What's worse than endless petty bickering over WC....

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Moderators....are you paying attention? What do you say?

As always, we say that actions taken with regards to members other than yourself are, bluntly, none of your business.
I think the moderators are on top of things. You'll note that "Guy C's" profile page is not available. That usually indicates being banned.

---It wasn't when I made my post. I checked before posting. But don't ask! Or you'll be told "its none of your darn business!" :cool:

Anyway good to have you back Keith. Just keep a close watch on the profanity when someone provokes you!

---Yes, I will do that! ;) Its just very annoying that someone can act just as "rude" and "unfriendly" but carefully phrase things and so that nothing happens to them.

Now down to business. I thought your foundation was Pin Sun. Then, I got the impression that you began investigating Alan Orr's CSL via extension learning and videos in order to further your functional fighting/sparring skills.

---I did Ip Man Wing Chun for many years. First directly from Joy, and then traveling back and forth to Tucson to work with Augustine Fong directly on multiple occasions. Then I did TWC, traveling to Baltimore to study with John Clayton in a series of private lessons. Did that for awhile, and then got into Pin Sun. I made several visits to Boston to study with Jim Roselando. Got away from it for awhile and did other things. More recently went back to Boston a few times to study with Marc Kenney under the direct supervision of Henry Mui. Looked into the CSL approach because they do talk about some of the same type of biomechanics as in Pin Sun. I've only recently returned to TWC, because I came to the conclusion that the footwork and angling was just much better for a sparring/fighting situation. Of course, my TWC is certainly not "textbook"! There is a distinct "Pin Sun" flavor still to what I do. And I like to think I've been able to incorporate some of things from Alan's level one material that I worked through. So my TWC has much more "body dynamic" for power generation that most I think.

Now I gather you are turning to TWC?? I'm surprised. I'm not a fan of that lineage in general, although everything I've come across by Phil Redmond seems sensible, and he seems like a knowledgeable guy who does test his stuff.

---Yeah, Phil is a good guy. He moved to the west coast a few years back, otherwise I would try and hook up with him for some training.

So now that you are back, how about an update. Then we can get back to petty bickering! :)

---Well, its never boring! ;)
Thread locked, pending staff review.

A few comments while that is going on... Staff have jobs and lives and obligations outside of MT. We're volunteers, so may not always catch everything as fast as we'd like. You can help us by using the RTM button, then letting us do our job. We do not discuss actions taken involving members publicly; I think we've made ONE exception in a very special case in the time I've been here. Just because you don't see something happen to someone else doesn't mean we didn't take action.
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