Which Hyung Set Do You Like Most?


Purple Belt
So, those of you who have seen the different sets, which do you like the most? Why?

I've seen the songham, chang hon, palgwe/taeguks... I like the Songham forms the best if executed in the manner I prefer with varying levels of speed. There should be focus or kime displayed as well, and I dislike the exhalation of breath made on every single block or strike by many TKD martial artists. I also would like for there to be understanding of bunkai shown, but I understand from talking to a few TKD black belts that the bunkai in TKD forms are fairly straight forward.

I like the chang hon forms next (always thought Toi gye was cool when I practiced TKD). The WTF forms seem the most simplistic to me.

Me: an Okinawan karate stylist dabbling with kenpo and silat. Still looking for my permanent home in the martial arts.
Right now, I am a big fan of the pyung ahn hyungs. These forms contain a wide variety of knowledge and can really round out a fighter if one understands them. Everything from striking, throws, joint locks, and pressure points can be found in this set...
When I was doing TKD (WTF) we learnt the taeguks which I thought has a really nice feel to them. I was recently checking them out on a web site (sorry I remember which one) & it had two versions of each, one Korean & one American. The thing I found odd was just how much the timing had changed, a lot of emphasis on the slow not a lot if any on the fast controlled moves I remember doing. Maybe thatÂ’s the way itÂ’s universally done these days.

Cheers & thanks for making me think a little more about the good old days.

More than one instructor has told me that you can become an excellent fighter based on just mastering the pinan kata. I agree. They only seem boring and unimaginative if you don't practice the bunkai behind them!
I agree with upnorthkyosa. I really like the pyung ahns. I do TKD and the Taegeuks now, but they seem so "simplistic" to me after learning the pyung ahns. BUT even the Taegeuks can have good bunkai behind them. I am starting to learn that from a friend of mine.
I guess mine would have to be bias because I only learned the Chong-Ji series. I learned Chong-Ji through Po-Eun before I left. Every now and then I'll still practice them to keep 'em in mind.
Songahm forms were my first all the way to 4th Degree (Sok-Bong) I study the ITF material now. But the Songahm material flows and I love all the kicks. I still practice all the forms, but have lost the one-steps and sparring segs, and don't care to re-learn them - to tell you the truth.
