which do i choose?


White Belt
hi all
for the past few months i was searching all around for classes that i could learn self defence but as i was mainly looking to learn jiu jitsu i couldnt find anywhere.

then last week i found a school which is a short bus ride that had kickboxing classes in the evening,kickboxing wasnt my 1st choice but i thought seing as tho jiu jitsu isnt available kickboxing would be a good form of self defence.so i went along and it looked like a good atmosphere and so im starting this week.

NOW i have bein made aware of a school just down the road from where i live that has 2 jiu jitsu classes a week.

sorry for the long winded story......

so heres my question,which would i benefit more from jiu jitsu or kickboxing?

in kickboxing id learn defence & offence techniques but in jiu jitsu its just defence right? i dont no why but im drawn to jiu jitsu.

due to work ect..i dont have the time to take all 3 classes which would be perfect

il stop there and see what replys you guys come up with,thanx
hixxy said:
hi all
so heres my question,which would i benefit more from jiu jitsu or kickboxing?

in kickboxing id learn defence & offence techniques but in jiu jitsu its just defence right? i dont no why but im drawn to jiu jitsu.

For self-defensive purposes, the average person will probably find Jiu-Jitsu more accomodating, especially since they're probably going to go into a lot of ground fighting as well. However, for learning how to be a better striker, kickboxing is going to be the better choice, naturally. I don't know of many kickboxing schools that teach significant amounts of grappling, while I do know of many Jiu-Jitsu schools that do teach more advanced striking, albeit at the more advanced ranks.

Both systems, however, have plenty to offer in terms of both offense and defense. It's just a matter of what you want to do. One system is not necessarily better than the other overall. However, one system might be better for a specific individual, compared to another.

I would go ahead and take a look at the Jiu-Jitsu school. Watch the classes to see if what they are doing seems right for you. Also, talk to the instructors there, and see if you can take a free lesson, since almost any school will certainly be willing to let you have a taste or two. While you can certainly learn a lot about the school just by observing, nothing beats hands-on experience.

Talk to the students at the school as well. Sometimes, they can give you an insight (for good, or bad) into the school that you might not see just by talking with instructors.

After you've had some exposure to Jiu-Jitsu, then make an informed decision, as to whether you prefer kickboxing or Jiu-Jitsu. If you decide you like kickboxing better, and find it better for your own traits, then stick with it. If you like the Jiu-Jitsu school better, then give your teacher at the kickboxing school some notice (don't just abruptly quit; that's not quite polite if there are no hard feelings), and enroll at the Jiu-Jitsu school.
I second what grenadier told you. Jujitsu does have a lot of ground fightingi in it, and some schools do strikes. Both offer offense/ defense as well. Since jujitsu is grabbing your interest the most, and probably has a little more of what you're looking for, I say go for that one. Well, at least visit both and compare before you make any solid decisions.
hixxy said:
hi all
for the past few months i was searching all around for classes that i could learn self defence but as i was mainly looking to learn jiu jitsu i couldnt find anywhere.

then last week i found a school which is a short bus ride that had kickboxing classes in the evening,kickboxing wasnt my 1st choice but i thought seing as tho jiu jitsu isnt available kickboxing would be a good form of self defence.so i went along and it looked like a good atmosphere and so im starting this week.

NOW i have bein made aware of a school just down the road from where i live that has 2 jiu jitsu classes a week.

sorry for the long winded story......

so heres my question,which would i benefit more from jiu jitsu or kickboxing?

in kickboxing id learn defence & offence techniques but in jiu jitsu its just defence right? i dont no why but im drawn to jiu jitsu.

due to work ect..i dont have the time to take all 3 classes which would be perfect

il stop there and see what replys you guys come up with,thanx

What goals are you looking to acheive? Once you determine what you want out of your training, you can then decide what art fits your needs best. The JJ will, as the others said, most likely give you a more well rounded arsenal. This is certainly not a shot at kickboxing, but its primarily going to focus on the standup aspect.

Perhaps you can take a look at both schools, watch a class or two, maybe join in for a trial class, talk to the students and instructors and see which one you like best.

Good luck!

Adding onto the questions that MJS asked. What is your level of fitness and what is your build?

If you are drawn to ju-jitsu then go for it. Worst case you don't like it and you can go elsewhere.
why dont you try looking for a hapkido or aikido school...they are the arts taken from Jujitsu and are very similar!
hixxy said:
so heres my question,which would i benefit more from jiu jitsu or kickboxing?

I would lean towards Ju jutsu but the school is as important as the art and it might be taught traditionally, as a sport or with focus on self defense. Checking out the various clubs in your area before making the choise would be the ideal thing to do. Also training at a place close to your home is good in the long run since it makes one less likely to skip a class when you are having a bad day.:boing2:
It's too bad you can't seem to do them both - Jiu-jutsu and kickboxing would complement each other quite nicely.
Hello, Just my opinion here.....Take the Jiu-jitsu class...you will have more options in your training. They will have takes downs,throws,chokes,locks, and striking techiques like in kicking boxing.

Judo is good too...which came from Jiu-jitsu.

Finding the right teacher is just as important, with knowledge and people skills.

Location is important, closer too home, less traveling time and easier to go to classes, will equal more attendance.

In Japan Jiu-jitus was around before so call Karate became more popular.

You can always try one and if it is not for you...try the other...you have no limits here on choices ..........enjoy the training.....learning is easy..." DOING IT" will take hard work and lots of practice.....the rest is easy....Aloha
honestly, which art is less important than which teacher.

are you happy in the kickboxing program? are the instructors professional, knowledgable and skilled? do you feel you're making progress and evolving personally?

i recommend visiting the jj school and doing their intro program (if they don't have one, avoid them). see if you like the vibe of the school, style of instruction and attitude of the instructors more or less than your current academy.

kickboxing is no better or worse than jiu jiutsu for self-defense. having a skilled instructor who cares about you and inspires you is priceless.
thanks for all the replys.

went along to my 1st two kickboxing classes last night (1st class has a younger age group 2nd has more adult black belts).

had a really good time and workout.the school is called IFA which stands for "international freestyle association" and so it doesnt just teach k/b in its techniques which is good.

my sides are aching today from throwing all the kicks but all in all i did engoy it and learnt qite a few moves but dont remember the names for them

want to get a punchbag now to practice my techniques at home so il be looking round the web

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