where to get an okinawa oar


3rd Black Belt
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington, Michigan
I run a supply store I was wondering any one know where to get a okinawa oar a ek bua i think it is called i see the video when i do search but can not find retail or more inportant wholesale
Hi Gary, Gary here, I like your signature, an honest thought. Has anyone said anything derogatory about such a simple observation? :idunno:
Regards, Gary
GAB said:
Hi Gary, Gary here, I like your signature, an honest thought. Has anyone said anything derogatory about such a simple observation? :idunno:
Regards, Gary

No, never had any bad reactions to my quote. I actually see it more as saying that there is more than one way to the top of the mountain, rather than that religion is a bad thing, or that anyone following a religion is a nutcase.


I can see how people would be offended at your sig. But everyone has the right to thier own religion. You have to see others as your equal, if you believe strongly in Jesus, than another person has the right to belive just as strongly in another God. If you dont feel this way than you think your better than the others who dont worship your god.
I was raised a christian but have since moved to taoism, buddism and a few others. I take from each one what I feel is useful and real, and apply it to my life. It is very common for me to quote Boddiharma, and then Jesus. I know that is against the bible having another god, but I really dont even have one god, I have no god. I take their excellent teachings, and put them into use to make me become a better person. While some things are contradictive in the bible, for the most part I love the teachings of the bible, but I needed more than the bible could offer, so I turned to tao and buddah.
I dont dismiss any religion but satanism, those people need help, and do not try to better themselves but to enhance the bad. Sometimes good people have to do bad things for the cause of good, but that is the only justafication for bad deeds IMO. They do it because they enjoy it.
But enough of that.
Would the judges get mad at you for showing up with a kayak oar? You can get them for about $30, AND if you ever got a kayak you would be set. Halfway seriously, you could break it down for transport (splits in half), you could use both ends as striking implements, split it in half halfway through your form.... The possibilities are endless. :ultracool
