When taking on students...

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Technopunk said:

Maybe he could study Corn-Fu.

Seriously, tho... I looked to see if the Bujinkan has any schools there for him, but none were listed in Iowa at all.
you mock the power of corn, most people don't understand just how dangerous a field of that yellow grain can be! I think I remember reading somewhere that most of the world actually considers Iowa as the exact 'middle of nowhere' =( it's unfortunate.
Firona you have given you credentials and admit that they are still lacking in some areas. That is a good sign.
You want to pass on knowledge both physical and mental. ThatÂ’s good.
The learning never stops. I think the majority of those who have studied 20, 30, 40 or more years will tell you that they still seek knowledge in the arts.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to someday create your own system, however I believe that years more training in at least one or perhaps a couple of styles would be beneficial to you in gaining a larger perspective of what the martial arts is about.
Ask question here and elsewhere. Read what is discussed in many of the threads here and try to understand not only what is being said but why.
Above all good luck in your journey

"As a master of a martial art I have come to a point where I want to take on students." This is your first sentence, yes?

Then there's this: "I am not calling myself a master, nor am I saying I know anything about anything anymore."

Nor have you stopped: "SO this is my final post trying to put your fears to rest people." We can probably handle our fears, but thanks anyway.

And then there's: "I am not teaching a martial art based on learning advanced skills or moves, it is entirely philosophical at this point and you don't need proper footwork to talk philosophy." Yes, you do. Martial arts--like writing--involve practice as much as they involve pure ideas. Actually, there are no such things as pure ideas--and at 17, aren't you a little young to armchair martial artist?

I hope I'm not being excesssively unkind, but you should not be teaching. Or more accurately, you should be teaching little kids. You'd learn a lot, including some respect for the arts, for the nature of teaching, and for students.

Like other posters, I also recommend you find a good teacher for yourself.

Of course, this is all assuming you're not just a troll. If that's true, I recommend bullshido.com.
These are all the schools I know of in Iowa:

School Name: Buena Vista University Kenpo Karate Club
Address: Buena Vista University
610 W. 4th St.
Storm Lake, IA 50588
Phone: Various
Head Instructor / Rank: Mark Reeder, 3rd Degree Brown Belt
through Clint Hughes
Style: Ed Parker's American Kenpo
Associations: IKKA

School Name: Universal Kenpo Karate Dojos / The KenpoNet
Address: 1601 K Ave NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Phone: 319-721-2347
Head Instructor / Rank: Joshua Meredith, 1st Degree Black (KenpoNet Administrator)
Style: Ed Parker's American Kenpo
Associations: IKKA
Description: We currently offer full access to the KenpoNet, a UKKD sponsored site. We also offer a discussion forum, an archive, and a Kenpo mall. All can be found on the KenpoNet. As far as Kenpo classes go, currently private lessons are offered.
Email Address: josh@kenponet.com

School Name: Professor Chow's Kara-Ho Kempo Karate
Address: Davenport, IA
Head Instructor / Rank: Dave Carruthers
Style: Kara-Ho Kempo

School Name: Tiger & Dragon Kenpo Karate
Address: 1029 Johnson St.
Des Moines, IA 50315
Phone: 515-953-6932
Head Instructor / Rank: Dave Mondo, 1st Deg. Black Belt
Style: Ed Parker's American Kenpo
Associations: IKKA
Description: Martial artists of all styles and ranks have an open invitation to cross train in American Kenpo. Feel free to contact us at any time. All students receive private instruction.

School Name: Barongan Martial Arts
Address: 5925 SW 9th St.
Des Moines, IA 50315
Phone: 515-285-0067
Head Instructor / Rank: Angelito "Bobby" Barongan, 9th Deg. Black Belt
Style: Chinese Kempo
Associations: Unified Kempo Karate Systems
Description: A school dedicated to teaching and carrying on the tradition of Chinese Kempo. Instruction includes weapon training, empty hand training, and grappling.
Thanks for the info on schools in IA, unfortunately all of those are a 2 hour or more drive from where I live =(. And as for the post above that one, all those quotes are taken out of context. Since I can't edit my previous posts I have to negate what I said by saying other things.
I also looked up schools in Fairfield. I'm not sure which ones you know Firona but it may be worthwhile to check out/talk to the instructors again.

