When did the US lose its collective mind?


Senior Master
Don't mean to sound nasty or anything, but when did we as a whole lose our ever-loving mind? My wife is taking classes to advance her degree in nursing and last night she was reading some of the studies she has to go over for a class. These are studies that have been carried out with the finacial backing of major universities and Government agencys that are just plain stupid. One was how patients respond better if the nurse treats them with dignity, another related to how patients mental well-being was affected by how the nurses and doctors talked about them while in their room. Well, hello!! Isn't that just common sense? When did we sell out our opinions to studies?

It wasn't that long ago that common sense was a prevailing guide in all aspects of everyday life, now it seems as though if you don't have a study to back up that logic, it must be false. I have an thought that the commonly held idea of licking a light socket being a bad thing to do is worng. Is there any university or Government agency out there willing to float me a research grant for $500,000 to test this out. Who knows I may be proven wrong, and find out that licking a light socket really is a bad thing, but without a study it is just a guess, anybody want to step up and be the first test subject? Who knows, there may be a study looking into this as we poke fun at the idea.

Has anyone else noticed this trend, or is it just me?
No its not just you, I agree!! and it isnt just the US it is the whole world!. Common sense has gone out the window and the world is getting dumber every day and with each suceeding generation.:uhohh::wah:
I agree
common sense used to be a guide to all aspects of life now it is looked at as a byproduct of training and used little by most
America lost its collective mind when they gave Paris Hilton not only a t.v. show, but a record contract as well...:barf:
The problem with common sense is that it's not nearly as common as it should be... and hasn't been for years and years. I gave up thinking common sense existed commonly when someone paid for a study - actually quite a few studies - on whether or not yawning was contagious...
Back a few years ago, the DOD payed about $500,000 for a study on how moose didn't sink while walking in swampy/marshy areas. They wanted to find out for a "combat walker".

Found out that the moose just stepped on dry ground.

Back a few years ago, the DOD payed about $500,000 for a study on how moose didn't sink while walking in swampy/marshy areas. They wanted to find out for a "combat walker".

Found out that the moose just stepped on dry ground.


OMG, all they had to do is either go to Alaska, Maine, or anywhere else there are moose and look around. Just ask a local kid over the age of 10 they all know. BTW, it is funny as heck when you see a 1000# moose up to their butt in the mud just for a few tender shoots that are the same as the ones 10 feet away by dry ground. Moose don't sink in swamps :lfao: .
The problem with common sense is that it's not nearly as common as it should be... and hasn't been for years and years. I gave up thinking common sense existed commonly when someone paid for a study - actually quite a few studies - on whether or not yawning was contagious...

Heck with that many studies to find out if yawning was contagious, I bet we could form a group to find out if Blondes really do have more fun. Sure it had to have been done already, but hey those numbers may be biased and this one would be totally different (mainly because the cash would be in an account I could access, LOL.)

P.S. Let's leave Paris Hilton out of the study, there is a difference between having fun and being a rich (Oh wait I can't say that here.)
Back a few years ago, the DOD payed about $500,000 for a study on how moose didn't sink while walking in swampy/marshy areas. They wanted to find out for a "combat walker".

Found out that the moose just stepped on dry ground.


LMAO! I guess moose use common sense. :shrug:
Back a few years ago, the DOD payed about $500,000 for a study on how moose didn't sink while walking in swampy/marshy areas. They wanted to find out for a "combat walker".

Found out that the moose just stepped on dry ground.


Money well spent! Now they can develop a "combat walker" that also knows enough to step on dry ground. Brilliant!:mst:
Has anyone else noticed this trend, or is it just me?

Nope, common sense has been replaced by local, state and government regulations thanks to the litigious <sp?> society in which we live.

And its only going to get worse 'cuz God knows we can't make decisions on our own - look at NYC outlawing transfatty acids and Chicago outlawing foie gras... if you don't want to eat foods that are cooked with transfatty acids find out if the restaurant you're going to uses it and if you don't like foie gras - DON'T ORDER IT!
Back a few years ago, the DOD payed about $500,000 for a study on how moose didn't sink while walking in swampy/marshy areas. They wanted to find out for a "combat walker".

Found out that the moose just stepped on dry ground.


Maybe congress is building the bridge to nowhere to make it easier to do more and similar moose studies?