This is very good, thank you very much Brian!
I was never a teacher and have always considered myself as a pawn and I often have a feeling that my teaching window is obsolete and long overdue but since I still get some MA practitioners asking me to teach from time to time, I often teach them the refined version of the study. Maybe because I have grown old, fat and slow plus the real dangers that I was in during my study years in the Philippines cannot be compared to the peaceful times nowadays and especially that I live in Japan which is a very peaceful country. One thing that I notice is that my followers are sometimes imitating the old, slow fat man movements that I do even when they are 20 plus younger than me.
Based on my experience, I proved that I am not a good civilian trainer. I have trained some MA practitioners in Japan but when I visited my country last year and shared with my brothers who are military officers (one is a scary thinker and one is spec ops) and some of my old buddies in the forces, I was again back in the proper teaching window but when I came home to Japan again I came back to my old diluted ways. Probably the location, purpose and the amount of danger plays a big role on how I teach.
This is very true especially with my son. Our original study was focused more on sneaky offensive fighting, backstabbing, drag-drop and forget and teaching this to my son when he was in his early teens is a big NO. I had to make many changes and tailor it based on his age, his nationality, and the country's present danger (which is none). I had a hard time teaching him how to do hits that will not put himself and his opponents in real danger. The original study was that our hits must be lethal as much as possible, giving most concentration to the eyes, nose, neck, and other vital points. Twisting/grappling was intended to break bones, throwing was intended for dropping our enemies head first on concrete or slamming his head on the corner of a table. Choking was not intended for giving a sleeper but was intended to collapse the windpipe or rip apart the jugular. I had to dilute most of the techniques like a simple punch on face than a rake or thumb jab on an eyes. He can grapple and throw but mostly for control and not to break bones. He can choke but for sleeper only. As he grew older, I slowly taught him the real stuffs but since he got the more diluted training, his attacks are a lot milder compared to the original study.
Another thing that I have noticed is that since I started teaching kids that I enjoy being or acting as their practice dummy. During my training days I was very aggressive and losing is not an option (if I lose I might pound him with a 1911) but now I allow kids to slam me on concrete, twist me, choke me and even hit my face and this is why I get injured a lot, lol

Even with sticks and knives, I unconsciously find myself feeding in and acting like a dummy especially for kids and girls (kids are so cute!). I have grown softer and loving

But with my brothers and my original mates, we still hit each other the old fashion way and it was nice but again since I'm getting old, slow and fat, I could not do the movements like when I was in my teens. Yes the movements may still be effective and direct but now I have evolved to a more peace loving, turtle-like fighting softie machine, and whenever I teach I have the taught in my brain saying, "Am I doing it right or am I just teaching BS". I truly believe that my teaching window days are gone and the best that my followers will get from me is more BS than the original study

Maybe this is why I don't get paid to teach. Maybe it is time for me to really stop teaching and just play Call of Duty or Left 4 Dead, HAHAHA!