Gee, exile. Me thinks thou dost protest too much!
"has some bearing..."
"...have the data to assert as a fact."
"If you reformulate your original statement..."
" opinion whose factual basis you don't have evidence for."
Hold on, wait till I get out my court book rules of evidence and dust it off. :readrules
So, who is the defendant and who is the prosecution here. I just want to get our roles straight before we continue the game.
Bailiff: All rise! Kangaroo court is now in session. The Honorable Administrator, Bob, presiding (that is, if you want to have some nonsensical fun reading this drivel):boing2:
Bailiff: Place your left hand on your keyboard, and raise your mouse in your right hand. Do you swear that the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you Bob?
Last Fearner: Truth? You want the
YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!! (sorry, couldn't resist)
I also happen to lack that information, LF, as I stated in the post you're responding to, and I'm uncertain as to why lowliness or any other judgments like that come into it. As I pointed out explicitly, there are only a few people who possess the necessary information to make the claim that this is what happens and, like you, I am not one of them: I mentioned specifically `Admins and maybe Senior Mods' (Seniors/Supers and up). And that is obviously not me, any more than you. But the thread OP is about why the rep system works the way it does, and if I were to state as fact that the reason for this situation is the existence of `repping circles' of the kind you mention, I'd be implying that I knew something which I don't in fact know. I have no clue who gives anyone but me rep, or why.
Last Fearner: Well, counselor, since your opening argument is a repeat and rephrase of what was said earlier, I'll waive my right to an opening statement and just ask the court recorder to read back into the record what my earlier testimony was.
exile: I would neither deny it nor assert that `this is what happens', since I don't know any more than you do just what the repping patterns over the board are.
Last Fearner: Ahhh, pleading ignorance, eh? So you don't know this to be a fact, nor do I. I believe we have already established that fact, counselor.
exile: I
do believe that there's a far simpler explanation for the massive rep levels as a whole, though, which
is both publically available and predictable from the way rep power increases with rep, but leaving that aside for a moment,
Last Fearner: Hmmmm, drawing conclusions and making predictions, are we now? "A far simpler explanation," eh? I was not aware that my explanation was all that complicated.
exile: I am not privy to the proof that the existence of repping circles, where `occasionally' knots of people form who
repeatedly rep each other into exaggerated numbers—the question the OP is asking about—exist. And as I say, only the Top Brass are privy to the facts bearing on that question.
Last Fearner: I accept your plea of ignorance that you are not aware of this going on.
exile: Let me get this straight: in saying
Last Fearner: Yes?
exile: you actually intended something closer to
Occasionally, this means that I and various like-minded individuals read each others posts, and continue to rep one another, "spreading" the love around to the same popular friends (kind of like High School all over again!).??
Last Fearner: I object!!! Counselor is leading the witness.
exile: If so, it wasn't clear from your post.
Last Fearner: I am sorry I wasn't clear. I'll try to be more clear in the future.
exile: The idea of ongoing repping circles of the kind you bring up has in fact been raised in the past, at least twice that I recall, in discussion of high rep counts, and in at least one case was very firmly denied by the supposed members of these alleged mutual repping groups.
Last Fearner: Objection! Counsel is testifying on behalf of witnesses not present, and asserting facts not established in the record (or something like that).
exile: But what you report has nothing necessarily to do with repping circles that correspond to the `high school' behavior you allude to...
Last Fearner: (Ahem, sidebar! fyi, exile, the "high school" comment was just a joke.... you know, humor. :lol: )
exile: ...where members of an in-group persist in trading visible signs of their own membership in that group, as mutual reinforcement of in-group membership.
Last Fearner: Point of order. That is not what I stated or implied. Like in high school, friends tend to stick up for and support their friends. People who have similar interests tend to hang out together, and participate in activities together. I am not just referring to an "in-group," but most people (except for the occasional "loner") will attract like-minded individuals and associate with one another.
exile: What you're referring to simply the possibility that people will give rep to people whose points of view they agree with—something that's far more likely than people giving rep to people whom they
disagree with...
