I wore my original black belt from TKD for a few years, keeping it on and wearing the dang thing out. No embroidery on it, etc. No stripes, through my 2d promotion etc. I changed schools as I worked my way through college and when I got my promotion to 3d in Hapkido along witht he TKD my buddy bought me a new belt and gave it to me in class as part of the promotion part of the completed demo. The Korean embroidery sort of threw me off for a while as I had this old, sort of gray-ed out one. But, it really was wearning out - there was a tear going across the grain right where it got knotted for class all the time that was probably weeks or maybe days away from tearing off. Thus, the gift to keep me presentable I think. He had the embroidery say both taekwondo and hapkido on opposite sides with the dual 3 stripes at the tips. It looked a bit brazen to me after the plain old one, but nobody else did, apparently. *shrug* I still have that belt though ti's out of date by rank and art now.