Bloody heck. Once again with Godan. Got one correction, missed the second.
Peian Godan (Corrected)
Grr. Same deal.
Underlined is wrong,
Bold is correct. (Told you my memory wasn't the greatest atm.

Hehe. )
Peian Godan
1)Begin in Yoi.
2)Move L leg to 9:00 into LBS simultaneously sweeping R parry to L shoulder, immediately as you settle into LBS execute LOB (palm up), rechambering Right fist.
3)Pivot into HS facing 12:00, simultaneously rechambering Left fist and executing a Right reverse punch across your sternum (from your right chambered position, this punch should end just outside the left of your ribcage, approximately two fists' distance in front of your ribcage).
4)Sweep L parry over to R shoulder as you move R leg to 3:00 into RBS, immediately executing ROB (palm up) as you settle into your stance, rechambering Left fist.
5)Pivot into HS facing 12:00, simultaneously rechambering Right fist and executing a Left reverse punch across your sternum (from your left chambered position, this punch should end just outside the right of your ribcage, approximately two fists' distance in front of your ribcage).
6)Move L leg towards 12:00, chambering fists in the process, into LFS, timing a double lower X block to impact simultaneously with settling into your stance.
7)Immediately execute a high X block, with the left arm leading in front of right arm.
8)Open palms, they should be angled on a 45 degree angle, fingertips above the opposing forearms.
9)Turn left palm over facing you. Rotate both hands at the wrist, counter-clockwise, until left palm is facing right palm (again in an X configuration - the palms of your hands are forming the X now instead of the wrists of the forearm blocks), and from here pull hands to right hip chambered position, with left hand over the top. Both hands remain open. (Think the same position as move #2 from Peian Nidan, except hands are open.)
10)Right hand closes to a fist, left front parry sweeps from right hip, as it extends forward moves across to left shoulder. (Think parrying an incoming left punch, grabbing a garment above the left elbow, and using the borrowed momentum to turn opponent and pull him off balance.)
11)Move R leg forward to 12:00 into RFS simultaneous Right Reverse Punch, rechambering L fist. (Kiai.)
12)Spinning counter-clockwise, turn to face 6:00 simultaneously executing R outward-to-inward crescent kick, rechamber and drive R leg towards 6:00 gliding into SHS (R leg 6:00, L leg 12:00, torso facing 3:00) executing a R low block to 6:00 as you plant your R leg.
12)Rotate hips counter-clockwise, extending left hand out towards 3:00, (palm facing 6:00,) deliver a right sandwiching elbow while switching to a shallow LFS facing approximately 1:00.
13)Immediately rotate back to HS, unfolding left arm to 12:00 at shoulder height, (palm facing 3:00).
14)Turning counter-clockwise, execute right outward-to-inward crescent kick into your Left palm, immediately recraning and gliding R leg to 12:00 into HS (right foot 12:00, left foot 6:00, torso facing 9:00) simultaneously right sandwiching elbow strike to left palm as you land into the HS.
14a)(This is 1-2 timing with #14.) Immediately slide L leg to 12:00 into Left Rear Crossover (torso rotates to approx 9:00) with L fist chambered across chest, simultaneous with Right Unfolding Vertical Backfist (to the nose).
15)Move L leg to 6:00 into a shallow ready stance simultaneously executing (point of origin - do not drop your right fist from the backfist strike position) an uppercut strike (palm of fist facing your head, striking with 2 main striking knuckles, elbow stops at shoulder height), with the left fist guidelining to the inside of your right bicep.
16)Leaving your right fist in position, turn counter-clockwise to 6:00 into LBS simultaneously lowering left fist to low block position (to 6:00) outside your L leg.
17)Execute a jump turn (ending facing 3:00) to 6:00, landing in a crouching right front cross stance (right leg towards 12:00, in front of left leg towards 6:00, torso facing 3:00), simultaneously executing a left low X block to 3:00.
18)Move R leg back to 6:00 into LBS, simultaneous R rear vertical outward block (attack to head coming from 6:00, blocking with radial side of R arm) and L low block to 12:00 outside L leg.
19)Rotating to LFS, execute L parry to R shoulder and R spearhand thrust to groin, with base of R hand pointing towards opponent's R knee, ridge side of R spearhand pointing towards the opponent's left hip (it's a 45 degree angle along the 7:30-1:30 axis). Grab-rip groin with -
Right hand sliding
left hand down R arm to slice (think of grabbing the groin with right hand, pulling it towards you, and using the left hand in a knifehand strike contouring the right arm, slicing off the remainder - gross and painful to think about...but effective) and snapping both arms back to same position as ending from #18. (Kiai on the spearhand.)
20)(Note: You're going to be switching to the exact opposite stance, it gets a bit convoluted while you're moving, trying to co-ordinate hands and arms.)
Execute an outward-to-inward crescent kick with the right leg, recraning and gliding right leg forward to 12:00 into RBS (right leg to 12:00, left leg to 6:00, torso facing 9:00), hands snap to right low block to 12:00 (outside right leg) and left vertical outward block to 6:00 (shoulder height, striking with radial part of left arm).
21)Rotating to RFS, execute R parry to L shoulder and L spearhand thrust to groin. (See #19.) Grab-rip groin with -
Left hand, pulling it towards you, and using the right hand in a knifehand strike contouring right arm, snapping both arms back to same position as ending from #20. (Kiai on the spearhand.)