So, you earn 500 dollars a week at your job. You find out that your spouse, (husband/wife you can pick one for the sake of the example) has been spending 2000 dollars a week. You realize, hmmm...there is a problem here, and you logically say, we aren't earning enough money, well, some in the viewing audience would think that was the problem.To solve the problem here are a few scenarios:- your spouse says, don't worry, I know we can get some more credit cards.-you go to your boss and say, hey, you have to pay me more, I have 2000 dollars a week in expenses and you, greedy bastard that you are, are only paying me 500 dollars a week. I give at least 600 dollars a week of that 2000 to charity, so if you don't increase my salary all those starving and sick kids are going to do without because you are a greedy bastard.Which of the above scenarios sounds fair? Let's say the boss increases the salary (taxes) does anyone think that the situation is going to change, that these people are going to pay down their debt and quit spending money they don't have?