When Trash Talk Goes Too Far

Have a number of friends and family that are wine wankers, and proud. I do like a drop of red when I'm sober.

Expensive wine is for suckers. This video shows why. - Vox
Box wine is high sulfate poison-fermented fruit juice masquerading as a quality beverage.

I make wine, and resent the appellation "wine wanker."

"Expensive" wine is for people who can appreciate and afford it-that video is full of ****.
Box wine is high sulfate poison-fermented fruit juice masquerading as a quality beverage.

I make wine, and resent the appellation "wine wanker."

"Expensive" wine is for people who can appreciate and afford it-that video is full of ****.
Yummy, high sulfate, poison fermented fruit juice. Mmmmm... And I'll have you know, the box wine I drink does not masquerade as a quality beverage. Several notches above MD20/20, but little pretense.

On second thought, maybe it does masquerade. Says in the box it got a 93 rating at a wine show. Lol.
Box wine is high sulfate poison-fermented fruit juice masquerading as a quality beverage.

I make wine, and resent the appellation "wine wanker."

"Expensive" wine is for people who can appreciate and afford it-that video is full of ****.

Wine Wanker is a term on endearment in Australia, also box wine comes with a pillow for the end of the night. How could that go wrong?

As far as taste vs cost, well its subjective, there are good and bad tasting wines I don't dispute that. I just never think price is an indicator of what I will like personally. (assuming the same making methods are used)
I just never think price is an indicator of what I will like personally. (assuming the same making methods are used)

It's not about the method-it's about the grape.,,,,,

as for price not being an indicator, well-as I've said many times before, the thing about my wine is that it's my wine....which kinda makes it, I dunno........free?

Wine Wanker is a term on endearment in Australia, also box wine comes with a pillow for the end of the night. How could that go wrong?

Vomiting. Projectile vomiting......oh, how I miss that barfing smiley at times like these!

Here ya go: Vomiting. Projectile vomiting.
It's not about the method-it's about the grape.,,,,,
as for price not being an indicator, well-as I've said many times before, the thing about my wine is that it's my wine....which kinda makes it, I dunno........free?

maybe I'm meaning, ingredients that either take from or enhance the grape.

Do you make wine just for yourself? You have a setup and vines in the back yard?
maybe I'm meaning, ingredients that either take from or enhance the grape.

Do you make wine just for yourself? You have a setup and vines in the back yard?

I have a modest vineyard, a little under 30 acres, now, with 12 of those being mature enough for vinification. I've yet to exceed 800 gallons in a year, so I'm barely boutique.....but well beyond "backyard."
I have a modest vineyard, a little under 30 acres, now, with 12 of those being mature enough for vinification. I've yet to exceed 800 gallons in a year, so I'm barely boutique.....but well beyond "backyard."

Impressive, I can't imagine it's easy work.
Interesting people from around the world, knowlegable Martial Artists, trash talk, Mad Dod 20/20, projectile vomit emoticons -

And my wife fails to see why I love this place so damn much. Geez, girl, c'mon!
They trash talk because their fighters, and its good for the PR. Doesn't make it acceptable. I notice pacman and Floyd didn't make it very personal.
Why give your opponent the emotional fuel??? Why give them an emotion of any kind to focus their training around???

Even if you thought the other person was a jerk, keep it in your head...

I never found value in such a strategy....Unless you salary is tied to PPV sales, then heat it up to get more bank....
Why give your opponent the emotional fuel??? Why give them an emotion of any kind to focus their training around???

Even if you thought the other person was a jerk, keep it in your head...

I never found value in such a strategy....Unless you salary is tied to PPV sales, then heat it up to get more bank...

Maybe not directly tied to the PPV sales, but it could help you get another fight, even if you lose=