Last Fearner: Yes, that is exactly what I am referring to. Although people can give negative rep to reduce the star value, the likely-hood is that those who have been here for a long time, know each other better, tend to agree with one another, and either give positive rep points, or just disagree within the thread itself (which has no affect on the star count)
exile: (though I imagine that that happens too).
Last Fearner: Formulating unsupported theories, are we?
exile: Given a rep system, and given that people use it to reward others they agree with and withhold it from those they disagree with, it's pretty much going to be the default that certain people will rep each other more often (because the agree with each other) than they will others (since they disagree with those others).
Last Fearner: Once again, my esteemed colleague, you have restated my position nicely.
exile: Groups of people
repeatedly and deliberately repping each other into higher numbers, Ã la high school, is something quite separate, and
that is what would require knowledge that only Admins have access to.
Last Fearner: Whoa, now counselor! First of all, didn't we just agree that some people who visit the same boards are going to rep each other more than once. I think that qualifies as "repeatedly." Furthermore, are you suggesting that people do not rep "deliberately?" I am not familiar with "accidental repping." :rofl: Is this a phenomenon that I have overlooked. Or are you implying that the
deliberateness is
simply to rep each other "into higher numbers" without there being any substance or reason to the rep. Now, I
never suggested that (have the court recorder read the record back). This alleged plot to raise numbers as connected to my "high school" reference is an incorrectly drawn conclusion.
exile: Exactly, so how does this bear on the question of how the rep system has gotten, as per the OP and your own response to it, `out of control'?
Last Fearner: Objection, counselor. It was the OP who raised the issue of "out of control," not I. My comments simply state how and why it might "appear" out of control, but I also stated, if you read the record,
"I would say the rep system here, while not perfect, typically reflects those who contribute the most, and whose posts are better received by their peers." I believe that is what a rep system typically does (in my opinion - without having to bring in expert witness testimony!).
exile: What you're describing here is just a fact about rep systems in general;
Last Fearner: Yes! Exactly!!
exile: I had
thought—apparently incorrectly—that you were suggesting that this pattern had something to do with why the rep system on MT is `out of control',
Last Fearner: Yes, apparently your thought was incorrect. I was not the one who said that the rep system is 'out of control'.
exile: since otherwise it's simply a statement about rep systems that's inherent in having a rep system in the first place.
Last Fearner: Precisely!
exile: Again, people will tend to gravitate to threads that interest them, and once there will rep, maybe more than once, people whose views they agree with, and that will almost certainly show up in any repping system that's actually put in place.
Last Fearner: Brilliant! Once again we have restated the obvious, and this is exactly what I was saying. :highfive:
exile: But in the context of the OP, and the comments about deliberate `sharing the love' in high-school popularity terms, it seems quite natural to draw the inference that your comments had a bearing on how it is that the rep system got out of control, and
that implies something more than just these inherent properties of repping systems—something much more like deliberate, repeated repping amongst a group of people to drive each other's numbers `out of control', and
that's what you would need information about that only the Admins have.
Last Fearner: Objection... double objection.... triple objection!!! :tantrum: I move to strike (no, not strike exile),

I move to strike those comments from the record. Firstly, "deliberate" goes to the intention of the person giving rep. I can not testify to another person's intent, nor can you. Yet, I never stated, suggested, or implied that the repping between like-minded individuals was "intended" and "deliberate" solely for the purpose of raising rep points. Secondly, it might be natural for you to "draw the inference," but perhaps you shouldn't do that. Once again, I never said that the rep system was "out of control," nor did I state that these "like-minded" individuals were the only reason for the higher star count. My comment is that I believe it is a contributing factor, but alas, I have no proof to offer in support, and to that I concede the point. Thirdly, we have already established that certain select Administrators are the only ones who have access to special data that would indicate who is repping whom, and I would not suggest that this information be subpoenaed (not that I could do that in a kangaroo court such as this), but even the Administrators can not testify to the "intent" of the individual alleged repper!
exile: So what the conclusion is, is this?—all you were saying is that people tend to rep other people whose views they agree with, sometimes more than once?
