It is true! don't overthink when you fight, but tha can only take you so far! I have met with several world champions, NOT KIDDING, and they all seem to treat kumite with the same respect as a chess match (only fast-paced and with some deeper consequences
But seriously,
To really advance in kumite, you must think, you must deconstruct your opponent, find his/her weaknesses. "Use Fakes and Feints," my sensei says, "and know the difference between the two"
Where is you mind? Ever seen The Last Samurai? I don't think your problem is one of overthinking, but in having too many thoughts at one time; "too many minds"
Don't think about clearing your mind, just do it. Just let the match happen, find out what went wrong later, concern yourself with the moment, not before the attack, not after
But seriously,
To really advance in kumite, you must think, you must deconstruct your opponent, find his/her weaknesses. "Use Fakes and Feints," my sensei says, "and know the difference between the two"
Where is you mind? Ever seen The Last Samurai? I don't think your problem is one of overthinking, but in having too many thoughts at one time; "too many minds"
Don't think about clearing your mind, just do it. Just let the match happen, find out what went wrong later, concern yourself with the moment, not before the attack, not after