When you can snatch the pebble from my hand...


Master Black Belt
Are there any schools in the USA (of any system) where the students completely reside during their training? Y'know, like the Shaolin temples are in China and that sort of thing?

I've often thought I could give up my worldly ways and devote myself entirely to my training as do Shaolin monks. I would only need to find a martial arts monastery with high speed internet.
The only one I've stumbled across in cyberspace is the Wah Lum Kung Fu of USA temple in florida. Toward the bottom of this page, there's an address you can email about "live in training. Hope this helps!
I believe Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming is working on something like this to be established in Northern California. He has lived in the Boston area (I think) for many years, but wants to create this kind of establishment. Gonna make it a ten year commitment as a student, and I think you will have to be in a certain age range. I saw a newspaper article about it once, the link might have been posted here on Martialtalk. This was maybe two months ago...
Although I wasn't serious about doing this at this point in my life, I certainly would have when I was younger and had no family.

The school in Orlando has a "Professional Student Program" but the link for info doesn't indicate that it's through residence. The "Live-In" program only has an e-mail link. I won't bother him about something I'm not pursuing.

I'm not surprised that California might offer such a program. It seems to me (never having been to California) that they have a bit of everything.

Also, if I'm not mistaken, some parts have a higher Chinese population. Although other nationalities may also have such schools, the Chinese are the only ones of which I'm aware.

It would be very interesting to talk and train with someone from a residence system. I imagine their philosophy and approach to training would be very different even from those of us who train daily but live "worldly" lives.
Navarre said:
Are there any schools in the USA (of any system) where the students completely reside during their training? Y'know, like the Shaolin temples are in China and that sort of thing?

I've often thought I could give up my worldly ways and devote myself entirely to my training as do Shaolin monks. I would only need to find a martial arts monastery with high speed internet.

I know there is an MMA gym in BC (Canada) that has live-in training. Somehow, I don't think it is a very monastery like setting though!;)
Eternal Beginner said:
I know there is an MMA gym in BC (Canada) that has live-in training. Somehow, I don't think it is a very monastery like setting though!;)

Yeah. To get the pebble from your hand they would just kick you in the gnads and then beat the bejeezus out of you for mocking them with a stupid pebble.

On the "Kung-Fu" movie, Master Po told Caine, "The wise man is humble, like the dust." ... Wonderful line... Doesn't apply in Canadian MMA schools, I bet!
Navarre said:
Yeah. To get the pebble from your hand they would just kick you in the gnads and then beat the bejeezus out of you for mocking them with a stupid pebble.
:lol:, probably!!

...but to be fair,you did say "of any system":ultracool
Eternal Beginner said:
:lol:, probably!!

...but to be fair,you did say "of any system":ultracool

Absolutely. In fact, I think it would also be interesting to see how each style would handle a residence system. What would be the approach on goals, methodology, day-to-day training, and spiritual conditioning?

How would a student walking out of there after 10 yrs compare to a student of the same style but lived "in the real world"; not just in terms of technique but overall?
Aikido schools occasionally have a residency (Uchideshi) program. The one I know about requires that you carry your own health insurance and be employed or otherwise contributing to society while training.
If you're employed then you probably spend 6-8 hrs a day out of the training school, wouldn't you? I'm not sure that's much different than life for those who are single and do little else outside of their job except train.

But certainly it would be a different community atmosphere if you lived "dormitory style" with your classmates. Interesting.
Navarre said:
Are there any schools in the USA (of any system) where the students completely reside during their training? Y'know, like the Shaolin temples are in China and that sort of thing?

I've often thought I could give up my worldly ways and devote myself entirely to my training as do Shaolin monks. I would only need to find a martial arts monastery with high speed internet.

Under those circumstances, I would be very WARY of CULTLIKE behavior in ANY group so composed. Very, very wary. The potential for abuse is very great. In fact, IMHO, it would be rare if some sort of controlling behavior didn't form around a charismatic leader. Fortunately, most groups do fall short of full cultic behavior.

There are several out there that do have live in courses, but you know what? The first three that spring to my mind have all been accused at one time or another of cultlike behavior. Understand that by cultlike behavior, I am not speaking particularly of OCCULTIC, rather the charismatic and controlling organization.

I would rather see you do a six week residency at the real thing - as my late Tai Chi instructor Mr. Tri did at the Beijing Institute of Physical Education in the 1980's - than follow a master in the U.S. Not that the East produces superior martial artists as a matter of course, just that the MA seem to attract so many wanna be guru's here.

On edit: Mr. Tri was already a master when he studied there and did not become a Tai Chi "expert" as a result of a six week course. Fifty years in the Martial Arts did that.
There is an aikido school in Denver, Colorado that has residential students. They also run a restaurant out of the same location and students can work there. Sorry I cannot remember the name but it does have a web site, shouldn't be too hard to find.