What's your (PROTEST) sign?


I am listening with curiosity at the 'Liberal Media' explaining how the New York City Police are practicing special drills to be able to handle the expected riots the protestors are going to bring to the Republican National Convention. Odd how this is making news by the group allegedly is supporting the other guy.

Anyhow, I did a very quick search to see what kind of protests there were in Boston last month ... I know they had one of them fancy "Free Speech Zones" (whatever that means) set up in Boston. Anyhow, according to Boston dot Com here are the registered protestors.
  • A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition - Fights racism
  • Alternatives for Community & Environment - Environmental justice
  • American Friends Service Committee - the Quakers 'Peace, Justice,and Action' group
  • Billionaires for Bush - Street Theater
  • Bl(A)ck Tea Society - Right to Protest during convention
  • Boston Coalition for Palestinian Rights - Palestinian issues
  • Buddhist Peace Fellowship - social justice, equality & global concerns
  • Christian Defense Coalition - Anti-abortion group
  • DNC2RNC Democracy Uprising - march from Boston to New York
  • Fulan Dafa - Meditation & Religious Fulan Gong
  • Kucinich Campaign - Campaign staff for Kucinich causes.
  • Rubie's Foundation - Healthcare side project of Kucinich campaign
  • Run Against Bush - show dissatisfaction with Bush Administration
  • September 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows - pacifist anti-terrorist solutions
  • United for Justice with Peace - alternatives to 'war on terrorism'
All of these people, obviously, Hate America. Anyhow ... It seemed to me that Boston Police didn't nearly have as much news coverage for their 'Anti-Protestor' training.

With all this being said .....

Let's say you were going to go to New York City during the Republican National Convention next week. Of course, you couldn't visit Central Park, 'cuz you might step on the grass. But ...

What would your Free Speech Sign Say?

Curiously - Mike

P.S. after posting, I saw this article that indicates as many as 75 protest permits would be issued for the DNC.

I found these here

These are some of the humorous anti-war slogans that have appeared on buttons and signs at recent anti-war protests:

These colors don't run the world.
One nation under surveillance.
How did our oil get under their sand?
Go Solar, not Ballistic.
Who Would Jesus Bomb?
Start Drafting SUV Drivers Now.
Don't blame me, I voted with the majority.
Buck Fush!
It's NUCLEAR, not NUCULAR, you idiot!
Resistance is Fertile.
(Pictures of sheep carrying flags) Stop Mad Sheep Disease Now.
(UFW sign) Pick Fruit, not Fights.
(On a five year old) More Candy Less War.
Say can you see my democracy?
(With pictures of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld) Asses of Evil.
It's the oil, stupid.
War is expensive, Peace is priceless.
Read between the Pipelines
No More BuSh.
Smart weapons, Dumb president.
The only thing we have to fear is Bush himself.
How many Lives per Gallon?
Patriots are idiots! Matriarchy Now!
Peace Takes Brains
Anything war can do, peace can do better.
Negotiation Not Annihilation.
Another patriot for peace.
Drop Bush, Not Bombs
Oh Say can You Cease?
Star Spangled Bummer
Don't Arm a Son of a Bush
Don't do it George, Dad will still love you.
Power to the Peaceful
The last time we listened to a Bush, we wandered in the desert for 40 years.
I know it's not what you wanted Mike, but remember that as a Canadian, it's not my issue. We are spectators in this great global game of Risk.
Whatever's on the signs, I wonder if it will look better through my pink tinted sunglasses... *laugh*
I'm with that five year old wearing the "MORE CANDY LESS WAR" button!

My personal free-speech slogan! Save Our Bats!
"How's that
First Amendment Thing
Workin' out for You?"​
I just think there would be something wonderfully ironic about walking around in a 'Protest Pet' like a Mei Xiang and Tian Tian waving this sign.​
Apathy - Who needs it?

Yes to Grooming - NO MORE BUSH (get it?)

If they can rig the vote, we can rig a revolution.

Democrats unite!

News digested = Sh**!

Make a pre-emptive strike - VOTE BUSH OUT!

Equal time for all candidates.

Got rights?
If you build it, they will come.

New York City has converted Peir 57 into a three block long, 1000 person strong detention center and processing facility to detain those exercising their right to peaceable assembly and free speech.

On the last Friday of every month, a loosely structure group called 'Critical Mass' holds a bicycle rally in New York City. They work to raise the awareness of motorists about bicycles' road usage.


Well, this week, the police got to use their shiny new detention facility, as the 27th was the last Friday of the month. Critical Mass's turnout was a higher than usual in part because of the upcoming RNC. 264 cyclists were arrested during the ride.

Ellie Maxwell said:
"The police actually caused more disruptions than the cyclists because they blocked off roads -- at one point for as long as an hour and a half -- whereas the cyclists were always moving."
This is asinine...that's not my quote, just a comment on the last news piece. What the hell is happening to my country? Wherefor art thou, free speech?

I did like this one:

If they can rig the vote, we can rig a revolution.
:jediduel:Even if we have to take the Dark Forces on! :whip1:
Technopunk said:
"Guns Dont Kill People, Taking away peoples Guns kills People!"

"More Leaders - Less Polititions!"
' '

I think you need these apostrophe's for your sign, even if I disagree with the sentiment ;)
michaeledward said:
' '

I think you need these apostrophe's for your sign, even if I disagree with the sentiment ;)

Hey..shouldn't you be eating cake today? Or are you still pulling out all those candles? :p (40)

Happy B-day

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