Senior Master
It is no use discussing this with Bill.
He is of the old school who swallowed the government propaganda regarding marijuana hook, line, sinker and may have even got some of the pole in there.
The line of thinking is that because the gov't classified pot as a drug, any behavior associated with drugs automatically applies to marijuana.
Pot = drug = bad. Period. There is no breaking those associations with those who lock onto that mindset.
The facts are that it is easier to produce useable marijuana in your backyard than it is to brew beer, distill whiskey, make wine or even grow and cure tobacco leaves.
It really is no more difficult to produce in your backyard than growing tomatoes. Plant, water, wait, pluck some and drop it on your kitchen counter.
No test tubes, no magic formulas.
Imagine the crazy things people would do for a nice, red tomato if the government could throw you in jail if they caught you growing them in your backyard.
Yeah, Bill. Growing a pot plant next to our tomatoes and jalapenos would bring the apocalypse and turn all our daughters into slavering whores.
It amazes me how otherwise rational, intelligent people turn to mindless regurgitators of ******** when it comes to marijuana.
Ah well, I'll go home and pop a beer and maybe even do a shot since alcohol is legal and therefore good.
Pot is illegal and illegal = bad, right Bill?
Except so is oral sex in some states and ... bah.. nevermind.
He is of the old school who swallowed the government propaganda regarding marijuana hook, line, sinker and may have even got some of the pole in there.
The line of thinking is that because the gov't classified pot as a drug, any behavior associated with drugs automatically applies to marijuana.
Pot = drug = bad. Period. There is no breaking those associations with those who lock onto that mindset.
The facts are that it is easier to produce useable marijuana in your backyard than it is to brew beer, distill whiskey, make wine or even grow and cure tobacco leaves.
It really is no more difficult to produce in your backyard than growing tomatoes. Plant, water, wait, pluck some and drop it on your kitchen counter.
No test tubes, no magic formulas.
Imagine the crazy things people would do for a nice, red tomato if the government could throw you in jail if they caught you growing them in your backyard.
Yeah, Bill. Growing a pot plant next to our tomatoes and jalapenos would bring the apocalypse and turn all our daughters into slavering whores.
It amazes me how otherwise rational, intelligent people turn to mindless regurgitators of ******** when it comes to marijuana.
Ah well, I'll go home and pop a beer and maybe even do a shot since alcohol is legal and therefore good.
Pot is illegal and illegal = bad, right Bill?
Except so is oral sex in some states and ... bah.. nevermind.