The ones I found on the web are:
Fairfield Shotokan Karate Club
Wado Ryu Karate Do Ctr.
Japan Int'l Karate Do Center
Belt Academy -not sure of this one, who would name themselves a belt academy-sounds more like a belt mill but who knows?

Firona, you can probably find these listed in your phone book. Watch classes and talk to the instructor and students. Since you are 17 though, and may be in another town to go to college in a year or two, you will have more possibilities. Keep seeking. TW
wow I was completely unaware there were any karate classes in fairfield. I remember someone telling me that the karate schools in this town had all moved to ottumwa. Interesting I will definately take a look into that, thanks a bunch.
I have an Instructor who has been training in many arts for more than 30 years, when people find out he knows martial arts and ask him about it, his response is he knows a little bit! Now that is class.

I think the best way to become a good teacher is to be a humble student. DonÂ’t forget that even if you are an amazing martial artist you still need people skill to be able to pass on your knowledge.

Good luck, and let us know when your book is out, should be an interesting read I am always open to new ideas and concepts.
Rob Broad said:
There is a very good instructor located only 55 miles from you in Unionville.
There is a town called unionville? ...nevermind hehe
Dear Firona:

Nope, I didn't take anything out of context. I understood exactly what you meant, including the aspect of what you meant of which you are unaware. And obnoxious as such a statement is, let me assure you that I know far, far more about what a context is. Sorry.

I am glad to see that you seem to be taking other folks' advice about finding a teacher to heart. They're quite right.

To negate another post, simply apologize. Or are you unfamiliar with, "Bartholemew and the Oobleck?"

It's simple: say ya screwed up, and it goes away. Believe me, I know far more than you do about the necessity of apologies.
That is so true about apologies. They are gladly received and makes things so much better! TW
leave the poor kid alone Robertson, I think he actually did say he screwed up in an earlier post. And he's not so bad now that he realizes how little he knows. He's on his way.:asian:
1. A 17 year old kid cannot, under any circumstances be considered a "Master of Martial Arts". My previous posts defended this quite clearly I believe.

2. A 17 year old kid teaching his own style of martial arts called Maelstrom? Please excuse me while I let my ribs rest a minute. All that laughing hurts after a while.

I get the impression that Firona has pieced together, from some personal instruction, TV, books, and magazines, a patchwork of various ideas and called it Maelstrom. Sounds like something a 17 year old kid might do.

Oh yeah. Even in legitimate styles, 10 years of solid practice would rank you as an advanced junior. Master is not even part of the equation.

I do credit you for having dreams though. Everyone must start someplace.
Just a friendly reminder keep the posts Friendly please. The young man has stated he made some mistakes in how and what he posted the first time. He is, or seems to be, listening to advice.
I'll ask him , what type of martial art are you interested in learning and someday teaching?
Here is a school in Iowa

Phil Dickey
3906 Franklin Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50310
515 279-8643

I will get you a list of seminars in your area like you requested, I know that we will be having a Kiai Jitsu seminar near Cincinnati OH in august I don't know if that is to far away for you.

PPKO :EG: : :mad: :waah:
tshadowchaser said:
Just a friendly reminder keep the posts Friendly please. The young man has stated he made some mistakes in how and what he posted the first time. He is, or seems to be, listening to advice.
I'll ask him , what type of martial art are you interested in learning and someday teaching?

Enthusiasm shouldn't be curbed, it should be shaped, influenced and guided...and encouraged.
Over exuberance leading to self inflation isn't a crime. It's a mistake. Mistakes are learning tools.

Firona: please continue to share in your martial arts ideas and whatnot... PERHAPS your seniors here can do more than just brow-beat you for things you've already apologized for...maybe they can even help give you some guidance.
Be humble and receptive and there are many who would like to build you up, not tear you down.

imagine that!

Your Brother
If anyone else out there knows of any good schools in Iowa you should post them. Rather than ragging on him we should try to help him out.

Best Regards
PPKO :EG: :mad: :waah:
DeLamar.J said:
Just leave. :2xBird2:
I was told by a few people that was un called for. And it was. even though it made me a little upset you calling your self a master, I should have just left it at

(You being master of a martial art, I have nothing of value to say to you that you dont already know. :bow: )

instead of taking it a step further, sorry everyone. Being a martial artist I should refrain from that type of behaviour and stick with sarcasim only when I feel the need to lash out, but I guess I shouldnt lash out either, but hey no body is perfect, lesson learned.