Purple Belt
Hello! I just thought I would start the day off with a little TKD blasphemy.
I do the Chang Hon forms.
But since moving to this area a few years ago I have met some TKD peeps that do the Pyong An forms.
They are an older set of forms and I suspect there is more info on the bunkai of these forms.
I don't want to switch my forms, but sometimes I wonder if there are not better nuggets of bunkai in those older forms.
As a side note, I attended a seminar with an old school TKD practitioner. I was one of the few people from outside the hosting school, which was a karate school. The leader of the seminar asked me what style of forms I do. When I told him, he said, "Oh. I'm sorry." Later he bragged about how he broke a guy's leg in a sparring match at a tournamnet and ended the guy's career. My respect for him as a person plummeted even further.
But I did respect his knowledge of martial arts and it made me think alot about my forms.
What do you all think? Are there better nuggets in the older Pinan forms? Or should I be able to find nuggets just as good in the Chang Hon forms, even though I believe Gen. Choi did not have bunkai in mind at all when he strung together these forms?
If you are sensitive to blasphemy and want to throw a pie at me, make it banana cream...or chocolate. I could go for either today.
I do the Chang Hon forms.
But since moving to this area a few years ago I have met some TKD peeps that do the Pyong An forms.
They are an older set of forms and I suspect there is more info on the bunkai of these forms.
I don't want to switch my forms, but sometimes I wonder if there are not better nuggets of bunkai in those older forms.
As a side note, I attended a seminar with an old school TKD practitioner. I was one of the few people from outside the hosting school, which was a karate school. The leader of the seminar asked me what style of forms I do. When I told him, he said, "Oh. I'm sorry." Later he bragged about how he broke a guy's leg in a sparring match at a tournamnet and ended the guy's career. My respect for him as a person plummeted even further.
But I did respect his knowledge of martial arts and it made me think alot about my forms.
What do you all think? Are there better nuggets in the older Pinan forms? Or should I be able to find nuggets just as good in the Chang Hon forms, even though I believe Gen. Choi did not have bunkai in mind at all when he strung together these forms?
If you are sensitive to blasphemy and want to throw a pie at me, make it banana cream...or chocolate. I could go for either today.