Where is everyone?

Rejoice! Jeff is on the map!!
Gemini said:
West Virginia...Mountain Mama...Take me home...Country Roads...

I'll bring the kareoki. You guys are just gonna LOVE hearin' me sing. Trust me. You will. Promise.

I wanted to say that..Late again...
Woo Hoo! I'm Famous!

Or at least...I'm on the map...
Andrew Green said:
Frapper moved to it's own domain, the map is now here: http://www.frappr.com/martialtalk

(So this wasn't just a shameless bump to the top ;) )

Here is a shameless bump to the top. Lots of new and old members haven't placed themselves on the map. Lets get ourselves into the double digits! Don't be shy, we don't bite...well my avatar gets a little edgy at times. :)
Cool idea. Kind of nice seeing where people are located. Also kind of sobering to see nobody even close to my location yet.
Look on the map, LOL. It is up in Northern Maine. Way up in Northern Maine. As in "go to the North-East end of the freeway system in the U.S., Take a left, drive another hour (If the roads are good), here you are.
hi im new to mt i have studyed hapkido for 3 years. im looking for a new form to study. i took classes in tower city pa the guy that was teaching moved away and i am looking for him so i can talk to him cuz i have not seen him a long time if any one knows him let me know...........thanx
Nice to hear from you! Why don't you stop in the Meet and Greet forum and introduce yourself. :)
I see a lot of familiars from the TKD board. Ok I am going to do an introduction if anyone cares.

I am Matt, I spent 5 yrs in the Marines, I hold brown belt ranking in Judo / Orange belt rankings in Hapkido and Tae Kwon Do. I hold three degrees. One in Business, the others are Management Information Systems and Finance.

I absolutely love this website, its great. I hold firm to the belief that in martial arts there is no right or wrong. Not ever techniques works every time in every scenerio. For that reason, there is no martial art that is the best or most effective. However, I believe that the art is only as good as the person practicing at the time and how hard they work.

