Where were you?

Originally posted by Chronuss
I can't believe it's already been two years....I was a senior in highschool.

I was a senior in high school when President Reagan was shot. To this day, I'll say I need to check the news to see if the president's been shot or something the way I now hear others say they need to check the news to see if anyone's flown a plane into a building.

I watched the news in the A/V room (I had friends who worked A/V) all day. I just skipped class. No one cared.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Brother Rich, maybe it's me but I don't get it? Was someone trying to be funny about the situation?:confused:

Brother Jason,

I think some people were commenting that I was late to work. You know the guy who does not show up to a meeting is at fault and or gets all the work assigments.

Yes, it is possible that someone was trying to be funny, and given my ethnic look, people make comments like this. I gave them the benefit of the doubt, as at that time, 10 to 15 minutes before 9:00 am no one knew the details.
:rolleyes: :asian:
Originally posted by Rich Parsons

Yes, it is possible that someone was trying to be funny, and given my ethnic look, people make comments like this. I gave them the benefit of the doubt, as at that time, 10 to 15 minutes before 9:00 am no one knew the details.
:rolleyes: :asian:

Just curious, if you don't mind me asking. Are you middle eastern, black, or asian? An earlier post you made in this thread gave me the impression you are black. I may be mistaken. It doesn't matter to me which race, but I'm trying to imagine the situation you are describing.

if you don't wish to answer, that's alright.

- Ceicei
Originally posted by arnisador
He's big, I'll tell you that. I'm thinking half-giant.

That made me smile. Hagrid as gentle giant is my favorite.

Let's get back on topic....

- Ceicei
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Yes, it is possible that someone was trying to be funny, and given my ethnic look, people make comments like this. I gave them the benefit of the doubt, as at that time, 10 to 15 minutes before 9:00 am no one knew the details.

I get asked all of the time if I'm mexican or of some other spanish descent. Even once I was asked if I were asian. I said no to all but I did say that asian women are very pretty. When I tell them I'm italian they just usually say "oh". Then go about their business.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Ceicei
Just curious, if you don't mind me asking. Are you middle eastern, black, or asian? An earlier post you made in this thread gave me the impression you are black. I may be mistaken.

He put his picture up 3 times in another thead with other people. I can't remember which one at the moment but he looked like an american born citizen to me.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I get asked all of the time if I'm mexican or of some other spanish descent. Even once I was asked if I were asian. I said no to all but I did say that asian women are very pretty. When I tell them I'm italian they just usually say "oh". Then go about their business.:rolleyes:

Yeah I can see where they think that.. :)

and Here I am half asian .. but I don't think it shows .. go figure :)
Originally posted by arnisador
He's big, I'll tell you that. I'm thinking half-giant.

*hoping he fits on the sofa or air mattress this weekend~!! he and Jason can work those details out ;)
Originally posted by Chronuss
I can't believe it's already been two years....I was a senior in highschool. I was going from third to fourth period and a friend came up to me and had a blank look on his face and told me that the first tower had been hit. I walked into fourth period, put my bag down and went over to the wall mounted tv and turned it onto the news. I simply told the teacher that we needed to watch this...and a few moments after I had turned it on and class "officially" began, we were able to watch the NBC broadcast as the second tower was hit.

I was in AP English, and our principal turned on the tv system at once. Another teacher of mine was in hysterics because her husband worked in the section of the pentagon that was hit. She was eventually able to call her mother and she re-assured her that he was alright. He had been sent to Crystal City that morning.

School was unofficially canceled. A lot of kids left, I just stayed in the halls and did my work for the most part, ignoring the images they looped back endlessly. My neice and nephew's school in Gaithersburg, MD was canceled.

I hate to say it, I didn't turn on the news after that. I couldn't. I was sad, angry, and a whole slew of other emotions at everything. And I was a little concerned. When the Pentagon was hit, I wondered if they'd try the rest of DC, and I knew people who worked in DC.
I was sitting about at home waiting for Neighbours (brilliant australian soap) or something to come on telly at about 1 or 2pm (it all kicked off about 9am your time wasn't it?) and instead of going to that they cut to this newsflash where they said about how a plane had hit one of the towers. On the BBC it was. I flicked around the channels and 4 out the 5 terrestrial channels were covering it. There was about 15 minutes between the two collisions wasn't there? Of course to start with, they were speculating whether or not it was an accident then the second plane hit and there was no doubt then.

Unbelievable is an overused word, but it actually all was unbelievable. I spent the rest of the day just watching the coverage and trying to work out who actually had done it. All these weird little groups trying to claim responsibility for it, and all these "experts" chucking their tuppences in. A crazy day. One of those times when stupid little differences stopped mattering quite so much. Wish we'd been able to latch onto that feeling a little longer. Not just in a let's get the bad guys way.
Well, when the attacks happened, I was sitting in Math class learning some math related junk. But, when I found out, I heard people on the bus on the way home that day. The teachers never told us what happened. They were so evil. They knew what was happening, they had a TV in the teacher's lounge, but they decided it was best not to tell us what happened. I think they should have told us because some people's relatives were down in the city and possibly involved in the attacks. We should have been told about it. I was in Jr. High at the time, so we heard about it from the High school people, who were told by their teachers.
Originally posted by IsshinryuKarateGirl
.. I was in Jr. High at the time, so we heard about it from the High school people, who were told by their teachers.

Jr. High, huh? Hmmm, you are younger than I had anticipated. :eek: :p That's alright though you have added to the conversations just fine.:)
Originally posted by clapping_tiger
They said it was a plane, then the other plane hit they said this could not be an accident. Then we received word that the Pentagon was hit, I then went numb and thought this was the start of WWIII. It truly was a sad day

I had this exact same reaction... My roommate (who lives on the main floor of my house, I reside (primarily) in my basement) came down and woke me up and told me that the twin towers were "Down" and the pentagon had been hit... I was like what??? And turned on the TV... it was all flames and smoke and chaos... I really belived a war had started and this was a preliminary strike to an invasion...

I remember getting my body armor and some gear together "Just in case"... It was unbeliveable.
I was at my desk at work when I started to hear about it on the radio. I spent the rest of the day in the lab, getting nothing done with everyone else just listening to the radio and checking yahoo and CNN for updates. Throw in a prayer or two and a call to my girl and my parents. What I remember more is reading about it in the papers and magazines and seeing pics of the people plummeting out of the building about a day or two later, and not being able to stop myself from crying for about 5 min. before I forced my self to buck up. Every generation has a defining moment of sorrow; Pearl Harbour, JFK's assasination, ect., looks like now we have ours.

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