will get better/fitter/stronger quicker
So, you say.... Not having to do complementary stuff after that. By "stuff" you mean exercises?

But the first words you wrote on your very first post - "Last year I decided to get serious with my physique. It was a mix of me wanting to be better at university, wanting to be the better version of me."

So, you're not serious any more? Going to half *** it in boxing, too? Better be careful.
Yep that’s it....I mean any pro fighter needs to go run by themselves for cardio....it’s why mike Tyson always was seen running through the streets because he needed to do it to be in shape for his fights and have decent cardio. Like I said you get out what you put in. Sure you can go to the gym 3 times a week and your fitness will improve sure no question but if you go 3 times then do a 3 mile run and 50 push ups a day that’ll make you get fitter even quicker
So, you say.... Not having to do complementary stuff after that. By "stuff" you mean exercises?

But the first words you wrote on your very first post - "Last year I decided to get serious with my physique. It was a mix of me wanting to be better at university, wanting to be the better version of me."

So, you're not serious any more? Going to half *** it in boxing, too? Better be careful.
I mean that I just want to attend boxing classes during which all the exercises that I need to do will be included. As it happes now during crossfit classes. I attend them 4 times a week and I know I've done a serious work out that does not need anything more than that. It's not that I'm bored to go an additinioal time to the gym or having 5 times a week boxing classes. But paying for a boxing coach and them having to be the coach fo myself and organising exercises that need to be done at my house feels too much.
I mean that I just want to attend boxing classes during which all the exercises that I need to do will be included. As it happes now during crossfit classes. I attend them 4 times a week and I know I've done a serious work out that does not need anything more than that. It's not that I'm bored to go an additinioal time to the gym or having 5 times a week boxing classes. But paying for a boxing coach and them having to be the coach fo myself and organising exercises that need to be done at my house feels too much.
Well if you want to learn boxing...you need a boxing coach who’ll teach you boxing....if he’s busy getting you to spend time in the weights room that’s less boxing you are going to learn....think you are over thinking it. At home doing 20 press ups takes about....30 seconds...20 sit ups about 20 seconds....20 squats 40 seconds maybe so in 90 seconds you could’ve done 60 repetitions of different exercises. Then doing a 2 mile run can be about 15-20 minutes (depending on your running ability)
Well if you want to learn boxing...you need a boxing coach who’ll teach you boxing....if he’s busy getting you to spend time in the weights room that’s less boxing you are going to learn....think you are over thinking it. At home doing 20 press ups takes about....30 seconds...20 sit ups about 20 seconds....20 squats 40 seconds maybe so in 90 seconds you could’ve done 60 repetitions of different exercises. Then doing a 2 mile run can be about 15-20 minutes (depending on your running ability)
Well maybe that's the problem. I don't wanna become a boxing athlete, maybe I need a training that involves boxing and some self defence but at the same time it maintains a crossfit approach that will put some emphasis in the weight-lifting part. I'm pretty happy with the results in my body so I'm kinnda "Scared" if my efforts will get lost if I change my work out. But what I like most about my functionnal-crossfit work outs are the pull ups, climbing up ropes and handstands. I like them because these made me discover moves of my body that I was totally unaware of. But in any case I need to try a boxing class to see for my own. Becaue if it's just jumping rope, abds, push ups and just punching the bag it's too limited I think.
If I could afford it i would do both though.
Well maybe that's the problem. I don't wanna become a boxing athlete, maybe I need a training that involves boxing and some self defence but at the same time it maintains a crossfit approach that will put some emphasis in the weight-lifting part. I'm pretty happy with the results in my body so I'm kinnda "Scared" if my efforts will get lost if I change my work out. But what I like most about my functionnal-crossfit work outs are the pull ups, climbing up ropes and handstands. I like them because these made me discover moves of my body that I was totally unaware of. But in any case I need to try a boxing class to see for my own. Becaue if it's just jumping rope, abds, push ups and just punching the bag it's too limited I think.
If I could afford it i would do both though.
we are going round in circles, if you want to be a physique centred athlete do that,

if you want to train fighting, but dont want to loose your physique do pull up and handstands at home

if its anything like a serious boxing gym, then conditioning will play a major part in your training, if it doesnt its not a serious gym and you need to look else where

but the whole thing is speculation till you actually go and see what its all about
Well maybe that's the problem. I don't wanna become a boxing athlete, maybe I need a training that involves boxing and some self defence but at the same time it maintains a crossfit approach that will put some emphasis in the weight-lifting part. I'm pretty happy with the results in my body so I'm kinnda "Scared" if my efforts will get lost if I change my work out. But what I like most about my functionnal-crossfit work outs are the pull ups, climbing up ropes and handstands. I like them because these made me discover moves of my body that I was totally unaware of. But in any case I need to try a boxing class to see for my own. Becaue if it's just jumping rope, abds, push ups and just punching the bag it's too limited I think.
If I could afford it i would do both though.
Then don’t do boxing obviously you’d rather do CrossFit. They’re totally different sports that do different things. A CrossFit only person would get destroyed in a boxing match and a boxing only guy would get easily beaten in a CrossFit competition.
we are going round in circles, if you want to be a physique centred athlete do that,

if you want to train fighting, but dont want to loose your physique do pull up and handstands at home

if its anything like a serious boxing gym, then conditioning will play a major part in your training, if it doesnt its not a serious gym and you need to look else where

but the whole thing is speculation till you actually go and see what its all about
I know it's my fault, I just can't decide. And I have to add something new to this section. I experienced the loss of my father some weeks ago. This made me wanna try something more "collevtive" not so "lonely" as the crossfit. So the idea of being in a group feels kinda relieving to me. I thought a martial art could offer than.
I know it's my fault, I just can't decide. And I have to add something new to this section. I experienced the loss of my father some weeks ago. This made me wanna try something more "collevtive" not so "lonely" as the crossfit. So the idea of being in a group feels kinda relieving to me. I thought a martial art could offer than.
well it might, or they may be a collection of complete assholes, hard to say, woth out going

tell you what, why dont you just go and try it
well it might, or they may be a collection of complete assholes, hard to say, woth out going

tell you what, why dont you just go and try it
Probably you're right

Regarding training, what's the difference between boxing and kickboxing? I mean obviously you kick, but are they that different as a routine work out? I mean for my physique not for kicking people's buts.
I mean that I just want to attend boxing classes during which all the exercises that I need to do will be included. As it happes now during crossfit classes. I attend them 4 times a week and I know I've done a serious work out that does not need anything more than that. It's not that I'm bored to go an additinioal time to the gym or having 5 times a week boxing classes. But paying for a boxing coach and them having to be the coach fo myself and organising exercises that need to be done at my house feels too much.
If you want to learn boxing, you're not going to get in shape, you're going to learn a skill. Any skill that you learn, you have to practice on your own to get better, that's just how it works. It also means that you won't be intensely working out the entire time-you might be most days, but there will also be days (especially at the beginning) where you're learning how to properly throw a punch, or different footwork ideas, or tactics, where you're not actively exhausting yourself.

If you don't care about actually learning boxing, then join a fitness boxing class, get the workout there, and don't worry about actually learning anything. But don't expect to actually become a good boxer like that.
Probably you're right

Regarding training, what's the difference between boxing and kickboxing? I mean obviously you kick, but are they that different as a routine work out? I mean for my physique not for kicking people's buts.

here is a picture of AJ, he doesnt have any problems keeping looking buff with boxing training
If you want to learn boxing, you're not going to get in shape, you're going to learn a skill. Any skill that you learn, you have to practice on your own to get better, that's just how it works. It also means that you won't be intensely working out the entire time-you might be most days, but there will also be days (especially at the beginning) where you're learning how to properly throw a punch, or different footwork ideas, or tactics, where you're not actively exhausting yourself.

If you don't care about actually learning boxing, then join a fitness boxing class, get the workout there, and don't worry about actually learning anything. But don't expect to actually become a good boxer like that.
I don't think I care about being a good boxer, since i'm not going to pursue any boxing career. I wanna be good at performing the punches and techniques just for not hurting myself and maybe some self defence. Nothing further than that.
There is a "fight fitness' programma where it is supposed to be something like punches, kicks and knees and some aerobic work out but still it's not that good i think s ince there are no weights to lift. So boxing seems better (or kickboxing).