Last Fearner: "conclusion?" Are you making my closing argument for me counselor? Yes, all I was saying is that people tend to rep other people whose views they agree with, sometimes more than once!!! I think you've finally got it! What confuses me, is that I have not heard you once denounce that statement, or claim that you had proof that it was incorrect, or that you even disagree with it. So, I really think we have wasted the court's time (not to mention the poor readers who have languished through this silly charade!)
exile: I guess I don't see what this has to do with the high-school popularity mode you alluded to or an out-of-control rep system, but...
Last Fearner: Ok, I have to ammend this section since I did mention "popular friends" right before I alluded to the "high school" thing. What I am saying is that people who are popular tend to attract many friends (hence the term "popular"). When these friends participate in activities together, they tend to out-number the less popular individuals who often choose not to actively participate. Thus, if an award were to be chosen to be given by "popular vote," those who are friends are more likely to agree on one of their friends to receive it. I'm not saying that the person would not be deserving of the award, it is the natural progression of popularity, and the concept that the majority rules.
In any event, I did not say that there was anything wrong with this, that it was being done intentionally for the sole purpose of driving star counts up, nor that it was a "fact" that this is hapening here (just my inductive reasoning from observing other patterns of behavior that are visible). Also, I never said that it was an "
out-of-control rep system." I think everyone else has probably gotten that by now!
exile: In terms of Ella's question, I gather from what LF says here that actually....
Last Fearner: Uh, excuse me counselor! Why are you now referring to me in the third person. Oh, are you offering your closing argument to the jury.

Sorry for the interruption - - please continue.
no one contributing to this discussionis saying that a contributing factor to the out-of-control aspect of the rep system is deliberately iterated repping amongst posses of members seeking to reciprocally build up their rep as a group. So then, where
is the `problem' coming from? The main factor in the high rep numbers a lot of people have accumulated is something that's mentioned in this thread
here, which is really all about Ella's question. The key point is that if rep power increases with rep numbers, you will reach a point where you only need a relatively few reps from others to award a star to someone; their own rep power will be correspndingly increased, and a positive feedback loop is set up that will ultimately lead to exponential-scale rep explosions. A rep hit from the current four or five highest-rep members will lead to one, or sometimes two gold pips appearing on the recipient's rep line, just going by the numbers, leading to more and more people with higher and higher rep, and the more such people, the faster others acquire higher and higher rep... ad infinitem.
exile: Or
is it ad infinitem?
Last Fearner: Actually, it's "ad infinitum." But please, continue! :ultracool
There was a lot of speculation that once people got to the end of their `star line', which looked as if it were going to be eleven stars, there would simply be no more room for rep increments and either a new symbol (I pleaded in vain for a `galaxy' symbol' early on, but now we see why no such symbol was in the works) would be introduced, or that rep line would freeze and no more could be given to that member. But now it seems as though rep can expand indefinitely, that there is no cap on the horizon, and that means that the drive towards exponential grown will continue inevitably.
exile: Mutual reinforcement of each other's `popularity' is irrelevant to this process: a rising tide lifts all boats, into the sky apparently.
Last Fearner: That is, unless the boat is in dry dock, or sunk to the bottom of the ocean, but I digress.
So if we're talking, as per the OP, about the `out of control' aspect of rep, probably the single most important thing to do is to would be to decouple rep numbers from rep power. Everyone's rep would have the same value. This was one of the possibilities that was considered in Bob's poll earlier this year about rep reform, but most people seemed to think that no action was called for.
Last Fearner: Interesting. Very interesting! but.....
BTW: thanks, Kacey, for posting that summary of the rep rules. There's one other that has a bearing on all this but isn't included in that list: you cannot rep the same post twice.
Last Fearner: How about one more. You can not rep yourself, can you? If so, I'd have the most stars of anyone! :angel:
Last Fearner: Exile, I hope you realize I'm just messing with you here, and not to take this whole rep system debate too seriously.
Bailff: All rise! Kangaroo court is adjourned! (I know, baliffs don't adjourn court, but I don't want to speak on behalf of the judge - - lol) :lfao: