Where will I be tonight? HERE!


Brown Belt

One of China's leading masters of Buddhism and martial arts, Abbot Shi De Li of the Shaolin Temple, is visiting Delaware to see whether it's possible to build an American offshoot of the temple in the mid-Atlantic region.
Li, who has been training for more than 30 years, is an authority on meditation, breathing and kung fu. He is one of three abbots at Shaolin.
During his stay, he is leading classes in kung fu Wednesday and Thursday from 7:15 to 8:30 p.m at Sun's second-floor martial arts studio, 181 E. Main St., Newark. And on Saturday from 10 to 11 a.m. he will teach a class in qi gong, a practice of movement and breathing, at the Lorelton, 2200 W. Fourth St., Wilmington.
People who attend are asked to make a donation to the temple. For information call 302-373-2918.

Well, I'm not a Kung Fu practitioner... although I would like to learn some Northern Style stuff... as they work better for taller people (I'm told)...

BUT, I just CAN'T pass up a chance to go study with a Shaolin Monk... let alone an Abbott (Hey, Abbott!) :ultracool

This was just in the paper yesterday... so I ended up missing last night’s class; however, I plan on making tonight’s class (my Chef let me off!). I also plan on attending the Saturdays Qi Gong class...

Exciting to think they may build an official Shaolin Monastery here in DE!

Any MT Members in the area care to meet up for a last minute Class???

Best Regards,

Andy "Grasshopper" Goodwin


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Awesome opportunity. Let us know how it was. What was the reasoning behing the statement that Northern Shaolin worked better for tall people?
Awesome opportunity. Let us know how it was. What was the reasoning behind the statement that Northern Shaolin worked better for tall people?

I'll make sure to post a review of the evening... and pictures if at all possible...

As for the comment regarding Northern Style Kung Fu... I've read in a few places, and remember one KF Master on the A&E "The Martial Arts" documentary (A MUST SEE) saying that Northern styles developed in the mountainous region of China... and that the people of the Northern regions tended to be tallerÂ… and have longer arms and legsÂ… both being needed to navigate the rougher terrainÂ…

More laterÂ…

Best Regards,


That's about all I can muster the energy to say...

Tonight was my first class in Shaolin Kung Fu... I was taught several basic hand positions (Snake, Tiger, Crane, etc.)... several different stances (Horse, Open, etc) and the first few moves of the 5-animals form...

My Instructor was the most honorable Abbott Shi De Li, one of three Abbots at the Shaolin Temple in China. Not only did he teach the class as a group... but, he also came around and worked one-on-one with each one of the 20 or so people in attendance (I was one of only 4 or 5 "outsiders").

After working with me a few times during the night...Abbot Li told me through one of the schools Masters who was translating, that I learned very quickly... and was doing good for my first day doing Shaolin Kung Fu! :asian:

Below is the picture that was taken for me...

Gotta get some rest... then maybe I'll write more of a proper review... maybe a short article for MT Mag?

Anyways... the adrenaline is starting to wear off... and I'm now tired, hungry (what a workout!), and badly in need of a shower ! :)

More later...

Best Regards,




That's about all I can muster the energy to say...

Tonight was my first class in Shaolin Kung Fu... I was taught several basic hand positions (Snake, Tiger, Crane, etc.)... several different stances (Horse, Open, etc) and the first few moves of the 5-animals form...

My Instructor was the most honorable Abbott Shi De Li, one of three Abbots at the Shaolin Temple in China. Not only did he teach the class as a group... but, he also came around and worked one-on-one with each one of the 20 or so people in attendance (I was one of only 4 or 5 "outsiders").

After working with me a few times during the night...Abbot Li told me through one of the schools Masters who was translating, that I learned very quickly... and was doing good for my first day doing Shaolin Kung Fu! :asian:

Below is the picture that was taken for me...

Gotta get some rest... then maybe I'll write more of a proper review... maybe a short article for MT Mag?

Anyways... the adrenaline is starting to wear off... and I'm now tired, hungry (what a workout!), and badly in need of a shower ! :)

More later...

Best Regards,


That is AWESOME, Andy!! You should definitely put either a review or an article together, it will be great to read about it all! :asian:
Sounds like you really got a workout and enjoyed the training. Yes, please write a review for us. :)
can i be jealous ?

what a great opportunity
yes i want to see the pics an some more of the review
MSTCND said:
My Instructor was the most honorable Abbott Shi De Li, one of three Abbots at the Shaolin Temple in China. Not only did he teach the class as a group... but, he also came around and worked one-on-one with each one of the 20 or so people in attendance

OK, I wanted to start off with a little more detail on Abbot Shi De Li before I continue… as I felt it was important to define the Abbott’s duties at Shaolinsi… and this lead me to a startling realization…

Yes… Abbott Li is one of three Abbots at Shaolinsi. What the other two Abbot do, I have no idea… I’d guess one is the Chan (Zen) Abbott… perhaps the other watches over the secular disciples (those there just to learn Kung Fu, not to become a monk)… But, Abbott Li?

As far as the Members of MT are concerned… Abbott Shi De Li is THE Abbott… as he is the MARTIAL ABBOTT and the head of the Gung Fu training at Shaolinsi… I just about fell over when I found this out…

I feel so incredibly lucky and honored to have spent a brief moment in this lifetime with such a skilled martial artist, and learned Buddhist… and hope to take the Abbott up on his invitation to the group to come to Shaolinsi to visit him, train, and share a meal… as traveling there is one of my life’s goals…

Circumstances kept me from attending last night’s class… something that weighed on me heavily all evening… as this was a special invitation only class… and I’d been personally invited to attend by the schools Sifu!

Today is the Abbott&#8217;s last day of training here in DE. He will be teaching Qi Gong from 10-11 this Morning&#8230; and I have to be at work at 10! <sigh>

So, I plan on writing letters to both Sifu Sun, as well as the Abbott, apologizing for not being able to attend the Friday class, expressing my thanks for Thursdays training opportunity, and expressing my desire to train with both again&#8230;

I&#8217;ll try to work up a better write-up when I&#8217;m off (M&T)&#8230; and will work on getting the video of the class&#8230;

More then&#8230;

Best Regards,

OK, I wanted to start off with a little more detail on Abbot Shi De Li before I continueÂ… as I felt it was important to define the AbbottÂ’s duties at ShaolinsiÂ… and this lead me to a startling realizationÂ…

YesÂ… Abbott Li is one of three Abbots at Shaolinsi. What the other two Abbot do, I have no ideaÂ… IÂ’d guess one is the Chan (Zen) AbbottÂ… perhaps the other watches over the secular disciples (those there just to learn Kung Fu, not to become a monk)Â… But, Abbott Li?

As far as the Members of MT are concernedÂ… Abbott Shi De Li is THE AbbottÂ… as he is the MARTIAL ABBOTT and the head of the Gung Fu training at ShaolinsiÂ… I just about fell over when I found this outÂ…

I feel so incredibly lucky and honored to have spent a brief moment in this lifetime with such a skilled martial artist, and learned BuddhistÂ… and hope to take the Abbott up on his invitation to the group to come to Shaolinsi to visit him, train, and share a mealÂ… as traveling there is one of my lifeÂ’s goalsÂ…

Circumstances kept me from attending last nightÂ’s classÂ… something that weighed on me heavily all eveningÂ… as this was a special invitation only classÂ… and IÂ’d been personally invited to attend by the schools Sifu!

Today is the AbbottÂ’s last day of training here in DE. He will be teaching Qi Gong from 10-11 this MorningÂ… and I have to be at work at 10! <sigh>

So, I plan on writing letters to both Sifu Sun, as well as the Abbott, apologizing for not being able to attend the Friday class, expressing my thanks for Thursdays training opportunity, and expressing my desire to train with both againÂ…

IÂ’ll try to work up a better write-up when IÂ’m off (M&T)Â… and will work on getting the video of the classÂ…

More thenÂ…

Best Regards,


Wow. What an honor to receive an invitation like that! Bummer that circumstances prevented your attendance. Good plan writing a letter apologizing for your absence. I hope you get to travel to the Temple in the near future.

Yeah, I'm jealous too. :p
Hi, Gang!

Sorry for not updating things here yet... but my work schedule went haywire... and this is my first day off since last week... so, nothing more written up (yet)...

No more pictures either I'm afraid... just the one that the Sifu took for me (the only one I simply HAD to get!)... although I'm working on getting a copy of the video that was taken of the class...

I'm sure the audio will stink... as the camera was W-A-Y on the other side of the studio... no one had a mic on... and Master Sun had music playing... <sigh>

SIDE NOTE: Personally, if I was having the Martial Abbott of Shaolinsi at my school (even as a student)... I'd hire a PROFESSIONAL to do audio/video! <sigh>

Still... having actual video of me being taught by the Martial Abbott of the Shaolin Temple? PRICELESS!!!

Not a day has gone by since Thursday night that I haven't thought about the experience... and not a day has gone by that I've missed training!

Meeting the Abbott, and training with him, has been the "breath of fresh air" that I needed!

In all honesty... I've been going through a pretty rough time of it these past few months... work/family... you name it!

And, with my 40th quickly approaching in Feb... I've been reflecting back on the last 40... and, admittedly, I'm none to impressed!

Now, I see possabilities where I only saw BS before...

More later...

Best Regards,


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